
Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Апреля 2013 в 01:33, лекция

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There is a true that everyone knows: playing sports is very good for our health. Playing sport helps us stay in shape, builds up our teamwork skill, and makes us persistent players. But there is a true that not many people can realize: spending too much time on sports may cause some bad influence. Especially when it comes to young children, they need a balanced schedule so that they can take advantage and avoid some disadvantages of playing sports.

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   There is a true that everyone knows: playing sports is very good for our health. Playing sport helps us stay in shape, builds up our teamwork skill, and makes us persistent players. But there is a true that not many people can realize: spending too much time on sports may cause some bad influence. Especially when it comes to young children, they need a balanced schedule so that they can take advantage and avoid some disadvantages of playing sports 
First, playing sports is necessary for everyone to reserve a good health. Second, playing sports helps young children develop their team work skill. Lastly, playing sports helps children learn how to stand up after failing, making them comparative in any tournament. Definitely that everyone will fail at least once when they play sport. The desire of being the winner urges them to try more and more. The more they try, the more they become better.

   But it is also true that spending too much time on sport will bring out negative effect on them. Young children may have less time to study, can not work properly alone or become aggressive if they are so involved in sports.

   Trophies, gold medals, and awards are some of the reason you might play a sport. But there is something else that you can also get in trying to achieve your goal. All the work you put in for a particular sport can set you up for success and also can set up for failure. Also, it can leave you with something that you will remember for the rest of your life. In a lot of the things that you do like practice, exercising athletics need to also protect themselves. While playing sports some of the things that you do not think of are injuries, diseases, and medicine.

   As for me, I like calisthenics a lot! And do you see their bodies? They are so thin and look a bit painfully. They have trainings 3 times a day, keep a strict diet to be in a good shape. They haven’t a normal life, like all teenagers. Boyfriends, free time, boredom, parties-all these words are unknown for them.

   To say the truth, if I were a sportsman I wouldn’t choose a normal, simple life! I think it’s great to be a unique and achieve a lot in the life. Sport-like a medal, has two sides….

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