Economic of Empire of Alexander the Great

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 16 Октября 2013 в 21:04, реферат

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Still very young Alexander distinguished himself as a brave warrior and a skilled ruler. He was only sixteen years old when Philip, going on a hike, asked him to manage the entire Macedonia. Son met the expectations of his father, he coped with the uprising of Thracian tribes and founded in taming the country a few cities, which he called Alexandroupoli (the city of Alexandria.)
In the battle of Chaeronea (338 BC), in which Philip defeated the combined forces of the Greeks and committed to the independence of the Greek states, Alexander commanded the left wing of the Macedonian army.

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    1. Introduction


  1. Empire of Alexander the Great


Empire of Alexander the Great


The beginning of the great achievements


      Still very young Alexander distinguished himself as a brave warrior and a skilled ruler. He was only sixteen years old when Philip, going on a hike, asked him to manage the entire Macedonia. Son met the expectations of his father, he coped with the uprising of Thracian tribes and founded in taming the country a few cities, which he called Alexandroupoli (the city of Alexandria.)

     In the battle of Chaeronea (338 BC), in which Philip defeated the combined forces of the Greeks and committed to the independence of the Greek states, Alexander commanded the left wing of the Macedonian army.

    With accession to the throne the new king was only twenty years old. On all sides by the might of Macedonia was in danger. Revolts began wild Thracian tribes in the south of Greece conquered Philip was preparing to regain his freedom. Alexander the Macedonian army rushed to the north. In several battles he pacified the rebels defeated the Thracians and the banks Ister (Danube) helped them independent tribes.


    After that, the king turned against the rebellious Greeks. Driving the rapid march, he reached the sole passage from North to Central Greece - Thermopylae before the combined forces of the Greeks managed to get together and take this defensible point. Breaking into central Greece, Macedonians besieged city of Thebes, who, along with Athens was the head of the Greek states, rebelled against Macedonian rule. Despite the heroic resistance of the Thebans, the city was taken and destroyed. All residents, except for the supporters of the Macedonian king, were sold into slavery: this terrible example of Alexander wanted to scare all the other Greek states. It is said to have been killed about six thousand and thirty thousand Thebans into slavery.


  The conquest of Asia Minor was reduced mainly to capture the coast, the main military and trade routes and establishing total control over the local administration and finance. Through mountain passes armies of Alexander moved to North Syria. Meeting with the Persians, and a major battle took place in the autumn 333 to NE of Issus, in a narrow valley between the mountains and the sea. The position of the Persian troops was strong, tat how to cut the Macedonian army on his rear, and difficult terrain easier for the defense, but on the other hand, prevented the Persians used their numerical superiority. Macedonians decisive onslaught right wing succeeded. The winners took a huge booty. Alexander rejected peace proposals, which were addressed to him the Persian king, and quickly moved his troops to the south - to South Syria, Palestine and the Nile valley.


    Stubborn resistance exerted Macedonians shopping malls Phoenicia and Palestine, Tire and Gaza. Take a fortress as Tire, with the move was impossible, and Alexander began its siege. After a seven-month siege in 332 BC. E. Tire was taken by storm. Rich city ransacked ball, men killed, women and children sold into slavery. The same happened in Egypt and Gaza, always inconvenienced by the Persians, Alexander without resistance, the Persian satrap gave him strength in Memphis, the state treasury surrendered himself with his army. Winter of 332/331 BC. E. Greco-Macedonian army had in Egypt. In the Nile Delta, between the sea and the lake Mareotie, Alexander founded a new city called by his name Alexandria. Darius, king of the Persians, not obstruct the troops of Alexander and crossing the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Only beyond the Tigris, near the village of Gavgomely, there was a new encounter enemies. Battle of the September Gavgomelah 331 g BC. E. was one of the major battles of antiquity. The Persian army, and this time did not withstand the impact of the Macedonians. All the huge camp of the Persians with baggage, elephants, camels, and money into the hands of the victors. Darius fled into Media, and then in a sparsely populated mountainous and remote areas, to the south of the Caspian Sea. Way to the capital of Babylonia and Suziany lay before Macedonians open. With the capture of the Treasury Darius at Gaugamela, and especially the treasures were stored in Babylon and Susa, Alexander cash resources increased to a great extent.


    At Persepolis in revenge for the devastation of Greece during the campaign of Xerxes in 480 BC. E. was burned by the magnificent palace of the Persian kings. From the Peloponnese Macedonians marched through the mountain passes into Media, to its capital Ecbatana. The immediate task was now Alexander pursuit of Darius.


After the defeat of Darius was the only obstacle to the rulers of the eastern regions of the long weakly associated with Southwest Power Achaemenid satrapies. Summer of 330 BC. E. They killed the last Achaemenid, and themselves went further east. Soon after, then satrap of Bactria Bess proclaimed himself "the great king", taking the name of Artaxerxes-4. Alexander declared his usurper, considering only legitimate receiver power Achaemenids. Continuing the trip to the East, Alexander went to Hyrcania, retreated to the Greek mercenaries of Darius attack the Macedonians led mercenaries to stop resistance and surrender.


       Hyrcania of Macedonian army marched into Parthia and Arroyo. Capturing the main centers, possessing enormous treasure, directing most populous and rich and cultural part of the Persian state, the Greeks and Macedonians continued to move further and further into the desert and mountain areas. Alexander had conquered the western part of the Achaemenid power and sought to complete mastery of its heritage.


     Opportunity to further advance in the East depended largely on the situation in the West, in Hellas. By 331 BC. E. the main center of the movement was anti-Macedonian Sparta, whose king Agis managed to win over some of the other states of Peloponnese. The growth of this movement could be a serious threat to the Macedonian hegemony in Greece, but the victory of Antipater, the commander left Alexander with part of the troops in Macedonia, on the allies and the death of Agis Megelopolem Alexander provided strong rear in the West and freedom of action in the East.


       Conquerors sought to acquire military and trade routes, and the main center of the country. Scattered in the vast territory of the settlement, weakly associated with these centers did not have any serious resistance. But in East and Central Asia Iran situation was different. Macedonian troops are faced with many difficulties and spend for the conquest of the Central Asian region of almost three years. All three years were filled with a bitter struggle with the local population. Warlike mountain tribes and the tribes of the desert in a fierce struggle to defend their independence. Again and again, picking up the uprising. Worth the main forces of the Macedonians withdraw from the conquered areas as units of local residents attacked small Macedonian garrisons, exterminated them, broke communication. So, in Arey Satibarzan satrap surrendered and submitted to Alexander, but when the main body of Macedonian Army went into Bactria, he rose again. Alexander had to go back to Arey, to crush the rebellion.


      Winter 330/329 BC. E. Alexander, pursuing Bess, came to Bactria and across the Hindu Kush down to the valley of the Oxus (Amu Darya), Bess retreated across the river, but neither the local population nor the other leaders did not support, and easily captured. Bess had been tortured, and then was taken to Ecbatana and there executed.


      Macedonian troops advanced further into the fertile valley of ESCAP (Syr). On the bank of this river city of Alexandria was founded by ESCAP - stronghold in Sogdiana. The main motive of the establishment of new or expansion of old settlements were strategic considerations and social nature: it was the military colonies, bases, in which the soldiers settled older, disabled, mercenaries and settled residents.


      In Central Asia, Alexander even more eager to win over the local nobility and military forces, which he needed. Bactrian and Sogdian cavalry was first included in the Macedonian army, then was composed as Dhaka and Saki. This policy of Alexander was a success. Part of the local nobility was gradually transferred to the side of Alexander. Alexander, trying to get new allies, returned ownership over to his side the representatives of the local nobility. He made Oxiart satrap of Bactria.


    Already during his stay in Bactria Alexander had an idea for a new big conquests and subjugation of India, famous for its untold wealth.


    In the spring of 327 BC. E. made from Bactria and went to India. From the beginning of this campaign Macedonian troops met stiff resistance tribes living in what is now Afghanistan. To be successful, Alexander enjoyed by any means - cunning, a ruthless reprisals. Local people at the approach of the conquerors often fled to the mountains.


    In India, the Macedonians had to deal with numerous, but scattered enemy. These were free tribes or small kingdom between the tribes and the states and within them there was a struggle. Ruler of Taksim, an important trading center on the ancient route from India to Central Asia, entered into an alliance with Alexander. The mighty king of the neighboring state of Port, in alliance with the ruler of the kingdom of another major Abisaroy decided to resist the Macedonians.


    Through the city Taksim Macedonians, moved to an influx of the Indus - the river Hydaspes, where they were waiting on the other side with a large force the king now. Abisara not helped its ally. In the incident at Hydaspes bloody battle troops time defeated. However, Alexander left the period of his reign, hoping in the future to support it. In memory of the victory on both sides of the Hydaspes were founded two cities - Nicaea and Bukefaliya.


   After that Macedonian troops moved further south and closer to the river Gifasis. Macedonian invasion brought ruin, slavery and death to the local population, who sought to defend their independence. With the capture of the Sang am many people were killed, others were captured, the city razed to the ground. In Alexander's intention was to move beyond Gifasis, but this was prevented by heightened dissatisfaction troops. Soldiers had to move under difficult conditions, in unhealthy areas, overcoming the resistance of the enemy, who used a new weapon for the Macedonians - elephants. The army was greatly fatigued long marches and constant fighting. Alexander called a meeting of military commanders, but this time, and his closest aides were behind the return. Then Alexander announced that the victim to continue the campaign displeasing the gods, and gave the order to retreat. From the conquered lands in India were formed two satrapies. The retreat took place in a different route and actually turned into a major new campaign, in which the Macedonians suffered considerable losses. On this was completed lasted almost ten years eastern campaign.


     After the end of hostilities, before Alexander got a huge challenge in keeping the fact that it was produced by force of arms. To do this, he needed to consolidate his power over the vast empire, to manage it, to establish a relationship between the Macedonians and the Greeks, on the one hand, and the population of the eastern part of the new powers - on the other.


    In politics, Alexander has been a tendency to smooth out the sharp contradiction between the conquerors and the conquered, the Persians and Macedonians union on an equal footing in the state. Significant importance was the involvement of the local nobility Alexander in the state apparatus and to command positions in the army. Purely external expression of the merger was the policy unit magnificent celebrations in Shushan on the occasion of the ceremonial marriage of Alexander, and the marriage of his friends and many Macedonians with Asian women.


    To the social order of the empire of Alexander the characteristic features of the sharp inequalities and brutal exploitation. The basic contradiction in the new state is not called contrast between winners and losers, and between the ruling class, which is now included as a Greco-Macedonian and local nobility, and the general exploited population.


   To govern an empire characterized by mixing features of Oriental despotism with the forms of the political system of the Greek states. Alexander used the theory of the divine origin of royal power worked out from time immemorial in the East. Glorification and deification of political figures received in connection with the general decline of policies, their loss of independence becoming more common.


  Central control enormous power in the hands of the Macedonian king and nobility - the king of the Companions in his campaigns and senior officials of the civil administration.


   A special person who was at the head of the finance department - it was one of the friends of Alexander, Harpalus, later fled to Athens with a huge sum of money. Highest office haliarha, which was the king's closest assistant, held in the latter years of his friend Alexander Hephaestion. Of great importance was the royal correspondence, which was in charge of the Chief Secretary.


   Taking care that Alexander was a further strengthening of the army - the main support of the Macedonian domination. In the army, there were at this time of major change. It included thirty thousand Persian youths equipped with Macedonian weapons and trained in - Macedonian. The composition of the cavalry were the best images Persian, Sogdian and Bactrian horsemen. In the inventory of Alexander Macedonian soldiers assembled and ordered to award the patients and served, and for leave them home.


     Extremely important issue for Alexander was the normalization of relations with the Greek cities. Greece continued to be the scene of violent clashes. Anti-Macedonian factions in the Greek cities even though they were suppressed, but waited for the time to come out again. In 324 BC. E. Alexander issued a decree that all the city was obliged to repay them exiles and damages associated with the confiscation and sale of their property. By meddling in the internal relations policies, Alexander wanted to trigger social conflict to impede the consolidation anti-Macedonian forces.


     The conquests of Alexander the economic impact on the lives of Greece and the East. The opportunities for trade. Ties with Central Asia, and India. Arabia and the region, located near the Caspian Sea, have become increasingly close. Amount of precious metals in circulation greatly increased. Great influence on the development of the exchange had a single introduction to Greece and Asia Minor monetary system. Gold starters and silver tetra drachms of Alexander and his image became widespread; they continued to be minted for many years and after his death.


    In politics, Alexander had already planned in its main features, the economic program of the Hellenistic states: broad military colonization, strengthening old and creation of new autonomous urban centers, strengthening them in the slaveholding society, non-urban agricultural operation areas, activities that contribute to the development of agriculture, crafts and sharing. During the time of the conquest, there were several large new centers that have become important, such as Alexandria in Egypt, Alexandria Ariana, Alexandria Arachosia Margeana Alexandria, Alexandria Eskhata.


     One result of the campaign was a significant expansion of the geographical horizons of the Greeks, as the gains were accompanied by a number of discoveries that had great importance. Niarchos journey from the mouth of the Indus to the mouth of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers led to the opening of new sea routes. Expedition was sent to explore the coast Girkan (Caspian) Sea. In 324 BC. E. Alexander participated in the expedition to the mouth of the Euphrates, he has a plan to send the river in a new direction and irrigate more land. With economic goals was tied up and the planned march through the Persian Gulf, for a preliminary study ways to Arabia sent three expeditions. In the spring of 323 BC. E. in Babylon were the busiest preparations for this new campaign. Troops began arriving here from Caria and Lydia appeared mercenary units. Alexander conceived a new reorganization of the army, even more widespread application of the principle merger. In the midst of these preparations, Alexander suddenly ill and June 13, 323 BC. E. died.


      Personality of Alexander, his brilliant military success made a great impression on his contemporaries, and for the next generation. In ancient times of Alexander the Great told numerous legends. Depending on your outlook and political sympathies alone praised his courage and generosity, others depicting him as a despot, represented him as a tyrant. Alexander was one of the greatest generals and statesmen of antiquity. In his career, he went far beyond the limits of Macedonia. He had to reckon with the complex social and international relations, with the struggle of interests of different groups of Asian, Macedonian and Greek populations. It is these complex and contradictory relationship, deeply rooted in the characteristics of the economic and political development of the ancient world, and determines the character of Alexander's conquests, and the final outcome. As a result of the campaign, a new vast empire, which became part of a number of areas, not only in the East but the entire basin of the Aegean Sea and much of the Balkans. Macedonian conquest came down to capture the rich urban centers, military strongholds, strategically important roads. Alexander was limited demand for recognition of its sovereignty and the payment of taxes under the control of the Macedonian rulers and did not try to change and breaking the age-old traditions and practices of local life. Macedonian conquest changed the alignment and balance of power in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Near East, but it has failed to ensure the integrity and strength of the Greco-Macedonian monarchy and only exacerbated social tensions that existed in the East.



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