Outstanding persons of the USA

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 28 Апреля 2013 в 14:05, творческая работа

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The United States of America, despite relative youth of the state, the great number of outstanding persons is the homeland: Prominent commanders, outstanding politicians and lawyers, scientists with a world name, and also a great number of athletes, businessmen, writers, poets and certainly musicians and actors whom know far outside the USA.

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Outstanding persons of the USA


      The United States of America, despite relative youth of the state, the great number of outstanding persons is the homeland: Prominent commanders, outstanding politicians and lawyers, scientists with a world name, and also a great number of athletes, businessmen, writers, poets and certainly musicians and actors whom know far outside the USA.

The first U.S. President - George Washington - the Outstanding American historical, political, state and military figure, the first president of the United States of America, One of so-called Founding fathers of the USA, the war hero for independence of America, the founder of the American presidency.

Benjamin Franklin


Franklin opened the country's first public library, laid the foundation for Pennsylvanian university. In 1787 Franklin became the coauthor of the Constitution of the USA and Declarations of independence of the USA, thereby having become one of outstanding persons of the USA.

The second U.S. President - John Adams - the Outstanding American military, political and the statesman, the second president of the United States, the Outstanding participant of War for independence of the United States, the first vice-president in the history of the USA at the first president George Vashingtone.

Mark Twain - one of the most known and popular American writers, the greatest American humorist of the time.

Its "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" was called by "the great American novel" as most precisely the book representing spirit of the time.

    • Bill Gates — the American businessman, the head of Microsoft corporation, for a number of years — the richest person of a planet.
    • Together with Paul Allen founded Microsoft corporation where now holds a post of the chairman of the board of directors.

Walt Disney — the American animator, the film director, the actor, the screenwriter and the producer, the founder of the Walt Disney Productions company who so far turned into "The Walt Disney Company" mediaimperiya. Is the founder of the first in the history of the sound animated film, the first musical and the first full-length.

Albert Einstein — the physicist-theorist, the founder of the theory of a relativity, the author of fundamental works according to the quantum theory and the statistical physics, one of founders of modern physics, the foreign corresponding member and the foreign honorary member of Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

Woody Allen — the American film director, the actor-comedian, the producer, the triple owner of the award "Oscar". It is known also as the writer, the author of numerous stories and plays.

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