Phrasal verbs and their different treatment

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 18 Марта 2013 в 21:23, дипломная работа

Описание работы

The aims of our research work are to characterize peculiarities of types of the phrasal verbs and prove the usage of phrasal verbs in different text styles.
The aims demands achieving the following objectives:
To analyze scientific and methodological literature on the topic;
To characterize main features of phrasal verbs and their types;
To create a classification of phrasal verbs;
To analyse the use of phrasal verbs in different text styles;
To define the priority of phrasal verbs and their types in different text styles

Содержание работы

1. Phrasal verb as a linguistic phenomenon……………………………………….5
1.1 The origin of the phrasal verb......................................................................5
1.2 Difficulties in using phrasal verbs...............................................................7
1.3 Distinguishing between verbs followed by prepositions and verbs followed by adverbs……………………………………………………………………...….8
1.4 Variety of approaches of classifying phrasal verbs.....................................11
1.5 Usage of phrasal verbs.................................................................................20
1.6 New phrasal verbs.......................................................................................22
2. Practical research of using phrasal verbs.............................................................24
2.1 Aims of the practical research....................................................................24
2.2 The analysis of using phrasal verbs in different text styles........................24
2.2.1 Phrasal verbs in Belles-lettres style...................................................25
2.2.2 Phrasal verbs in scientific style.........................................................45
2.2.3 Phrasal verbs in official style............................................................52
2.2.4 Phrasal verbs in newspaper style.......................................................57
2.3 Comparative analysis of using phrasal verbs in different text styles.........62

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But how do we know that the universe is really ours? Every day we are bombarded by thousands of stimuli outside of our control, each of which seeks to order our life for us. Does Oedipa see the conspiracy as she wants to or as the system wants her to? It is here, where Pynchon examines the limits of freedom in modern life that he makes his most substantial points. [32]


We have analysed Thomas Pynchon’s novel “The crying of Lot 49”. There are many phrasal verbs of different types.


It said Pierce had died back in the spring, and they'd only just now found the will.

If, for example, a plant dies back, its leaves die but its roots remain alive. The type of the phrasal verbs is the 2nd.


Oedipa had been named also to execute the will in a codicil dated a year ago. She tried to think back to whether anything unusual had happened around then.

The meaning of the phrasal verbs is – “If you think back, you make an effort to remember things that happened to you in the past”. The type of the phrasal verbs is the 3rd.


Through the rest of the afternoon, through her trip to the market in downtown Kinneret-Among-The-Pines to buy ricotta and listen to the Muzak (today she came through the bead-curtained entrance around bar 4 of the Fort Wayne Settecento Ensemble's variorum recording of te Vivaldi Kazoo Concerto, Boyd Beaver, soloist); then through the sunned gathering of her marjoram and sweet basil from the herb garden, reading of book reviews in the latest Scientific American, into the layering of a lasagna, garlicking of a bread, tearing up of romaine leaves, eventually, oven on, into the mixing of the twilight's whiskey sours against the arrival of her husband, Wendell ("Mucho") Maas from work, she wondered, wondered, shuffling back through a fat deckful of days which seemed (wouldn't she be first to admit it?) more or less identical, or all pointing the same way subtly like a conjurer's deck, any odd one readily clear to a trained eye.

The phrasal verb means “If something such as a road, railway, or area of land is torn up, it is completely removed or destroyed”. The type of the phrasal verbs is the 3rd.


"Why don't you hang up on him," Mucho suggested, sensibly.

In this sentence the phrasal verb hang up means “If you say that someone is hung up about a particular person or thing, you are criticizing them for thinking or worrying too much about that person or thing”.

The construction includes verb followed by an adverb. The type of the phrasal verb is 3rd.


It took him over, and to the verge of being forgotten.

The meaning of the phrasal verbs is “If one thing takes over from something else, it becomes more important, successful, or powerful than the other thing, and eventually replaces it”. The type of the phrasal verb is the 3rd.


Yeah, there was so much else she ought to be saying also, but this was what came out.

The phrasal verb come out means “If a fact comes out, it becomes known to people”. The type of the phrasal verbs is the 2nd.


Mucho shaved his upper lip every morning three times with, three times against the grain to remove any remotest breath of a moustache, new blades he drew blood invariably but kept at it; bought all natural-shoulder suits, then went to a tailor to have the lapels made yet more abnormally narrow, on his hair used only water, combing it like Jack Lemmon to throw them further off.

In the sentence the phrasal verb throw off refers to the 4th type. The phrasal verb consists of the verb and the particle that can function as an adverb and as a preposition. The meaning of the phrasal verb is “If you throw off people who are chasing you or trying to find you, you do something unexpected that makes them unable to catch you or find you”.


He walked out of a party one night because somebody used the word "creampuff," it seemed maliciously, in his hearing.

In this sentence we can see the phrasal verb consisting of a verb followed by an adverb and followed by a preposition. The type of walk out of is the 5th.

The meaning of walk out of is “If you walk out of a meeting, a performance, or an unpleasant situation, you leave it suddenly, usually in order to show that you are angry or bored”. The phrasal verb has a special meaning, it is impossible to understand the meaning without knowing this phrasal verb.


If it had been an outright junkyard, probably he could have stuck things out, made a career: the violence that had caused each wreck being infrequent enough, far enough away from him, to be miraculous, as each death, up till the moment of our own, is miraculous.

In this sentence we can see the phrasal verb consisting of a verb followed by an adverb. The type of stick out is the 3rd.

The meaning of stick out is “If something sticks out, it is very noticeable because it is unusual”. The phrasal verb has a special meaning, it is impossible to understand the meaning without knowing this phrasal verb.


You comfort them when they wake pouring sweat or crying out in the language of bad dreams, yes, you hold them, they calm down, one day they lose it: she knew that.

In this sentence we can see the phrasal verb consisting of a verb followed by an adverb. The type of cry out is the 3rd.

The meaning of cry out is “If you cry out, you call out loudly because you are frightened, unhappy, or in pain”. The phrasal verb has a special meaning, it is impossible to understand the meaning without knowing this phrasal verb.


She suspected the disk jockey spot (which he'd got through his good buddy the KCUF advertising manager, who'd visited the lot once a week, the lot being a sponsor) was a way of letting the Top 200, and even the news copy that came jabbering out of the machine-all the fraudulent dream of teenage appetites-be a buffer between him and that lot.

The first phrasal verb get through has a meaning “If you get through a task or an amount of work, especially when it is difficult, you complete it”. It refers to the 1st type.

The phrasal verb come out means “If a fact comes out, it becomes known to people”. The type of the phrasal verbs is the 2nd.


So now I'm suppose to tape all the phone talk, Funch personally will edit out anything he considers offensive, meaning all of my end of the conversation. Censorship, I told him, 'fink,' I muttered, and fled."

In this sentence we can see the phrasal verb consisting of a verb followed by an adverb. The type of edit out is the 3rd.

The meaning of edit out is “If you edit something out of a book or film, you remove it, often because it might be offensive to some people”. The phrasal verb has a special meaning, it is impossible to understand the meaning without knowing this phrasal verb.


He and Funch went through some such routine maybe once a week.

The phrasal verbs go through means “If you go through an experience or a period of time, especially an unpleasant or difficult one, you experience it”. The type of the phrasal verbs refers to the 4th type.


I can't even make out our income tax right.

The meaning of the phrasal verbs is “If you make something out, you manage with difficulty to see or hear it”. The type of the phrasal verbs is the 2nd.


Mucho Maas, enigmatic, whistling "I Want to Kiss Your Feet," a new recording by Sick Dick and the Volkswagens (an English group he was fond of at that time but did not believe in), stood with hands in pockets while she explained about going down to San Narciso for a while to look into Pierce's books and records and confer with Metzger, the co-executor. Mucho was sad to see her go, but not desperate, so after telling him to hang up if Dr Hilarius called and look after the oregano in the garden, which had contracted a strange mold, she went.

In this sentence we can see the phrasal verb consisting of a verb followed by a preposition. The type of look into is the 1st. The phrasal verb look into means “If a person or organization is looking into a possible course of action, a problem, or a situation, they are finding out about it and examining the facts relating to it”.

In this sentence the phrasal verb hang up means “If you say that someone is hung up about a particular person or thing, you are criticizing them for thinking or worrying too much about that person or thing”.

The construction includes verb followed by an adverb. The type of the phrasal verb is 3rd.

In this sentence we can see the phrasal verb consisting of a verb followed by a preposition. The type of look after is the 1st. The phrasal verb look after means “If you look after someone or something, you do what is necessary to keep them healthy, safe, or in good condition”.


Was it something like this he felt, looking through the soundproof glass at one of his colleagues with a headset clamped on and cueing the next record with movements stylized as the handling of chrism, censer, chalice might be for a holy man, yet really tuned in to the voice, voices, the music, its message, surrounded by it, digging it, as were all the faithful it went out to; did Mucho stand outside Studio A looking in, knowing that even if he could hear it he couldn't believe in it?

The meaning of the phrasal verb “look through” - “If you look through a group of things, you examine each one so that you can find or choose the one that you want”. The type of the phrasal verbs is the 1st.

The phrasal verb “clamp on” refers to the 4th type according to our classification. The meaning of this phrasal verb is – “to force sb to accept something unpleasant”. The particle can function as a preposition and as an adverb.

The phrasal verb go out to means “If you go out to do something, you make a deliberate effort to do it”. The type of the phrasal verbs is the 5th.


He left after shaking her down for four bits for carrying the bags.

The meaning of the phrasal verb shake down - “If someone shakes you down, they use threats or search you physically in order to obtain something from you”. The type of the phrasal verb refers to the 3rd.


"About this kid and his father, who's drummed out of the British Army for cowardice, only he's covering up for a friend, see, and to redeem himself he and the kid follow the old regiment to Gallipoli, where the father somehow builds a midget submarine, and every week they slip through the Dardanelles into the Sea of Marmara and torpedo the Turkish merchantmen, the father, son, and St Bernard.

In this sentence we can see the phrasal verb consisting of a verb followed by an adverb and followed by a preposition. The type of drum out of is the 5th.

The meaning of drum out of is “If someone is drummed out of an organization such as the armed forces or a club, they are forced to leave it, usually because they have done something wrong”. The phrasal verb has a special meaning, it is impossible to understand the meaning without knowing this phrasal verb.

The phrasal verb cover up means “If you cover something or someone up, you put something over them in order to protect or hide them”. The type of the phrasal verbs is the 2nd.


Are they going to get out of it, or not?

In this sentence we can see the phrasal verb consisting of a verb followed by an adverb and followed by a preposition. The type of get out of is the 5th.

The meaning of get out of is “If you get out of an organization or a commitment, you withdraw from it”. The phrasal verb has a special meaning, it is impossible to understand the meaning without knowing this phrasal verb.


Oedipa took her teeth out of Metzger, looked around and saw in the doorway Miles, the kid with the bangs and mohair suit, now multiplied by four.

In this sentence we can see the phrasal verb consisting of a verb that can function as an adverb or as a preposition. The type of the phrasal verbs is the 4th.

The meaning of the phrasal verbs is “If you look around or look round a building or place, you walk round it and look at the different parts of it”.


How can I come to you, put out the moon, send back the tide?

In this sentence we can see the phrasal verb consisting of a verb followed by an adverb. The type of put out is the 3rd.

The meaning of put out is “If you put out an electric light, you make it stop shining”.


No, I must lie alone,

Till it comes for me;

The meaning of the phrasal verb is “to come to somebody in order to take them somewhere”. The type of the phrasal verbs is the 1st.


Popov did send out a ship, either the corvette "Bogatir" or the clipper "Gaida-mak" to see what it could see.

In this sentence we can see the phrasal verb consisting of a verb followed by an adverb. The type of send out is the 3rd.

The meaning of send out is “To send out a signal, sound, light, or heat means to produce it”. The phrasal verb has a special meaning, it is impossible to understand the meaning without knowing this phrasal verb.


We don't try to make scripture out of it.

In this sentence we can see the phrasal verb consisting of a verb followed by an adverb. The type of make out is the 3rd.

The meaning of make out is “If you make something out, you manage with difficulty to see or hear it”. The phrasal verb has a special meaning, it is impossible to understand the meaning without knowing this phrasal verb.


He has begun feeling his sister up and nibbling at her neck; the dialogue modulates into the fevered figures of intemperate desire, and the scene ends with the couple collapsing onto a divan.

The phrasal verb “nibble at” means “to show a slight interest in something”. The type of the phrasal verb is the 1st.


Of course it is somebody in an ape suit, who at a signal leaps on Pasquale from a chandelier, at the same time as half a dozen female impersonators who have up to now been lounging around in the guise of dancing girls also move in on the usurper from all parts of the stage.

The phrasal verb “lounge around” – “If you lounge around or lounge about, you spend your time in a relaxed and lazy way, sometimes when you should be doing something useful”. The type of the phrasal verb is the 4th.

As for the phrasal verb “move in”, the meaning is “If someone moves in on an area of activity which was previously only done by a particular group of people, they start becoming involved with it for the first time”. The phrasal verb consists of a verb followed by an adverb followed by a preposition. The type of the phrasal verb is the 5th.


The swan has yielded but one hollow quill,

     The hapless mutton, but his tegument;

     Yet what, transmuted, swart and silken Hows

     Between, was neither plucked nor harshly flayed,

     But gathered up, from wildly different beasts.

The meaning of the phrasal verb is “If you gather things, you collect them together so that you can use them”. The type of the phrasal verb is the 2nd.


Leaning against the tree, he reads parts of the letter aloud, commenting, sarcastic, on what is blatantly a pack of lies devised to soothe Gennaro until Angelo can muster his own army of Squamuglians to invade Faggio. Offstage there is a sound of footpads.

The meaning of the phrasal verb is “to make something rest against or on something in a sloping position”. The type of the phrasal verbs is the 1st.


As if switched off.

The phrasal verb switch off – “If you switch off a light or other electrical device, you stop it working by operating a switch”. The type of the phrasal verb is the 2nd.

The total amount of phrasal verbs in the novel “The Crying of Lot 49” by Thomas Pynchon’s novel “The crying of Lot 49 is 301. As for the 1st type the quantity of phrasal verbs is – 54; 2nd Type – 90 phrasal verbs; 3rd Type – 99 phrasal verbs; 4th Type – 46 phrasal verbs; 5th Type – 12 phrasal verbs. The result is introduced in percentage in table 9.


Table 9


We would like to analyse three chapters of Jerome David Salinger’s “The catcher in the rye”. [33]

The author used a lot of Phrasal verbs in this work. The author in his work tells us a story about a young boy, and to be close to this generation and to influence on readers he uses colloquial speech which is more suitable for youth. It is best known phrasal verbs mostly are used in everyday’s speech among people. This is a novel by an American writer known as J. D. Salinger. This is actually a story of a teenager, Holden Caulfield, who is abandoning a childhood life and moving towards adulthood.


Holden Caulfield narrates in the first person, describing what he himself sees and experiences, providing his own commentary on the events and the people he describes. Holden’s tone varies between disgust, cynicism, bitterness, and nostalgic longing, all expressed in a colloquial style.


He understands alienation as a true fact for his self- protection. He finds the hypocrisy and ugliness of the world around him almost unbearable. He is uncomfortable with his own weaknesses, and at times displays as much phoniness, meanness, and superficiality as anyone else in the book. The title of the book is a strange one for many readers but as the novel opens, Holden stands poised on the cliff separating childhood from adulthood and this is the exact duty of a catcher in the rye. It is such a kind of story that all the readers can identify himself with Holden. Reading the novel would help the teenagers to make an adaptation between the childhood life and adulthood one so that the teenagers would be able to find their own identity during the teen years. [34]


There are some examples of using phrasal verbs from the novel “The catcher in the rye”.


”They got a bang out of things, though--in a haif-assed way, of course.

In this sentence the phrasal verb get out of means “If you get out of doing something that you do not want to do, you succeed in avoiding doing it”.

The construction includes verb followed by an adverb and followed by a preposition. The type of the phrasal verb is 5th.


I just mean that I used to think about old Spencer quite a lot, and if you thought about him too much, you wondered what the heck he was still living for.

The meaning of the phrasal verb is “when you think about ideas or problems, you make a mental effort to consider them”. The type of the phrasal verb is the 1st.


Then he finally straightened himself out and said, "Why aren't you down at the game? I thought this was the day of the big game."

The phrasal verb means “If you straighten out a confused situation, you succeed in getting it organized and tidied up”. The type is the 1st.


He made out like he was only pinching it, but he was really getting the old thumb right in there.

In this sentence we can see the phrasal verb consisting of a verb followed by an adverb. The type of make out is the 3rd.

The meaning of make out is “If you make something out, you manage with difficulty to see or hear it”. The phrasal verb has a special meaning, it is impossible to understand the meaning without knowing this phrasal verb.


I went over and brought it over to him--I didn't have any alternative or anything.

The meaning of the phrasal verb go over is “If you go over a document, incident, or problem, you examine, discuss, or think about it very carefully”. The type is the 1st.


Modern science would still like to know what the secret ingredients were that the Egyptians used when they wrapped up dead people so that their faces would not rot for innumerable centuries.

The meaning of the phrasal verb is “If someone is wrapped up in a particular person or thing, they spend nearly all their time thinking about them, so that they forget about other things which may be important”. The type refers to the 2nd.


He put my goddam paper down then and looked at me like he'd just beaten hell out of me in ping-pong or something.

The meaning of the phrasal verb look at is “If you look at someone in a particular way, you look at them with your expression showing what you are feeling or thinking”. The type of the phrasal verb is the 1st.


"You mean about my flunking out of Pencey and all?" I said.

The meaning of the phrasal verb “to flunk out” of is “to have to leave school because your marks are not enough”. The type of the phrasal verb is the 5th.


Everybody goes through phases and all, don't they?"

The meaning of the phrasal verb is “If you go through an experience or a period of time, especially an unpleasant or difficult one, you experience it.” The type of the phrasal verb refers to the 4th.


We tried to get old Marsalla to rip off another one, right while old Thurmer was making his speech, but be wasn't in the right mood.

The phrasal verb “rip off” means “If someone rips you off, they cheat you by charging you too much money for something or by selling you something that is broken or damaged.” The type is the 2nd.


I took off my coat and my tie and unbuttoned my shirt collar; and then I put on this hat that I'd bought in New York that morning.

The meaning of the phrasal verb take off is “If you take a garment off, you remove it.” The type of the phrasal verb is the 3rd.

As for the phrasal verb put on, the meaning is “When you put on clothing or make-up, you place it on your body in order to wear it.” The type is the 3rd.


There was a shower right between every two rooms in our wing, and about eighty-five times a day old Ackley barged in on me.

The meaning of the phrasal verb “barge in” is “if you barge in or barge in on someone, you rudely interrupt what they are doing or saying”. The type of the phrasal verb is the 4th.


I sneaked a look to see what he was fiddling around with on my chiffonier.

The meaning of the phrasal verb “fiddle around” is “if someone fiddles around or fiddles about, they waste time doing unimportant things instead of dealing with important problems”. The type of the phrasal verb is the 2nd.


He was holding my roommate's knee supporter up, to show me.

The meaning of the phrasal verbs is “to raise sth in the air”; the type is the 3rd. The structure of the phrasal verb hold up is v+n+adv.


That guy Ackley'd pick up anything.

In the sentence the phrasal verb pick up means “When you pick something up, you lift it up”. The structure of the phrasal verb is v+adv, the type is the 2nd.


He got it off, Stradlater's chiffonier, so he chucked it on the bed.

The phrasal verb get off consists of a verb followed by a preposition. The meaning of the phrasal verb is to manage to remove sth from sth. The type of the phrasal verb (construction v+pron+prep+n) – is the 1st according to our classification.


He came over (v+adv) and sat down (v+adv) on the arm of Stradlater's chair.

In the sentence there were found two phrasal verbs. The type of the phrasal verb come over is the 2nd.

Информация о работе Phrasal verbs and their different treatment