Public Management

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 19 Февраля 2013 в 13:13, творческая работа

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В данной работе автор отвечает на следующие вопросы:
1. What is the relationship between the ‘administration’ and ‘management’?
2. What is the public management today?

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Alisher Khambarov

ID: 20100052

1. What is the relationship between the ‘administration’ and ‘management’?

On the first look we can think that the words administration and management have nearly the same meaning, but on the other hand we can see that these two words have not only the different ethimology, but also some differences in the meaning. The word administration is used for the determination of the power that could control the behavior, actions, etc of other people. At the same time, management is also about the control, but it also includes the ability to cope with the problems and analyze the possible problems that could arise in the future, the planning, analyzing, strategic development are also the concepts that could be related to the management. In my opinion, the word management is more preferable when telling about the control, checking, etc. Also, management could include different aspects of the work. The term administration is used more in the general determination of policies, objectives, goals, etc. So, these two words, having actually the same meaning, are still the ones that are different in understanding and in the usage. Management is the concept which has wider meaning, and thus is used more commonly, while administration is mostly about the control over the results and process of work.

2. What is the public management today?

I think that the historical development of the public management concept shows us that the different perspectives that were included in the main goals of public management are not enough for today, and that the overall meaning changes a lot from the first three main directions. Surely, the art, science and profession are still important, but on the other hand they cannot fully incorporate the every aspect that should be in today’s public management. Firstly it is concerned about the effective and efficient work of the governmental body especially in the management of the budget and other financial means of the city, region or country. Another very important point is planning of the future development and setting the accessible and needed goals to achieve, which should contribute to the overall development of the country too. Moreover, the public management should be based on the very accurate information and accurate calculations, as it is about the development of the part of the society, the public. The different policies that are created by the government should also be revised and taken into account while developing the plans and strategies in the public management. So the public management is the very important point in understanding of the governance and the public administration.

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