Анализ текста "Миссис Биксби и шубка полковника"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 06 Мая 2013 в 22:15, практическая работа

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“The writer has to force himself to work. He has to make his own hours and if he doesn't go to his desk at all there is nobody to scold him. ”

Roald Dahl ( Sept. 13, 1916 - November 23, 1990) - a Welsh writer, author of novels, stories and novels. He was a cher maitre of a paradoxical story. One of his famous book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," served as the script for the movie "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory," the 1971 film of the same name in 2005. In his book, "Matilda" was also filmed, the director - Danny DeVito.

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«Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel’s Coat» by Roald Dahl.


  1. Introduction

“The writer has to force himself to work. He has to make his own hours and if he doesn't go to his desk at all there is nobody to scold him. ”


Roald Dahl ( Sept. 13, 1916 - November 23, 1990) - a Welsh writer, author of novels, stories and novels. He was a cher maitre of a paradoxical story. One of his famous book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," served as the script for the movie "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory," the 1971 film of the same name in 2005. In his book, "Matilda" was also filmed, the director - Danny DeVito.


Roald Dahl was born in Cardiff, September 13, 1916. His parents were Norwegian, Roald himself named after Roald Amundsen, a national hero in Norway at the time.

In 1920, at the age of 3 years, he lost his older sister, and then the father, in a few weeks.

After that, his mother decided to move to England.

He studied at the hostel for boys. Immediately after boarding, Roald took part in an expedition to the Arctic Circle, on the island of Spitsbergen. The University has decided not to do the same in 1933 took a job at the company "Shell". At twenty, he went to Tanzania.

During the Second World War, he enlisted as a fighter pilot in Nairobi (Kenya). He participated in battles in the skies over Libya, Syria, Greece. Roald war ended colonel.

During the war, Dahl published his first novel "Gremlins" (1943). According to this story, was later put a sensational film of the same name (1984).

After the war, Dahl devoted himself entirely to creativity: writing short stories, novels, plays, both for adults and for children.

The book "James and the Giant Peach" (1961) by Roald Dahl wrote for his children and did not intend to publish it until the family has not persuaded him to carry the manuscript to the editor. After the huge success of the book Dahl continued to write children's books ("Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", "Matilda").

Roald Dahl also wrote two autobiographical books, "Boy» («Boy») about the early years of life and "flying alone» («Going solo») about his work in Africa and participation in the Second World War.


2. General character of style

Neutral style.


3. The functional style of a story



4.The genre of a story

Comedy, realistic short-story.


5.The form of a story

The form of this short story can be described as a narration of some situations with elements of hymorous episodes, including some dialogues, inner represented speech, character drawing.


6. The type of narration

The text is the 3rd person narration. There is external narrator, who knows everything about characters and events.


7.The setting of the story

The action takes place in USA, New York, in 20th century.


8.The structure of a story and the plot.

The story opens with ironic description of American family life.

The explosion of a story consists of the portraits of the main characters – Mrs. and Mr. Bixby and the Colonel.

Mr. and Mrs. Bixby lived in a small apartment somewhere in New York City. Mr. Bixby was a dentist, had an average income and short. Mrs. Bixby was a big energetic woman with a good appetite. She had a rich lover, a certain gentleman known as the Colonel. They met twelve times a year, not so much - and therefore not likely to get bored with each other. Eight years have passed. The complications begin when after another bye colonel gave her a Christmas gift of six thousand dollars - a fur coat fur mink Labrador. The letter stated the termination of their relationship.But how would she explain husband appearance of a coat ? She rashly decided to surrender to the shop coat.

The climax of the story is rather tense. It begins when Mrs. Bixby saw the  little fur neckpiece instead brilliant mink coat and ended, when she saw Miss Pulteney looks “like a queen in beautiful black mink coat that the Colonel had given her.


9. Characterization.

The direct method, simple characters- Mrs. And Mr. Bixby. Unexpected behavior of him predestined in the introduction. She was originally describes as an adultress.


10. The conflict

There are some external conflicts – between main characters Mrs. And Mr. Bixby, between Mrs. Bixby and Miss Pulteney.


11. The theme and the subject.

The theme is the nature of humanity, society. And the subject can be named irony of infidelity

or "everyone gets what he deservesЭю


12. Symbolism

I think a coat in this story - a symbol of infidelity, cup, which goes to the winner.


13.Stylistic Devices and expressive means

The author uses various stylistic device to emphasize the flow of the words, to make them sound more expressively.

a)Phonetical devices

alliteration – “Young man marry like mice”

onomatopoeia – shrug, shake, giggle

b)Lexical devices

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