Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 28 Мая 2013 в 17:11, реферат
Цель исследования:
Игра – не только средство оптимизации и стимуляции процесса обучения, но и важный аспект психологического комфорта и снятия умственного перенапряжения учащихся.
Задачи исследования:
1) Изучение роли игры в процессе обучения.
2) Рассмотрение необходимости применения дидактических игр на уроках для устранения психологических барьеров.
Введение. Игра как феномен культуры --------------- 3
Глава I. Игра как психологическое явление.
1.1 Теории происхождения игры ------------------------ 5
1.2 Сущность игры как психологического явления --------- 10
1.3 Виды игровой деятельности -------------------------- 11
Глава II. Роль игровой деятельности в развитии
личности детей
2.1 Роль и значение дидактической игры
в учебном процессе и в формировании
положительного отношения к школе ---------------- 12
2.2 Виды дидактических игр ------------------------------- 15
2.3 Требования к дидактической игре -------------------- 17
Заключение --------------------------------------------------- 18
Литература --------------------------------------------------- 19
Детские игры в Великобритании
Набор “Детские игры в Великобритании” предназначен для детей младшего и среднего школьного возраста.
Набор содержит подробное описание игр на английском языке, в которые играют дома и на улице дети Великобритании.
Материал набора может быть с
успехом использован при
Some words which you may need when you play this or that game
back to back - спиной друг к другу
blindfold - завязывать глаза
call out - вызывать
divide into - делить на
drop out of the game - выбывать из игры
face somebody - стоять лицом
goal line-finish line - линия финиша
starting line - линия старта
« It » - водящий в игре
line up - выстраиваться в ряд
obey an order - выполнять приказание
runner & chaser - убегающий и догоняющий
to score - набирать очки
side by side - рядом (бок о бок)
signal - сигнал
at a signal - по сигналу
to tag
to be tagged - быть пойманным
turn a quarter-turn - повернуться на 90 градусов
to lose a game - проигрывать
He succeeded - Он успел (попал)
He failed - Он не успел (не попал)
To mark the score - подсчитывать очки
To receive a prize - получить приз
In turn
To pay a forfeit - платить фант
Each player put his cap (or her hat) close to the wall. The caps and hats must touch one another and form a row. Then draw a line 6 yards away from the wall.
The first player throws a small ball into any cap or hat except his own. If he fails, the owner of the cap runs to his cap, picks up the ball and tries to hit another player. If he hits the player, this player puts a stone in his cap. If he does not hit the player, he puts a stone in his own cap.
Then the second player throws the ball into caps or hats.
The player who has three stones in his cap drops out of the game. The last player in the game is the winner.
You can play this game with holes instead of caps and hats. Besides, you can roll the ball instead of throwing it.
All the players sit around in a circle. The first player starts the game. He says, ”I packed my grandmother*s trunk with blouses and shirts.”
The third player says, “I packed my grandmother*s trunk with blouses, shirts and vegetables.”
Did you guess what the game is? Each player must repeat the names of the objects that the other players have said, and then a new one. Anyone who forgets an object or names the object in the wrong order drops out of the game.
The last player is the winner, of course.
All the players sit on chairs in a circle. One player is “It”, and he goes out of the room. While he is out, another player leaves the room by a different door or hides in the room. At the same time all the other players change their places.
Now the players call “It” back into the room. He must look at the players and find out “Who is missing?” as quickly as possible. It is a lot harder than it seems.
After he finds it out, the missing player becomes “It”, and a new player must hide. Each time all the players change places.
The player who needs the least time for finding out who is missing wins.
All players sit in a circle and ask “It” such questions as “What is your favourite fruit?” – “What is your nose like?” – “What do you put on in the morning when it is cold in the street?” and so on.
To every question “It” must answer “Sausages”. If he laughs or even smiles, he drops out of the game. Then another player must take his place in the centre of the circle.
The winner is the player whom the players cannot make laugh or smile. And it is not very easy to remain serious in this game as it may seem.
All players stand in a line. The first in a line goes forward and faces the line. His lips form an English command, such as “Jump”, ”Dance” or ”Run”. The player who is next to him goes quickly forward and stands beside him. Then his lips form what he thinks the first player has said, and so on until the end of the line. Then all the players fulfil the command each of them formed.
Those mistaken must pay a forfeit.
Silence is compulsory.
All players sit in a circle. The leader stands in the middle of it, and asks questions. The players have to answer them with words beginning with R or S (You can choose any other letters of the alphabet). But the players have to do it quickly, before the leader counts ten. For example, the leader may ask, “what is your favourite food. The answer can be “sugar” or even “salt”. And to the question “I saw a strange animal in your garden yesterday – What was it?” the answer can be squirrel”.
A player who is not able to answer a question quickly must pay a forfeit.
In order to play this game you must have a table with different things on it: matches in a heap, note-books in a heap, flowers in a vase, pins and needles in a heap, etc.
Give each player a sheet of paper and a pencil and ask him to write down how many matches, note-books, flowers, pins and needles he thinks there are on the table.
Do not give the player time to count.
The player who has the most correct answers wins.
Any number of players can play this game. The players sit in a row. The leader stands in front of them.
Whatever the leader tells a player to do, the player must do exact the opposite. If the leader tells the player to stand up, he must, of course, sit down.
If the leader tells the player to smile, he must not smile, though it is very difficult, of course.
If the leader tells the player to cry, he must laugh, and so on. The player who can’t do that drops out of the game.
The last player in the game is the winner.
You must choose one player as the leader. He must stand on a box, chair or table so that everyone can see and hear him. The other players stand in a line facing the leader.
The leader begins by saying: “Simon says, ‘Hands out in front of you.’ Then each player must stretch out his hands.
The players obey orders obey orders only if the leader first says “Simon says”. If the leader just says: “walk backwards”, then everyone must stand still because the leader did not say: “Simon says, ‘Walk backwards’.”
If a player obeys an order, which he must not obey, he drops out of the game, too. The last player left in the game is the winner.
The leader may not obey his own orders. He may even do some thing different. For example, he may say, “Simon says, ‘Put your hands on your hips’.” And he himself puts his hands on his shoulders.
Also the leader may give orders like this: “Simon says, ’Take one step forward… Now one step to your right’.” In this case the players must only take one step forward and not the step to the right, because the leader did not say “Simon says” before the leader did not say “Simon says” before he gave the second order.
Список литературы, использованной в курсовой работе:
1 Рубинштейн Сергей Леонидович(1889 – 1960) – советский психолог и философ; основные труды по философским проблемам психологии; исследовал память, восприятие, речь, мышление.
2 Леонтьев А.Н. “Психологические основы дошкольной игры” . – М. 1980 г.
3 Газман О.С. “Каникулы, игра, воспитание.“ – М ., 1988.