History of development of a cadastre

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 09 Декабря 2013 в 21:00, реферат

Описание работы

The cadastre which is conducted now worldwide, is continuously connected with concept of the account, an estimation of a condition and use of natural resources, engineering activity, ecology, and assumes allocation of territorial borders homogeneous for the conditions, their mapping and the description with use of quantitative and qualitative characteristics.

The cadastre, in modern understanding, represents result of long historical process. The analysis of cadastral activity in the past allows to organize better it in the present and can serve as the tool allowing with biggest by reliability to judge the future prospects.

Содержание работы

General provisions
History of development of a cadastre in Russia with 9 till 18 century
General land surveying of the earths in Russia in 18 century
Land reform of 1861
Stolypin’s reform
The account of the earths in days of the Soviet Union
Ground relations at the present stage

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The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

The Rostov State University of Civil Engineering















на тему: «History of development of a cadastre»





done be the student

of City Cadastre  gr. CC-201

Kolesnikov N.

English teacher:

Mrs.Tsarevskaya I.V. (Phd)




















    1. General provisions
    2. History of development of a cadastre in Russia with 9 till 18 century
    3. General land surveying of the earths in Russia in 18 century
    4. Land reform of 1861
    5. Stolypin’s reform
    6. The account of the earths in days of the Soviet Union
    7. Ground relations at the present stage
    8. Source’s















I. General provisions


The cadastre which is conducted now worldwide, is continuously connected with concept of the account, an estimation of a condition and use of natural resources, engineering activity, ecology, and assumes allocation of territorial borders homogeneous for the conditions, their mapping and the description with use of quantitative and qualitative characteristics.



  The cadastre, in modern understanding, represents result of long historical process. The analysis of cadastral activity in the past allows to organize better it in the present and can serve as the tool allowing with biggest by reliability to judge the future prospects.



  The history of a cadastre of Russia is immortalized in unique editions of books and cartographical documents. In appendices the rare documents confirming carrying out of cadastral works throughout many centuries in territory of Russia are presented.



The first cadastral surveys have been carried out by Egyptians about 3000 BC on purpose to establish borders of developed sites. At shootings the detailed data about the earth, including borders and the areas of sites, and also names of their owners has been registered.


















    1. History of development of a cadastre in Russia with 9 till 18 century

The first descriptions of the earths in Russia have appeared in 9 century They concerned mainly the monastic and church earths and formed the basis for investment of clergy with property, in particular the earth. There is no saying, at what stage of development of human communities for the first time there was a requirement to fix border of ground possession. Signs of concept of an accessory of territory can be noticed even at animals. Therefore the history of development of a ground cadastre both in the Western Europe, and in Russia is defined first of all by level of economic development and character of relations of the property. And this history with formation of the state and taxation development begins. How to collect a tribute with under-given and the subdued people, if not to know, how many at them the earths and what it can give? And most ancient of the data which have reached us about collection of gathering and taxes Russian princes s concern up the time of Oleg (10 century) And Olga who after murder has imposed her husband Igor with their heavy tribute and has established the sizes of duties from each plow as units of a ground measure and taxation.



The qualitative account of the earths existing in 11 century had the simplified character. So, “Russian truth” has kept data on division of the earths only by kinds of grounds (domestic, arable, empty, hunting grounds (without instructions of soil distinctions)). The first censuses of the earths with the characteristic of their quality and quantity concern to 12 century very detailed description of numerous and various incomes from the earth is made in authorized reading and writing of Novgorod prince Svjatoslava and Smolensk prince Rostislava.



The oldest documents which have reached us are descriptions of the earths of the period of the Tatar yoke. The first Tatar census of the Kiev earths is spent in 13 century. Along with the Tatar censuses in the Mongolian gains of the description of the earths Russian princes conducted. To define the sizes of the income and collection of the Tatar tribute, in possession of each prince were made special books.







III. General land surveying of the earths in Russia in 18 century

The main task of a land surveying of 1765 consisted in registration state and others land possession. On everyone district their distributions on grounds and drawing up of the list of grounds on provinces and provinces were made cadastre books and plans with instructions of land owners, a site and total of the earths. Alphabetic registers were applied on plans with the characteristic of landed properties and reflection of the spent measurements. Besides, at a land surveying the economic descriptions containing data on quality of arable lands were made. Along with cadastre establishments, gathering of data on the earth made also the Case of military topographers, Mountain Hydrographic, Means of communication and Mezhevaja kanzelyariya.



The general land surveying was spent in second half 18 and first half of 19 centuries. It had been captured 35 provinces of Russia in which 188264 possession of the area of all earths of 300,8 million in hectare were.



The State Council the decision “About measures to special delimitation of the earths” on January, 8th, 1836 was accepted. It is necessary to notice that specially created commission in 34 provinces has found out 78780 general possession with a total area б5,3 million in hectare.



















IV. Land reform of 1861

The further development and perfection of system of the account and estimation of ground resources were stimulated such reforms, as serfdom cancellation in 1861, providing the repayment of the earth peasants at landowners, cancellation of collection of redemption payments in 1905 and the Decree of 1906, granting to peasants the right of allocation or an exit from communities.



Reform has kept in hands of peasants a considerable part of the ground area, at their disposal to will. But the earth far not has got to them for nothing. Not one generation had to bear for it heavy payments at the price obviously overestimated against the valid cost. These payments were accompanied by special redemption operation in the form of the ground credit. Besides loan maintenance didn't demand will of those to whom it intended, and loans were appointed dependently, and - to the repayment of the earth as which the peasant considered for a long time already as the and consequently, recognized as unfair to pay for it.



On the other hand, the order of crediting didn't impose certain obligations on the state which considered itself has the right to change conditions of using the earth on which payment the loan stood out, did not oblige payers sequence, essentially changing to the benefit of the rate of payment of the percentage papers which have been let out specially for maintenance of loans, didn't bring into accord the rate of credit payments and payments of the ground borrower. To an exit on the repayment peasants should pay annually in the form of a quitrent or working off the sum, it is essential exceeded year redemption payment, in certain cases at an exit on the repayment - also single surcharge to it which size depended on the agreement with the landowner.















    1. Stolypin’s reform  

The reform beginning carry to an exit of the Decree of emperor Nikolay II - on November, 6th, 1906 the Main maintenance of reform has made destruction of a community and planting of the private country landed property. The permission of sale and the purchase of plots facilitated outflow of the poor from village and there was a concentration of the earth in hands of prosperous peasants. It is possible to see it from the following data: with 1908 for 1915 the number of the owners who have sold  the earths, has made 1201269, by them is sold the lands 3953532 uf for the sum of 444,7 million rbl.; buyers it has appeared much less - 815309. Collection from peasants of redemption payments for the earths has been cancelled since January, 1907



On the eve of reform of the form of landed property and land tenure in Russia differed the big variety which has been connected with distinction as an environment, and historical destinies of the population. Land tenure practically kept feudal character when along with a formed bourgeois private property there were also other kinds of ownership of land. The largest proprietor was the state (treasury). In 1905 it posessed almost 35 % of the general land property in the European Russia (or 138 million dessiatinas). The specific earths (an imperial surname) occupied about 2 % (8 million dessiatinas). In personal possession of the tsar - there is more than 6 million All these earths have been excluded from a commodity turn and to purchase and sale weren't subject.


















    1. The account of the earths in days of the Soviet Union

As a result of revolution of 1917 in Russia there was a change of a social and economic formation that has caused change of all acts.



The Decree “About earth socialization” was 1918 one of the first acts for the earth, and it had been fixed national ownership of land, labor character of land tenure, the equal right to using the earth, proceeding from labor norm of land tenure on the earths of agricultural value is founded. And positions “About socialist land management” and “About transition measures to socialist land tenure” were fixed 1919 by two basic forms: state and collective.



For years of the Soviet power in our country three cores of a kind of cadastres have been created: agricultural territories, water and wood. All basic registration and accounting cadastral documents were created in the form of the state certificates on the right of use of the earth, lists of land users, cadastral books of the enterprises and the organizations, etc., and also in the form of according to plan-cartographical documents. All documents set forth above were created in the hand-written form and have low enough accuracy. So, coordinates of points on borders between collective farms were defined with accuracy from 1 to 5 meters, and on settlements not always there were cards and plans even scale of M 1: 5 000.




















    1. Ground relations at the present stage

With disintegration of the Union of the Soviet Socialist republics there was a necessity of working out of the new acts regulating the account of real estate and the decision of all complex of questions on creation of a cadastre. The existing acts operating in territory of the Russian Federation, don't regulate many questions arising at creation of a cadastre of real estate. So, for historically developed reasons in Russia organizational-legal questions of a ground cadastre, degree focused on the account of farmlands and vacant territories while organizational-legal questions of a cadastre of real estate of city territories practically aren't worked yet are well enough developed.



Changes in the lives of a society caused by reorganization of economic relations, occurrence of a private property and other patterns of ownership, have highlighted a number of problems in development of city territories and use of resources among which the problem of a city cadastre is one of actual.



Returning of a private property to the earth and other objects as principal view of the property demand first of all reorientation of legal base of all kinds of cadastres. The private property creates possibility of free change of owners, to fast change of cost and will demand from developers of cadastral systems of maintenance of high efficiency and a continuity of an economic estimation of objects of a cadastre.



In Russia for the present there are no the basic standard documents which are fundamental to ground markets of the developed states with ordered economy. There is no law on the market of the earth which can't be developed, without having the ground code. The earth turn is impossible without the mechanism which starts it, supervises and regulates. It, in turn, demands the decision of such problem central positions, as: a ground rent, its charge, withdrawal, use, based on it practically all cost levers - the earth price, a rent, the ground tax, monetary rates of ground operations.















1. Комов Н.В. и др. Земельные отношения и землеустройство в России.

Москва, 1995г., с.512.


  1. Информация с сайта www.rosreestr.ru


  1. Информация с сайта ru.wikipedia.org


  1. Информация с сайта www.allgeodesy.ru/kad.php


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