Theory of literature as a science. The subject of theory of literature, its aims and specificity. The historical development of theory of literature

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Ноября 2013 в 15:47, доклад

Описание работы

The literary criticism is a science about fiction. However, the study of literature, unlike other sciences, has the specificity principle, because the subject of scientific study is artistic creativity, art and literary criticism as a science, trying to save, organize, understanding of scientific facts, keeps the subjectivity and variability. In this sense, the study of literature is a form of art, and the scientific side is auxiliary. The theory of literature is the most important section of literary criticism. Carrying out a role of its base, explaining schemes of the conceptual categories repeating during the certain period and at all times, specifying essential in change of one esthetic formations by others, the theory forms and motivates the main indicators of literature. Without theory of subject there isn’t history of subject.