Advertising: curse or blessing?

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 08 Декабря 2013 в 20:38, реферат

Описание работы

Once as usual I was sitting in front of the TV, watching a film when unexpectedly it was interrupted by ads. I saw a car which was carrying … a whole plane!!! I was furious because as we know and under all laws of physics a car could not get under way from a place with the cargo exceeding its weight tens, and even hundreds times!!!
I was very much interested by this advertising from the point of view of promotion of this car. How the founders of advertising manage with the help of a roller lasting usually for some seconds to convince the person that exactly THIS car is necessary to him.

Содержание работы

1. The concept of advertising…………………………………………............…..4
2. The history of development of advertising
2.1. The history of development of advertising in ancient times
and Middle Ages…………………………………………………...…5
2.2. Advertising evolution in Russian press in XVIII-XIX century…….....7
2.3. The situation in Russia at present……………………...…….…..........9
3. Technology of advertising
3.1. Kinds of techniques of Ads………………………………….….…...10
3.2. Advertising slogans………………………………………….………14
4. Particular qualities of Ads
4.1. Influence of Ads on Russian people……………………….….……..16
5. Sociological questioning……………………….….…….…………………....18
6. Literature……………………………………………………...........................22