Контрольная работа по английскому языку

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 13 Апреля 2014 в 22:00, контрольная работа

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Виндоуз 98 – операционная система с лёгким интерфейсом на основе расширенного оконного принципа wliM, использующая иконки для графической презентации файлов и их типов. Виндоуз 98 – усовершенствованная версия Виндоуз 95.
Виндоуз 98 облегчает Ваше взаимодействие с компьютером. Большая часть ежедневных задач теперь решается легче, чем это было раньше. Например, вторая кнопка мыши стала мощным оружием. Заменены старый Программный Менеджер Виндоуз 3.0 и Файловый Менеджер. Инструменты рабочего стола, заменяющие их, очень похожи на те, которые найдены на Макинтоше. Например, есть корзина, облегчающая восстановление случайно удалённых файлов.

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Виндоуз 98

Виндоуз 98 – операционная система с лёгким интерфейсом на основе расширенного оконного принципа wliM, использующая иконки для графической презентации файлов и их типов. Виндоуз 98 – усовершенствованная версия Виндоуз 95.

Виндоуз 98 облегчает Ваше взаимодействие с компьютером. Большая часть ежедневных задач теперь решается легче, чем это было раньше. Например, вторая кнопка мыши стала мощным оружием. Заменены старый Программный Менеджер Виндоуз 3.0 и Файловый Менеджер. Инструменты рабочего стола, заменяющие их, очень похожи на те, которые найдены на Макинтоше. Например, есть корзина, облегчающая восстановление случайно удалённых файлов.

Ваш компьютер, возможно, будет давать меньше сбоев при запуске Виндоуз 98, чем при запуске Виндоуз 3.1. и 3.0. и даже ДОС. Решено большинство проблем, связанных с памятью. Встроенные сетевые возможности позволяют легко и надежно обмениваться файлами с коллегами по комнате или по всему миру. Вы по прежнему можете запускать программы ДОС и более ранние приложения Виндоуз, но большинство пользователей, возможно, захочет потратить большую часть своего времени, используя вместо этого приложения Виндоуз 98.

Компания Майкрософт заявляет, что она делает все для того, чтобы приблизить время, когда мы все будем думать больше о наших данных, чем о конкретных «фирменных» программах, которые используются для создания этих данных.

Способность Виндоуз 98 «подключай и играй» позволяет легко обновить компьютерное оборудование. А пользователям портативных компьютеров понравится то, что Майкрософт сделала для того, чтобы сделать их жизнь более спокойной.

Новая функция ярлыков Виндоуз позволяет быстро найти часто используемые файлы и другие  предметы первой необходимости. Новая функция поиска помогает вам расположить и проверить содержание файлов в мгновение ока.

Большая часть этого осуществляется без ущерба для производительности. На самом деле, многие вещи (например, печать), теперь обычно совершаются быстрее благодаря 32 – битной поддержке и другим успехам Виндоуз 98.  

2. Ответьте на вопросы  к тексту письменно:


1. What is Windows 98? Windows 98 is the enhanced version of Windows95.

2. What new principles are used in Windows 98? Windows 98 is an operational system with an easy interface based on the expanding windows principle wliM uses icons to graphically represent files and their types.

3. What is a Recycle Bin feature? A Recycle Bin makes it easier to recover accidentally deleted files.

What problems has Windows 98 solved? Your computer probably will crash and buzz less running Windows 98 than it did with Windows 3.1 and 3.0 or even DOS.

Most memory related problems have been removed. Built-in networking features make it easy to reliably share files with co-workers across the room or across the world.

Still you can run DOS programmes and older Windows applications but most users will probably want to spend most of their time using Windows 98 applications instead.

4. Is it possible to run old DOS programmes under Windows 98? Still you can run DOS programmes and older Windows applications but most users will probably want to spend most of their time using Windows 98 applications instead.

5. What is a «plug-n-play» capability? Window 98 plug-and-play capability makes it easy to upgrade your computer hardware.

6. What is a «shortcut» capability? A new Windows shortcuts capability makes it easy to reach frequently used files and other necessities.

7. What is a «Find» feature? A new Find feature helps you to locate and examine the contents of files in a flash.

8. Why many things work faster now with Windows 95? In fact, many things (like printing) usually happen faster now, due to 32-bit support and other Windows 98 advancements.

3. Какое из перечисленных выше утверждений правдиво/ложно. Изложите свой ответ детально. 

1. An «icon» is graphical image that represents file and its type. Yes, Windows 98 is an operational system with an easy interface based on the expanding windows principle wliM uses icons to graphically represent files and their types.

2. Second button is not used in Windows 98 because most people use 1-button mouse. No, the second mouse button has become a powerful weapon.

3. There are no similarities between Macintosh and Windows 98 desktop tools. No, The desktop tools that replace them are very like those found on a Macintosh.

4. Windows 98 has some tools which help to communicate with other people through computer network. Yes, Built-in networking features make it easy to reliably share files with co-workers across the room or across the world.

5. It's no longer possible to use MS-DOS commands and run MS-DOS files. No, still you can run DOS programmes and older Windows applications but most users will probably want to spend most of their time using Windows 98 applications instead.

6. Microsoft corporation is oriented to produce as many programmes as needed to meet people needs and make them buy specific brand— name products. Yes, Microsoft says that it is moving forward to the time when we'll all think more about our data and less about the specific name-brand programmes used to create them.

7. New plug-n-play capability is for those who like to play computer games 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Yes, Window 98 plug-and-play capability makes it easy to upgrade your computer hardware.

8. A new shortcut feature is used to cut long programmes very short to save disk space. Yes, a new Windows shortcuts capability makes it easy to reach frequently used files and other necessities. A new Find feature helps you to locate and examine the contents of files in a flash.

9. New Find feature helps you to locate the contents of files. Yes, Windows 98 is an operational system with an easy interface based on the expanding windows principle wliM uses icons to graphically represent files and their types.

It must be mentioned that all new Windows features are possible only because of the low level of performance and quality. No, Most of this is accomplished without sacrificing performance. In fact, many things (like printing) usually happen faster now, due to 32-bit support and other Windows 98 advancements.


4. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский:


1. Ваш компьютер вероятно будет давать меньше сбоев с Windows 98, чем с более ранними версиями и даже ДОС. Your computer probably will crash and buzz less running Windows 98 than it did with Windows 3.1 and 3.0 or even DOS.

2. Корпорация Майкрософт заявляет, что она делает все для того, чтобы приблизить время, когда мы все будем думать больше о наших данных, чем о конкретных «фирменных» программах, которые используются для создания этих данных. Microsoft says that it is moving forward to the time when we'll all think more about our data and less about the specific name-brand programmes used to create them.

3. Новая функция поиска позволяет обнаружить местоположение и исследовать содержимое файла в мгновение ока. A new Find feature helps you to locate and examine the contents of files in a flash.

4. Большинство этих функций достигнуто в ущерб производительности. Most of this is accomplished with sacrificing performance. 

5. DOS, каким мы его знаем, так хорошо запрятан, что вы редко думаете о его использовании. DOS as we know it, is hidden so well, that you seldom think of its usage.

6. В Windows 98 существует инструмент Recycle Bin, который позволяет легко восстанавливать случайно удаленные файлы. There is a Recycle Bin in Windows 98 that makes it easier to recover accidentally deleted files.

7. Инструменты Рабочего Стола (Desktop) очень схожи с инструментами Макинтоша. The desktop tools that replace them are very like those found on a Macintosh.


5. Объясните значение слов:


1. Window – the main principle , which Windows  operating system has.

2. Icon - graphically represents files and their types.

3. Recycle Bin - makes it easier to recover accidentally deleted files.

4. Plug-and-play capability -  makes it easy to upgrade your computer hardware.

5. Shortcut feature - makes it easy to reach frequently used files and other necessities.


6. Дайте подробный ответ, выражающий ваше собственное мнение по следующей теме (10-15 предложений):


Computer society thinks, that Intel company, the most powerful CPU producer, has an agreement with Microsoft corporation that the latter will develop more and more sophisticated, large and demanding software to force users to buy new processors and upgrade their computers. Do you think this might be true? How does this suggestion correlate with the new Windows 2000 and Microsoft Office 2000? Do you think that Bill Gates' monopoly on Windows operating systems is very dangerous for the competition and price-making process?

Collaboration with Microsoft could allow the software giant's upcoming Windows 7 OS to take advantage of multithreaded and multicore Intel chips for faster application performance, according to an Intel official. Microsoft and Intel are working together to give Windows 7 the ability to better identify resources available and break up application processing over multiple chip cores and threads. A feature called SMT parking allows Windows 7 to take advantage of Intel hyperthreading technology for "better performance on hyperthreaded, multicore Intel processors," wrote Joakim Lialias, an Intel alliance manager, in a blog entry on Microsoft's Web site that was posted late Wednesday. This feature will help users break up tasks like video encoding and image filtering over multiple task-execution threads, said George Alfs, an Intel spokesman. "The more cores you have, the better," Alfs said. Intel chips based on its new Nehalem architecture are capable of running two threads per core, and ultimately all of Intel's laptop and desktop chips will be based on Nehalem, Alfs said. The companies also worked together on technologies that could allow Windows 7 to boot and shut down faster, Alfs said. Driver and BIOS-level improvement could improve the start, shut-down, sleep and resume times. Chips based on the Nehalem microarchitecture can go into an idle state faster than earlier chips, and Windows 7 is designed to take advantage of that capability, Alfs said.

Longtime Partners

The cooperation of Intel and Microsoft shouldn't come as a surprise. Most PCs today come with Intel chips and Microsoft's Windows operating system, so there is a benefit in both companies working together. Intel and Microsoft have been collaborating for more than 20 years now, according to Lialias. "Our mutual goal was to provide the most responsive compute experience possible," Lialias wrote. The blog entry also sheds light on specific hardware-related improvements Microsoft is incorporating into the new OS, something the company has been quiet about. Microsoft wasn't immediately available to comment on the topic. Observers have criticized Microsoft's previous operating systems for not taking full advantage of multicore and multithreaded chips. Windows 7 will do a more intelligent job of allocating tasks across hardware resources, said Jim McGregor, chief technology strategist with In-Stat. The traditional way of boosting application performance on PCs was by cranking up CPU clock speed, McGregor said. That led to software being written in a sequential mode for execution on one core, with an increase in clock speed providing the performance boost. But over time, chip makers like Intel started adding cores to boost performance, as cranking up clock speed led to excessive heat dissipation and power consumption.

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