Phonetic features of english languages in australia

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 16 Ноября 2013 в 14:28, курсовая работа

Описание работы

This course work is devoted to varieties of the English language, namely its Australian version. The theme is the Australian version of the English language. In the 60 -ies of XX century. the spread of English has become very broad. Some countries initially used it as a means of inter-ethnic communication , then the language is gradually mutated and became a mother for the population. For example, British English started the American version , and then the Australian and South African . In the XX century . developed Nigerian , Indian , Singaporean options and numerous new varieties of English (New Englishes).

Содержание работы

Part 1. The problem of the existence of different varieties of English
1.1 The increase in the influence of English in the world
1.2 Regional variations of English
1.2.1 Types of English in the world
1.2.2 Australian Language Peculiarities
Part 2. Australian English
2.1 Separation of Australian English
2.2 Main characteristics of Australian
2.2.1 Phonetic features of Australian English
2.2.2 Vowels
2.2.3 Consonants
2.2.4 Australian to English languages comparison

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Contrasted to America, the foundations of Australian English were in the prison system. Unlike puritans, convicts did not want a simple language to persuade others to unite behind them. To the contrary, convicts wanted to disguise their language so that no one would know what they were talking about.

As a legacy, the contemporary Australian dialect, or Strine, is littered with idioms, similes and invented words that make it one of the world’s most advanced English dialects. Although speakers of American English struggle to understand English speakers from outside of America, speakers of Strine can understand everyone, or confuse everyone if they so desire.

Aboriginal words have always had a very prominent use in Australian English. For example, Australia’s unofficial national anthem, Waltzing Matilda, uses Aboriginal words like coolibah, jumbuck and billabong. Likewise, most of rural Australia has been given Aboriginal names like Wagga Wagga, Joondalup, Bondi, Yakadanda.

Perhaps the lazy way that Australians are perceived to speak is a result of using the Aboriginal words. The Aboriginal words generally end with a vowel sound, which is quite smooth and pleasant on the ear. It is possible that the use of the diminuitive, such as shortening words like journalist to journo, was a way of smoothing over the rough edges of British English in order to gain more consistency with the smoother Aboriginal English.













The Australian version of English is very diverse, and bears the features of not only the inherent exclusively the Australian language, but also the features of the American and British variants . Furthermore, the problem is complicated by the consideration of three different types of peer pronunciation. Although most often it does not complicate the separation of the communication process , and is only a criterion for determining social status.

Having examined the characteristics of Australian English , it can be concluded that the original English language has undergone significant changes as a result of the formation of new ethnic groups in the colonial expansion of the UK.

Pronunciation of the first settlers in Australia initially differed from SE, because the bulk of the population were convicts , members of the lower classes , political exiles .

They were the bearers of urban vernacular and dialects , Cockney , northern accents and dialects. Simplify the pronunciation of certain sounds was due to the fact that most of the first white settlers had no education. Some influenced by landscape features and climate . Sufficiently strongly influenced by American English .

On the basis of what we covered , we can conclude that most of the Australian vocabulary coincides with the vocabulary of the British version.

Australian words are present in the areas most important to Australians. These are areas of flora and fauna, landscape , livestock , and particularly sheep farming , gold mining , and other characteristic of the Australian area of human activity.

Having examined the characteristics of Australian English , it can be concluded that the Australian version of the English language was the result of the merger and the evolution of the vernacular, slang and dialects spoken by the first white settlers of Australia.


















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2 A. Wierzbicka Language . Culture . Cognition . - Moscow, 1996 S. 291-325 . Semantic Universals and " primitive thinking "

3 Ginsburg , SS Khidekel , GY Knyazev and AA Sankin . - 2nd ed . , Rev. and add. - M.: High . School , 1979 . - 269 s, ill. , Tab. List of rivers. lit. Lexicology of the English language: the textbook for in-tov and facts . foreign . lang. / R. 3 .

4 Oshchepkova VV The language and culture of the UK, USA , Canada, Australia, New Zealand. - M. ​​/ St Petersburg . : GLOSS / KARO , 2004 . - 336 .

5 Petrikovskaya AS . Epilogue to The Dictionary of New Zealand and Australia , Moscow, Russian language , 1998

6 new large English- Russian dictionary : V 3 t / YD Apresyan , EM Mednikova , AV Petrova et al , Ed. Hands. YD Apresian and EM Mednikova . - 7th ed . , Stereotype. - M. ​​Eng . Lang. , 2002 . - 832 sec.

Internet sites

7 Australian national on- line dictionary .

8 Australian slang dictionary .

9 's Australian Innovation University

10 Encyclopedia Wikipedia

11 Australian slang dictionary












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