Personal investment

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 10 Мая 2012 в 21:23, реферат

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As a growing debate, the question is whether great leaders are born with specific leadership traits, or if one can be taught certain skills over time. I think that life is training us to become great leaders since the day we were born. The values that are put in us by our parents, the obstacles we have to overcome to move forward, the situations that help us grow and the difficulties that make us stronger – all of that help us be become leaders.

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As a growing debate, the question is whether great leaders are born with specific leadership traits, or if one can be taught certain skills over time. I think that life is training us to become great leaders since the day we were born. The values that are put in us by our parents, the obstacles we have to overcome to move forward, the situations that help us grow and the difficulties that make us stronger – all of that help us be become leaders.

Personal investment is very important. You have to work hard and long if you wish to become a leader and if you want people to follow you. You have to develop various skills that will help you motivate your subordinates. I was the president of my students association for three years, firstly I got involved thinking that it would be easy, but ended up working five or six hours a day, for example organizing the biggest charity involving students. I coordinated 50 people and we collected more than enough funds to keep the children’s home open for yet another year. Equally important is recognition of the fact that personal investment of time, effort and caring cannot be faked or substituted. Investing my personal assets of time, effort and caring will pay back big dividends to me, to those I work with and to the mission at hand.

I think, being a good leader means different things to different people at different times.  An effective leader is a person with a passion for a cause that is larger than they are. I have that passion.

If I were to sum it all up, I’d say a good leader has to have a purpose that is larger than she is and the balanced personality and skills to put that purpose into action. 

A good leader has to have a purpose that is larger than she is and the balanced personality and skills to put that purpose into action. As for myself, I always tried to aim high and to be good at what I do, after all we all know the saying – when you reach the top, keep climbing.

Every day we have a chance to show our leadership abilities, whether helping and motivating others or being the best at what we do. As you grow over time, your skills grow with you. To si rekla da ti se ne svidja ali je to povezano sa I started as a regular and ended up being so cool. After finishing school in Serbia my goal was to enter a good university, so i applied and was accepted by one the best universities in Russia.  I started as a regular foreign exchange student, but having put a lot of effort into my education I am finishing my master’s degree being in top ten people in my class. Being a part of such a prestigious university makes you aim high. After all attending the same university from which three presidents graduated predisposes you for success.

After only several months, when I perfected Russian, I applied to be a part of the regional student organization. Two years later, I became the vice president of my students’ organization, which represents my university’s philanthropy work. I managed several projects, but the one that really affected me as a person, was the one related with collecting funds for an orphanage in a village near Moscow. (too cheesy)

 Personal investment is very important. You have to work hard and long if you wish to become a leader and if you want people to follow you. So I undertook another project. On my second year of undergraduate studies I realized that there were a lot of Serbian students in need of help and guiding when entering their new student life in Russia. It’s very hard to adjust to a new environment, especially without any help. Another problem that Serbian students faced was lack of funds. After a lot of paperwork, we succeeded to officially register the first Serbian Club linked to our university. Our organization helps attract new student by organizing scholarships and makes life easier to the old ones by providing financial aid. This showed me how important it is to motivate and help others. Now our club consists of 57 members, which are all actively included in the campus life. Investing my personal assets of time, effort and caring was worthwhile because it made a difference.

I can say with certainty that my leadership skills have been developing over time, but I realize that there is still much to learn and I am keen to do that. I would like you to give me that opportunity.

Ne sudi strogom spavala sam 4 sata nocas, pisala diplomski, I sad je kod nas 3 ujutru, samo sam rewila da napisem nesto drugacije nego prosli put, znam da nije idealno ali se nadam da je bolje

p.s. when you r counting the words, do you include prepositions and punctuation marks? ( znakove pitanja, zapete I tacke)

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