Образование Великобритании

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 18 Декабря 2012 в 23:06, курсовая работа

Описание работы

History of the University.
The University of Manchester has been created by bringing together The Victoria University of Manchester and University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology , two of Britain's most distinguished universities, to create a powerful new force in British Higher Education.
Manchester has a long tradition of excellence in Higher Education. UMIST can trace its roots back to 1824 and the formation of the Manchester Mechanics' Institute, whilst The Victoria University of Manchester was founded as Owens College in 1851.

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the formation                                                                                                  формирование                                                                                                                                                    

combined                                                                                                              объединены                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

conducted                                                                                                                  проводил                                                                                                                                                                     

splitting                                                                                                                расщепление            

former                                                                                                                            бывший

newsreader                                                                                                                    диктор

comedian                                                                                                                         комик

pioneer                                                                                                             исследователь

novelist                                                                                                                         писатель

emergence                                                                                                               появление

industrialists                                                                                                 промышленники

established                                                                                                                    создали

ensure                                                                                                                                могли

principles                                                                                                                   принципы

merchant                                                                                                                     торговец

similarly                                                                                                                             так же

bequeathed                                                                                                                  завещал

purpose                                                                                                                                цель

granted                                                                                                                          получил

civic                                                                                                                       гражданский

forerunner                                                                                                    предшественник

alongside                                                                                                                          рядом

relationship                                                                                                             отношения

advantage                                                                                                                  выгодный

least                                                                                                    в последнюю очередь

receive                                                                                                                          получать

employers                                                                                                           работодатели

benefitted                                                                                                                   извлекли

knowledge                                                                                                                       знание

imparted                                                                                                                переданный

independent                                                                                                       независимый

to co-operate                                                                                                      сотрудничать

merged                                                                                                                           слились

heritage                                                                                                                       наследие

claim                                                                                                                        требование

amongst                                                                                                                             среди

current                                                                                                                          текущий

former                                                                                                                          прежний

nuclear                                                                                                                          атомный

revolution                                                                                                                революция

programme                                                                                                              программа

steerable                                                                                                             управляемый

theology                                                                                                                  богословие

flourish                                                                                                                     процветать

current                                                                                                                           текущие

include                                                                                                                         включать

exceptional                                                                                                   исключительный

generating                                                                                                                   создание

innovations                                                                                                               новшества

treatments                                                                                                                    лечения

life-threatening                                                                                       опасное для жизни

diseases                                                                                                                заболевание

forefront                                                                                                                       впереди

discoveries                                                                                                                  открытия

aims                                                                                                                                      цели

applying                                                                                                                применение

expertise                                                                                                                  экспертиза

solving                                                                                                                          решение

environmental                                                                                                  экологический

confronting                                                                                                                   стоящие

expenditure                                                                                                                  расходы

quality                                                                                                                           качество

breadth                                                                                                                             объем

to unparallel                                                                                              беспрецедентный

to indicate                                                                                                                    показать

among                                                                                                                                среди

vision                                                                                                                             видение

merger                                                                                                                           слияние

unique                                                                                                                    уникальный

opportunity                                                                                                         возможность

formulate                                                                                                        формулировать

blueprint                                                                                                                  программа

standing                                                                                                                   положение

exemplary                                                                                                              образцовые

efficient                                                                                                                эффективное

management                                                                                                          управление

Internationally                                                                                             международный

Информация о работе Образование Великобритании