Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 09 Июля 2013 в 12:19, диссертация
Цель исследования состоит в историографическом изучении комплекса проблем, связанных с историей генезиса рынка и предпринимательства в Казахстане во второй половине XIX – начале ХХ века.
В соответствии с этим в диссертационном исследовании ставятся следующие задачи:
- анализ теоретико-методологических подходов предшественников в изучении истории рынка и предпринимательства;
- определение содержания и границ понятий «рынок» и «предпринимательство» с акцентом на их применении к казахскому обществу в дореволюционный период;
- выделение стадий изучения проблемы и их специфических особенностей;
- критический анализ основных тенденций и итогов изучения проблемы;
- сосредоточение внимания на неисследованных и слабоизученных вопросах;
- определение перспективных направлений для дальнейшего исследовательского поиска.
- формулирование своей авторской позиции по исследуемой теме.
- to allocate under study problem and their specific characteristics;
- to carry out critical analysis of major trends and outcomes of learning problems;
- to focuse on the unexplored issues and those that require additional elucidation;
- to form own author's position on the researched theme.
The Theoretic-methodological basis. The concept of "combined systematic" historiography was taken to the research process. The methodological basis of the research was made by general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction) and a specially-historical methods.
Chronological frameworks of the historical works, which is analyzed in the dissertation, covers the period from 60 years of XIX century until the beginning of the XXI century.
Territorial frameworks of the dissertation covers the territory of Kazakhstan. Particular attention is paid to regions that experienced the greatest impact of market capitalization, large centers of commercial ranching and commercial farming, commercial and industrial fisheries.
The scientific novelty of work is that the problem of studying the history of the market genesis and entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan in the second half of XIX - beginning of the twentieth century is considered up for the first time in the history. The historiographical analysis is conducted on the basis of the provisions and findings of modern historical thought. However, in our view, the novelty and significance of historiographical study is as follows:
- on the basis of historiographical analysis of a wide range of research literature for the first time has been given and proved periodization of historiography of the market genesis and entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan;
- the evolution of representations of the researchers on the specifics of the modernization of Kazakhstan in the context of colonial-capitalist development is shown;
- prospects of the study of market transformation of pre-revolutionary Kazakh society are indicated;
- originality and development features of industrial markets in the regional context are discovered;
- new theoretical and methodological approaches are discovered in studying the problem of the market genesis and entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan;
- discussion points on the conceptual-categorical system of the research is reviewed.
Scientific and practical significance of the dissertation study is that the research materials can be used in research works on the economic and social history, history of entrepreneurship. It is also can be used in the development of training manuals, textbooks and special courses for students and postgraduates.
Work approbation. The main points and conclusions of the dissertation were presented in more than 50 articles, monographs and reports on international and national scientific conferences. Publications athem were presented in national scientific journals, recommended by the Committee for Control in Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in international scientific journals. The research work is discussed and recommended for defense at enlarged meeting of the Department of History, Archaeology and Ethnology of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraighyrov.
The dissertation structure consists of an introduction, four parts, conclusion, symbols and abbreviations, a list of used sources.