Practice of pharmacy in Russia

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Марта 2013 в 19:31, контрольная работа

Описание работы

Pharmacy is the science of medicine dealing with the production, treatment, storage, analysis, preparation and delivery of medicinal drugs. The organization and economy of pharmaceutical practice takes an important place among the pharmaceutical branches of Russia science. The course of pharmaceutical practice in our country comprises the following sections: history of pharmacy and development of pharmacognosy; organization of pharmaceutical work and inspection of pharmacies, financial and economic activities of self – supporting pharmacies, etc.

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Задание № 1

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Practice of pharmacy in Russia

Pharmacy is the science of medicine dealing with the production, treatment, storage, analysis, preparation and delivery of medicinal drugs. The organization and economy of pharmaceutical practice takes an important place among the pharmaceutical branches of Russia science. The course of pharmaceutical practice in our country comprises the following sections: history of pharmacy and development of pharmacognosy; organization of pharmaceutical work and inspection of pharmacies, financial and economic activities of self – supporting pharmacies, etc.

In some years I᾽ll be a pharmaceutist and get my work appointment. Now our country has highly developed pharmaceutical industry. Its medical enterprises annually manufacture more than two thousand items of medicines. There is a number specialized institutions developing new pharmacological remedies. Many interesting studies are made in chemistry on the synthesis of compounds of inorganic substances for medical purposes. Effective blood substitutes, artificial organs are created in numerous laboratories and scientific research centres.

Every new drug is tested at the department for introduction of new medicines at the Pharmacological Committee composed of the leading scientists and specialists. The medicine is then directed to competent institutions for test and recommended for extensive clinical use. Such achievements drew interest from abroad and one of the results is an agreement between Russian and French pharmaceutical scientists for joint work.

Развитие  практической фармацевтической деятельности в России

  Фармация  – отрасль науки о медицине, которая изучает вопросы  изготовления, обработки, хранения, исследования, создания и отпуска лекарственных препаратов. Организация и экономика фармации является одной из важных фармацевтических отраслей среди российских наук. Направление фармацевтической деятельности в нашей стране включает в себя следующие разделы: история фармации и развитие фармакогнозии, организация деятельности и контроль в сфере практической фармацевтики, работа с финансовой и экономической деятельностью независимых аптечных учреждений.

Через несколько  лет я стану провизором и получу работу по специальности. На сегодняшний день наша страна имеет высокоразвитую фармацевтическую индустрию. Медицинские учреждения России ежегодно производят более двух тысяч наименований лекарственных средств. Существует ряд специализированных учреждений по разработке новых фармакологических средств. В медицинских целях проводится большое количество исследований, путем химического синтеза соединений из неорганических веществ. Во многих лабораториях и научно-исследовательских центрах созданы эффективные заменители крови и искусственные органы.

Каждый новый  препарат тестируется Фармакологическим  Комитетом из департамента по введению новых лекарственных средств, состоящего из ведущих ученых и специалистов. Затем препарат направляется в компетентные органы для испытаний и после рекомендуется для широкого клинического применения. Такие достижения привлекли внимание и за рубежом, в результате французские учёные-фармацевты подписали  с русскими соглашение на совместную работу.















Задание №2

Найти в тексте слова и  выписать с транскрипцией и переводом:

  1. Существительные, производные от глаголов:

to compound: of compounds [ɔv  'kɔmpaundz]- соединений

to analyse: analysis [ə'næləsɪs] - исследования

to appoint: appointment [ə'pɔɪntmənt] - назначение

to introduce: for introduction [fɔː ˌɪntrə'dʌkʃ(ə)n] – для введения, для знакомства

to act: activities [æk'tɪvətɪz] - деятельность

to study: studies ['stʌdɪz] - исследования

to achieve: achievements [ə'ʧiːvmənts] – достижения

to deliver: delivery [dɪ'lɪv(ə)rɪ] – отпуск чего-либо, поставка

to store: storage ['stɔːrɪʤ] - хранение

to substitute: substitutes ['sʌbstɪtjuːtɪz] – заменители

  1. Прилагательные, производные от существительных

science: scientific [ˌsaɪən'tɪfɪk] – искусственный, научный

medicine: medicinal [mə'dɪs(ə)n(ə)l] - медицинский

importance: important [ɪm'pɔːt(ə)nt] - важный

organ: inorganic [ˌɪnɔː'gænɪk] - неорганический

extension: extensive [ɪk'sten(t)sɪv] - широкий

art: artificial [ˌɑːtɪ'fɪʃ(ə)l] - искусственный

economy: economic [ˌiːkə'nɔmɪk] - экономический

pharmacy: pharmaceutical [ˌfɑːmə'sjuːtɪk(ə)l] - фармацевтический

Russia: Russian ['rʌʃ(ə)n] - российский

effect: еffective [ɪ'fektɪv] - эфективный

  1. Глаголы, производны от существительных:

development: developed [dɪ'veləpt] – развивать (ся)

manufacture: to manufacture [ˌmænju'fækʧə] - производить

specialist: specialized [spe̱ʃəlaɪzd] – специализировать (ся)

direction: directed [dɪ'rektɪd] – направлять (ся)

composition: composed [kəm'pəuzd] - состоять

leader: leading [lɪdɪːɳ] - лидировать

test: tested [test'ɪd] – тестировать (ся)

recommendation: recommended [ˌrekə'mendɪd] – рекомендовать (ся)

synthesis: synthesis ['sɪnθəsɪs] – объединять (ся)

organization: organization [ˌɔːg(ə)naɪ'zeɪʃ(ə)n] – организовывать (ся)

  1. Наречия производные от прилагательных:

high: highly ['haɪlɪ] – высоко (развитый)

annual: annually ['ænjuəlɪ] - ежегодно


Задание №3

Перевести слова и словосочетания из текста:

широкое клиническое применение - extensive clinical use

занимать важное место – to take an important place

независимая (самоокупаемая) аптека - self – supporting pharmacy

назначение на работу - work appointment

предприятие – an enterprise

наименование лекарств - items of medicines

кровозаменители - blood substitutes

лечебное средство – medicine, medicinal drug

вызывать интерес – to draw interest

лекарство – remedies


Задание №4

Найти в тексте и перевести 1,2,3,4 основные формы  глаголов и перевести:

1форма (Infinitive):      comprises – включает в себя, manufacture - производить

2 форма (Past Simple): drew – привлекли внимание, created – производить, tested – тестировать, directed – управлять, recommended -рекомендовать

3 форма (Past Participle): created – производить, tested – тестировать, directed – управлять, recommended -рекомендовать

4 форма (Present Participle): dealing- изучающий, developing - развивающийся


Задание №5

Выписать из текста все неправильные глаголы  в трёх формах и перевести:

1форма (Infinitive):      takes - занимать, will be, is, are – быть, get – получу, has - имеет 

2 форма (Past Simple): made - делал

3 форма (Past Participle): have been - имел



Задание №6

Подчеркнуть сказуемые  в следующих предложениях, указать  время, видовременную группу, залог:

In some years I᾽ll be a pharmaceutist and get my work appointment. (Future Simple, Common Aspect, Active Voice)

Such achievements drew interest (Past Simple, Common Aspect, Active Voice) from abroad and one of the results is an agreement (Present Simple, Common Aspect, Active Voice) between Russian and French pharmaceutical scientists.

Many interesting studies are made (Present Continuous, Continuous Aspect, Active Voice) in chemistry on the synthesis of compounds of inorganic substances for medical purposes.


Задание №7

Изменить следующие  предложения, используя конструкцию There + be:

The course of pharmaceutical practice in our country comprises the history and development of pharmacy. – There is a course of pharmaceutical practice in our country comprising the history and development of pharmacy.

Now our country has highly developed pharmaceutical industry. – Now there is highly developed pharmaceutical industry in our country.


Задание №8

Преобразовать предложения в пассивную форму  и перевести:

  1. Medical enterprises annually manufacture more than two thousand items of medicines. – Annually more than two thousand items of medicines are manufactured by medical enterprises. – Ежегодно более двух тысяч наименований лекарственных средств производится медицинскими учреждениями.
  2. Russian and French pharmaceutical scientists made an agreement for joint work. – An agreement was made for joint work by Russian and French pharmaceutical scientists. – Российскими и французскими учеными было подписано соглашение на совместную работу.
  3. Many pharmaceutical branches of Russia science develop the organization of pharmaceutical practice. – The organization of pharmaceutical practice is developed by many pharmaceutical branches of Russia science - Фармацевтическая деятельность развивается благодаря множеству отраслей российской науки.


Задание №9

Поставить к  предложениям общий вопрос и дать два кратких ответа:

  1. There is number of specialized institutions developing new pharmacological remedies. – Does the number of specialized institutions develop new pharmacological remedies? – Yes, it does – No, it doesn’t
  2. I᾽ll get my work appointment in some years. – Will I get my work appointment in some years? – Yes, I will – No, I will not
  3. Effective blood substitutes, artificial organs are created in numerous laboratories and research centres. –Did effective blood substitutes and artificial organs create numerous laboratories and research centres? – Yes, they did – No, they didn’t
  4. Pharmacy deals with the production, preparation and delivery of medicinal drugs. – Does pharmacy deal with the production, preparation and delivery of medicinal drugs? – Yes, it does – No, it doesn’t
  5. Such achievements drew interest from abroad. – Do such achievements drew interest from abroad? – Yes, they do – No, they don’t


Задание №10

Дать ответы на английском языке:

  1. What section does the course of pharmaceutical practice comprise in our country? - The course of pharmaceutical practice in our country comprises the following sections: history of pharmacy and development of pharmacognosy; organization of pharmaceutical work and inspection of pharmacies, financial and economic activities of self – supporting pharmacies, etc.
  2. Where is every new drug tested? – Every new drug tested at the department for introduction of new medicines at the Pharmacological Committee composed of the leading scientists and specialists.
  3. When will you be a pharmaceutist and get your work appointment? - I᾽ll be a pharmaceutist and get my work appointment in some years.
  4. What is new medicine directed and recommended for? - New medicine is directed to competent institutions for test and recommended for extensive clinical use.
  5. How many specialized institutions develop new pharmacological remedies? - There is a number specialized institutions developing new pharmacological remedies.
  6. Who made agreement for joint work? - Russian and French pharmaceutical scientists made agreement for joint work.
  7. Where are artificial organs and blood substitutes created? artificial organs and blood substitutes where created in numerous laboratories and scientific research centres.
  8. What studies are made in chemistry for medical purposes? - Many interesting studies are made in chemistry on the synthesis of compounds of inorganic substances for medical purposes.
  9. How often do medical enterprises manufacture more than two thousand items of medicines? - Annually medical enterprises manufacture more than two thousand items of medicines.
  10. What takes an important place among the pharmaceutical branches of Russia science? - The organization and economy of pharmaceutical practice takes an important place among the pharmaceutical branches of Russia science.

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