History of Medicine

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 04 Декабря 2014 в 17:47, реферат

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Rudiments of medicine emerged in the earliest stages of human existence: "Medical activities - the same age as the first man," - wrote Pavlov. The sources of our knowledge of diseases and their treatment in those times are the results of the excavations of settlements and burials of primitive man, the study of individual ethnic groups who, due to special conditions in its history and now are at a primitive stage of development. Primitive man, entirely in the power of the natural environment, is constantly suffering from a cold, damp, hunger, ill and soon died.

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Vitebsk State Medical University 








History of Medicine







Prepared Oksana Motsyk

38 group, medical faculty






Vitebsk 2014

    Rudiments of medicine emerged in the earliest stages of human existence: "Medical activities - the same age as the first man," - wrote Pavlov. The sources of our knowledge of diseases and their treatment in those times are the results of the excavations of settlements and burials of primitive man, the study of individual ethnic groups who, due to special conditions in its history and now are at a primitive stage of development. Primitive man, entirely in the power of the natural environment, is constantly suffering from a cold, damp, hunger, ill and soon died.

From the observations and experiences thousands of years, handed down from generation to generation, born rational medicine. The fact that any accidental use of tools or techniques are useful, eliminating the pain, stopping bleeding, facilitating state by vomiting, allow further recourse to their aid if there were similar circumstances. Empirically found methods of treatment and protection from disease were fixed in the customs of primitive man, and gradually made ​​traditional medicine and hygiene. Among these therapeutic and preventive measures were the use of medicinal plants, the use of natural factors (water, air, sun), some surgical techniques (extraction of foreign bodies, bleeding).

Antique medicine and magic inherited forms of healing, and rational methods, healing folk remedies. Great importance was attached dietetics, massage, hydrotherapy, gym. Used surgical methods. An important place was given to the prevention of diseases. In the early stages of the slave system in the medical business stood out as an independent profession.

Medical art of this period reached its peak in the work of the great Greek physician Hippocrates (460-377 BC. E.), who turned the observation at the bedside in the proper method of medical research, described the outward signs of many diseases have on the value of lifestyle and the role of environmental environment, especially climate change, the origin of diseases, and the doctrine of the basic types of physique and temperament of the people to substantiate an individual approach to the diagnosis and treatment of the patient. It is rightly called the father of medicine. Of course, the treatment at that time did not have a scientific basis, it is not based on a clear understanding of the physiological functions of certain organs, and on the doctrine of the four principles of life liquid (mucus, blood, yellow and black bile), changes which allegedly lead to disease.

Extremely influential in the development of medicine had the Roman physician Galen he summarized information on anatomy, physiology, pathology, therapy, midwifery, hygiene, pharmacology, in each of these medical branch, introduced a lot of new and tried to build a scientific system of medicine.

History of Medicine: Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages medicine in Western Europe almost did not get further scientific development. Christian Church, which declared the primacy of faith over knowledge, canonized the doctrine of Galen, turning it into an unquestioned dogma. As a result, many naive and speculative presentation of Galen (Galen believed that blood is produced in the liver, is carried on the body and there is entirely absorbed by the heart serves to form in it "vital-pneumatic" supporting the body heat, explained committed in the body processes the action of specific intangible "forces": force ripple through which pulsating artery) turned to the anatomical and physiological basis of medicine. In the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, when the prayers and holy relics were considered more effective treatments than medication when an autopsy study of its anatomy and recognized a mortal sin, and attempted to authorities was regarded as heresy, the method of Galen, inquisitive investigator and experimenter, was forgotten; there was only invented his "system" as the ultimate "scientific" basis of medicine, and the "scientists" are doctors, scholars studied, quoted and commented Galen. 
                                          Medicine in the XVI-XIX centuries 
Slow but steady development of medical knowledge begins in Western Europe in the 12-13 centuries. But only in the Renaissance Swiss-born physician Paracelsus made ​​a strong criticism of the teachings of Galen promotion of the new medicine, which is based not on the authorities, and on the experience and knowledge. Considering the cause of chronic diseases disorder of chemical transformations in digestion and absorption, Paracelsus introduced into clinical practice a variety of chemicals and mineral water. At the same time rebelled against the authority of the founder of modern anatomy of Galen A. Vesalius.

 On the basis of the systematic dissection of corpses, he described the structure and function of the human body. In the practice of medicine the most important events of the 16th century. were the establishment of an Italian doctor J. Frakastoro doctrine of contagious (communicable) diseases and the development of the first scientific foundations surgery French physician A. Pare. Until that time, surgery was the stepdaughter of European medicine and doing it barbers, which qualified doctors looked down upon. Industrial production growth has drawn attention to the study of occupational diseases.

At the turn of 17-18 centuries. Italian physician B. Ramazzini (1633-1714) was the beginning of the study of industrial disease and health. In the second half of the 18th and the first half of the 19th century. laid the foundations of military and naval hygiene. The work of a Russian doctor D. Samoilovych plague released during the second half of the 18th century. Suggest it one of the founders of epidemiology

Development contributed to the development of clinical medicine in the 2nd half of the 18th - the 1st half of the 19th century. methods of objective study patients: percussion (L. Auenbrugger, J. Corvisart etc..) "hearing (R. Laennec, and others.), feelings, laboratory diagnostics. Method of comparing clinical. Observing the results of post-mortem examination, applied in the 18th century. J.. Morgagni, and then MF K. Bisch, R. Virchow, K. Rokitansky, NI Pirogov, and many others, as well as the development of the cell theory of the structure of organisms created new discipline - and pathological histology. anatomy, to-rye possible to establish the location (place) of the disease and the material substrate of many diseases.

Even in the 1st half of the 19th century. works EO Mukhin, IE Dyadkovo, AM Filomafitskiy and others were laid the theoretical. experimental and physiological bases of development. trends in domestic medicine, but it has to be custom heyday in the 2nd half of the 19th and 20th centuries. Book Sechenov "Reflexes of the Brain" (1863) had a decisive influence on the formation of a materialist. views of doctors and psychologists. The most comprehensive and consistent physiological. approach and ideas nervism have been used in clinical medicine SP Botkin, founder of the scientific direction of domestic internal medicine and AA Ostroumov. 

                              Development of medicine in the XX century.

     Decisive steps to transform from a craft, art in science were made medicine at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. influenced by the achievements of science and technological progress. The discovery of X-rays (WK Roentgen, 1895-1897) marked the beginning of Diagnostic Radiology, without which it is impossible now to imagine an in-depth examination of the patient. The discovery of natural radioactivity and the subsequent research in nuclear physics led to the development of radiobiology, studied the effects of ionizing radiation on living organisms, led to the emergence of radiation hygiene, use of radioactive isotopes, which in turn allowed the development of research methods using the so-called. the tracer; radium and radioactive preparations began successfully used not only for diagnosis but also for medicinal purposes. Another method of research, principally enriched recognition capabilities of cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarction and other diseases, has become electrocardiography that entered into clinical practice after the work of the Dutch physiologist W. Einthoven, domestic physiologist AF Samoilov et al. Huge role in the technological revolution, seriously change the face of medicine in the 2nd half of the 20th century. played electronics. Fundamentally new methods of recording functions of organs and systems using a variety of sensing, transmitting and recording devices.

     Immunology 20. evolved beyond the classic doctrine of immunity to diseases infection and gradually covered the problem of pathology, genetics, embryology, transplantation, oncology, and others. Opening K. Landsteiner and J. Jansky human blood groups (1900- 1907) led to the use of Practical. M. Blood Transfusion. In close connection with the study of immunological processes took place the study of various forms of distorted body's reaction to foreign substances, which began opening a French scientist Jean Richer (1902), the phenomenon of anaphylaxis. Austria. pediatrician K. Pirke coined the term allergy and suggested (1907) allergic- skin reaction to tuberculin as a diagnostic assay for tuberculosis. In the 2nd half of the 20th century. doctrine of allergy - Allergy - grew into an independent branch of theoretical and clinical medicine.

In the early 20th century. German physician Ehrlich demonstrated the possibility of synthesis for a given plan of drugs capable of acting on pathogens; he laid the foundations of chemotherapy. Era of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy practically started after the introduction of clinical practice streptotsida. From 1938 onwards were created dozens of sulfa drugs, save the lives of millions of patients.

Developed successfully emerged in the 20th century. doctrine of vitamins, open Russian scientist NI Lunin were deciphered the mechanisms of many deficiency diseases and find ways to prevent them. Founded in the late 19th century. French scientist C. Brown-Se-car and another the doctrine of the endocrine glands become an independent medical discipline - endocrinology, in the range of problems, which, along with the endocrine diseases include hormonal regulation functions in healthy and diseased organism, the chemical synthesis of hormones. The discovery of insulin in 1921 by the Canadian physiologists Banting and Best revolutionized the treatment of diabetes

Allocation in 1936 of adrenal hormonal substances of nature, which was later called cortisone and synthesis (1954) is more effective prednisone and other synthetic analogues of corticosteroids led to the therapeutic use of these drugs in diseases of the connective tissue of the blood, lungs, skin, and so on. d., vol. e. to widespread hormone not endocrine diseases. Development of endocrinology and hormone therapy promoted by the works of Canadian scientist H. Selye, who advanced the theory of stress and the general adaptation syndrome.




Medicine is one of the most important sciences in the life of humanity! As we see in the ancient times, people have died from the most primitive of diseases that are now easily treatable! Thanks to the great scientists and doctors of science in our time, medicine has advanced far ahead!

Our bodies tend to fight disease, but with serious diseases must be fought with the help of medications and surgeries. In our time, we can not afford many spa treatments as well as preventive procedures and vaccinations that protect the body from any different diseases.

Of course, in our time, as there are many diseases that can handle could not be anyone, but the medicine is not in place, and is growing rapidly. I think that in the near future there will be new drugs, as well as medical equipment

Medicine is and will be the main thing in a person's life, as it protects their health. And for a person's health is most important!





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