It’s better to have one bird in our hands, than to have a hundred flying

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Ноября 2013 в 16:23, творческая работа

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The proverb says: “It’s better to have one bird in our hands, than to have a hundred flying”, but there another version of the proverb: “A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush”. The proverb means that it is better to be happy with something you already have, rather than pursuing something you may never get.

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Name: Abildin Temirlan               Class: 8A

   “It’s better to have one bird in our hands, than to have a hundred flying”


The proverb says: “It’s better to have one bird in our hands, than to have a hundred flying”, but there another version of the proverb: “A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush”. The proverb means that it is better to be happy with something you already have, rather than pursuing something you may never get.

Firstly, I would like to explain what does the proverb mean and try to give my understanding of the idea. The word ‘bird’ in this context means ‘goods’, ‘something that we want to have’, or our goal. Also, it is important to have the right comprehension of the words ‘goal’ and ‘dream’. ‘Goal’ is the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end1. The important and key word is ‘end’. Everything should be to the extent, like the ‘birds’. Imagine that you are the hunter, who should feed his family. You saw the birds on the tree. You decided to fire. You can take one bird only. This example shows us that the possibilities and energy of the person are depletable and it is more advantageous to put all the power to one object. The definition for the word ‘dream’- 1)something of an unreal beauty, charm, or excellence2; 2) to think about something that you want very much3. The proverb means that it is better to be happy with something you already have, rather than pursuing something you may never get. Also, the superiority of something mediocre, but affordable, available, ahead of anything worthy, beautiful, but difficult to achieve.


This proverb is very popular and the reason for that is that everybody has faced with the problem: being not satisfied with pretty good results. Nowadays, there are a lot of people who have this kind of problem. We are not satisfied with                                            

We often overestimate what we have and we understand that we do not have, but "the effect of ownership" has not yet been explained by psychologists. In order to give an explanation for this effect, Dr. Knutson and his colleagues used the scan to study the human brain. Participants were asked to buy some products, sell a product, which was given to them before the experiment, and choose what they prefer: to take the goods or money.

The scientists say that if the seller is prone to “the effect of ownership” and does not agree to reduce the price, his goods won’t be sold and the seller will collapse. According to the research, we can safely assume that the person will most likely to collapse because of “the effect of ownership”, or being not satisfied with the price that the customer wants in order to have more income.


1 goal. 2011. In Retrieved November 22, 2013, from

2 dream. (n.d.). In Retrieved November 22, 2013, from

3 dream. (n.d.). Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved November 22, 2013, from website:

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