Деловые переговоры на английском

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 03 Мая 2013 в 13:54, контрольная работа

Описание работы

Задание 1. Insert the gaps.
1 – d What is the number, please? – 34-042-72.
2 – f I`m sorry, what was the number you wanted?
3 – c 34-042-72. Thank you.
4 – b Hold the line, please. I`m putting you through.

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Вариант 2.

Задание 1. Insert the gaps.

1 – d What is the number, please? –  34-042-72.

2 – f I`m sorry, what was the number you wanted?

3 – c 34-042-72. Thank you.

4 – b Hold the line, please. I`m putting you through.

5 – a Hello, are you still there?

6 – e Yes. We are through now.

7 – g Go ahead please.

8       Thank you.

Задание 2. Write a letter, using these words and phrases.

Dear Sirs

We have received your consignment of stationery on 20th June. It looks like the cases have been broken because rough handling. They were damaged in sea water. The agent are continuing their investigation. We will let you know about the results.

This was a c.i.f. shipment. We would be obliged to you if you take up the matter with the insurers. The Insurance Certificate number is MS 29271.

We are enclosing the report of your agent that the damage was noticed on 20th  June in port of Savannah.

Yours faithfully,

Задание 3. Translate the letter into Russia.

Dear Sirs

We have received your letter of March 3rd , in which you ask us to change the terms of insurance of equipment, suggested by as in the draft contract for the delivery of the equipment for the machine building plant. You suggest that the contract should provide insurance of the equipment against all risks.

We draw your attention to the fact that Ingosstrakh does not insure equipment delivered to Riyadh port against all risks. We know that insurance against all risks can be done with the London Insurance Company.

Yours faithfully,

Уважаемые господа!

Мы получили ваше письмо от 3 марта, в котором вы просите  нас изменить условия страхования  оборудования, предложенные нами в  пробном контракте на поставку оборудования для машиностроительного завода. Вы предлагаете в контракте страхование  от всех рисков.

Обращаем ваше внимание на тот факт, что «Ингосстрах» не страхует от всех рисков оборудование, поставляемое в порт Рийад. Страхование от всех рисков производится «Лондонской страховой  компанией».

С уважением,

Задание 4. Translate the letter from Russian into English.

Господину М. Таннер

Универсал Эйруэз

Палас Роуд

Лондон SW1

Уважаемый м-р Таннер,

Мы бы хотели отправить 12 ящиков стеклопродукции в ассортименте из аэропорта Хитроу в Риад (Саудовская Аравия) с доставкой в течение  ближайших двух недель. Вес каждого  ящика – 40 кг, объем – 0,51 куб. м.

Просим сообщить стоимость  доставки и страховки.

Искренне ваш,

Н. Джей



Mr. Tanner

Universal Airrues

Palas Road

London SW1

Dear Mr. Tanner

We would like the 12 cases of glassware in assortment from the Heathrow airport to Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) to be sent within a fortnight. Weight of each box is 40 kg, volume is 0,51 m3 . please could you let us know the delivery and insurance costs.

Yours sincerely,

N. Jay





Задание 5. Note the phrases:

1 In accordance with – в соответствии с

2 In favour of – Please open a Letter of Credit in favour of Whiteleaf Ltd (the Letter of Credit is for them)

3 On a regular basis – every month, every quarter, etc.

4 On behalf of – acting for somebody

5 On time – at the right time

Insert the correct phrases in the letter

Dear Sirs

We have issued a Letter of Credit through the General Commercial Bank (1) in accordance with our agreement. The Letter of Credit is on A.D. Jones Ltd. and our bank will notify you of the credit before the end of the week, provided the airmail services leave and arrive (3) on a regular basis.

The agent in London, The Merchant Bank, will confirm the credit (4) on behalf of the General Commercial Bank. We can arrange payment by bank transfers or by open account in the future if we order and if you supply us (5) on time.

Youth faithfully,

Задание 6. Translate the text into Russian.

As well being formal, negotiations are direct. German managers speak their mind. They place great weight on the clarity of the subject matter and get to the point quickly.

Excessive enthusiasm or compliments are rare in German business. You should give thorough and detailed presentation, with an emphasis on objective information, such as your company`s history, rather than on clever visuals or marketing tricks.

Prepare thoroughly before the negotiation and be sure to make your position clear during the opening stage of the talks, as well as during their exploratory phases. Avoid interrupting, unless you have an urgent question about the presentation.

Переговоры являются как  формальными, так и прямыми. Немецкие управляющие говорят именно то, что  хотят сказать. Особое внимание они  уделяют ясности обсуждаемого и  сразу приступают к делу.

В Германии редко проявляют  чрезмерный энтузиазм либо прибегают  к комплиментам в деловом общении. Вам следует тщательно подготовить  презентацию в опоре на объективную  информацию (история вашей компании), а не на визуальные эффекты или  на рыночные уловки.

Тщательно готовьтесь к переговорам, как к начальной их стадии, так  и к этапу объяснения своей  точки зрения. Не перебивайте своих  собеседников, за исключением очень  важных вопросов, касающихся изложения  исходных позиции.

Задание 7. Read the text. For each statement from 1 to 8 below choose.

  1. true
  2. false
  3. doesn`t say

1 Juana Lopez is Spanish. - doesn`t say

2 Her dishwasher machine was her first invention. – false

3 She went to sea several manufacturers about producing the dishwasher. – true

4 She founded her own production company, entirely with her own money. -  false

5 GD produced a dishwasher that copied a lot of Juana`s ideas. – true

6 Juana`s case against GD was settled in a court in the United States. – doesn`t say

7 GD was forced to pay Juana for copying her ideas without her permission. – true

8 Juana`s market share of the world dishwasher market was increasing, but now it is getting smaller. – true/false.





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