Methods of teaching speech

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 11 Июня 2014 в 17:56, реферат

Описание работы

Language came into life as a means of communication. It exists and is alive only through speech. When we speak about teaching a foreign language, we first of all have in mind teaching it as a means of communication.
In teaching speech the teacher has to cope with two tasks. They are: to teach his pupils to understand the foreign language and to teach them to speak the language. So, speech is a bilateral process.

Содержание работы

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of teaching speaking pupils of junior form
1.1 The most common difficulties in auding and speaking
1.2 Psychological characteristics of speech
1.3 Linguistic characteristics of speech
1.4 Prepared and unprepared speech
1.5. Mistakes and how to correct them

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