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Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 03 Июня 2015 в 12:28, реферат

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Morals established between people in both the public and family life are the result of centuries of relations between the process of becoming. Without compliance with these rules possible political, economic, cultural and family relations, otherwise we can not exist, does not take to each other, without imposing on certain restrictions. And here is a very important role to play etiquette.
Etiquette is called a component of the external human culture and society. It contains the requirements that acquire the character of a more or less strictly regulated and subject to ceremony which is of particular importance certain forms of conduct.

Содержание работы

1. Preparation and negotiation
2. Negotiations
3. Deficiencies in negotiations
4. National characteristics negotiation
List of used literature

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Table of contents



1. Preparation and negotiation

2. Negotiations

3. Deficiencies in negotiations

4. National characteristics negotiation


List of used literature
































Morals established between people in both the public and family life are the result of centuries of relations between the process of becoming. Without compliance with these rules possible political, economic, cultural and family relations, otherwise we can not exist, does not take to each other, without imposing on certain restrictions. And here is a very important role to play etiquette.

Etiquette is called a component of the external human culture and society. It contains the requirements that acquire the character of a more or less strictly regulated and subject to ceremony which is of particular importance certain forms of conduct.

The talks are part of our daily life. This is required by these emerging realities in our lives, like multiparty politics and a market economy. To date, most of the decisions reached through negotiation, which are assigned to certain hopes, shallow that they will lead to a reasonable agreement.

Modern means of communication make it possible to solve many business problems, not meeting with their partners. But they are effective only when the understanding has been reached and agreed on the main terms and conditions. In addressing fundamental issues the main role played by personal contacts.

They can be implemented in a variety of forms, from informal discussions to formal negotiations with the pre-arranged agenda. The success of the personal contacts depends on whether it was possible to achieve mutual understanding, and this requires careful preparation of any meeting, even if it is informal.

Although negotiations with business partners are quite often conduct them properly is not easy.

Standard negotiating strategy often leaves people feeling frustration, exhaustion and alienation, and often all together.







1. Preparation and negotiation


Preparing for negotiations is usually divided into three stages: the first stage should be to collect all the information necessary to understand the problems faced by participants, identify solutions. In the second phase should consider different options to negotiate and choose acceptable. The third step is to identify the differences in the approaches to the issues discussed and try to understand them.

Practice shows that the planning of the negotiations, it is important to present a possible response to your partner's suggestions and take into account its own expectations from the negotiations. Therefore, the plan must be sufficiently flexible, but provides for the answer to all your questions. We know that an unexpected situation can lead to the breakdown of negotiations. To avoid this, you can only advance the preparation of alternative proposals.

Any negotiations must be limited in time. It left a bad impression No limit on the duration of the negotiations. They testify to the lack of training and formal attitude towards them initiator talks about his professional unpreparedness and inability to make responsible decisions about the contempt of his partner.

One of the conditions is not acceptable contacts with representatives of other organizations (companies) is a preliminary agreement on the time and place of the meeting. The negotiations are not always held in the premises. Meetings with business partners, wearing informal, are possible in the theater, a cafe, a sports event, a picnic, etc. The talks in an informal setting requires especially careful preparation. It is advisable not to carry any plan for negotiation, no documents corroborating your arguments. It is possible that the witness may be representatives of competing companies.

The plan talks should include:

-Place the date and time of the meeting;

-sostav participants;

-Questions for discussion;

-alternativy counterproposals to the case;

-otvetstvennogo for the preparation of reference materials (product samples, catalogs, advertising);

-otvetstvennogo for a meeting of representatives of wires;

-otvetstvennogo for organizing the refreshments during the negotiations;

In preparation for the negotiations it is crucial the correct choice of language of communication. If business partners are fluent in the same language, no problem. If the language environment is different, as a rule, negotiations are conducted in the language of the host country with the participation of an interpreter. Many deliberately concealed knowledge of the language, to the other side think they do not understand, can utter a phrase or a replica that can provide useful information or influence the decision.




2. Negotiations

Negotiations should be conducted in a separate room. Negotiators from the host must take place in the meeting room before the arrival of the representatives of the other side.

Host must submit their colleagues by their surnames and positions, including those invited to the talks representatives of other organizations. Then is the head of my colleagues on the other hand. If the negotiators are not very well they know each other or meet for the first time, you must first exchange business cards. I put the card in front of him in the order in which they sit negotiating partners, easy to carry on a conversation, address each other by name, and at the same time well-imagining the level of authority and competence of the interlocutors.

Traditionally, the guests took seats facing the window, his back to the door. In an informal atmosphere the participants preferred seating mixed, as it facilitates the open exchange of views. Leaders of the parties usually sit down next to the other participants of the meeting - on sympathy or on the principle of subordination. After all take your seats at the negotiating table, access to the meeting room should be discontinued, with the exception of additional invitees, which is extremely undesirable. It should be emphasized that the presence at the talks of anonymous witnesses is viewed with prejudice, causing alarming concern is not conducive to a frank talk business.

Regardless of the importance of the negotiations, they should start with informal phrases that emphasize the attention to interlocutors of the host, his personal interest in them sympathetic. The effectiveness of the conversation depends on the style of it, the content of the questions and the correct sequence of their production. Although the negotiations on both sides can take part several people are usually the conversation must be conducted between the leaders. It is unacceptable, if during the negotiations leading interrupt his colleagues. Of course, he may give the floor to one of them, especially on specific issues, but most of the brunt of the conversation on a whole range of issues discussed, the master must take on.

Negotiations should begin with the most important issues on the agenda, is gradually trying to reach agreement on fundamental issues. Then we discuss the issues on which agreement can be relatively easily and without spending much time, and only then move on to the key issues requiring detailed analysis.

There is a negotiation tactic proven:

-dohodchivo explain its proposal;

-Do not promise nothing is impossible;

-uchites not feasible to reject the claim;

-zapisyvayte all you agree with what you are and what you promise;

-Don't believe the reason for refusal if it is clearly not justified;

-Don't go to direct confrontation;

-Hard issues are discussed at the end.

The method of principled negotiation.

This method involves the desire to find mutual benefit wherever possible, and where interests do not coincide, it is necessary to insist on this result that the ball would have justified some fair standards independent of the will of each party. It includes four elements:

1. People. Demarcates the participants and the subject of negotiations. If not directly, then indirectly negotiators must come to understand that they need to work side by side and deal with the problem, not each other.

2. Interests. Focus on interests, not positions. The aim of the talks is not a lack of positions expressed, and to satisfy the underlying interests. Adopted at the negotiations position often obscures what you really want, and hinders the achievement of your true interests.

3. Options. Before you decide what to do, select the range of possibilities. The success of negotiations often prevent shortage of time and the desire to find the right decision. Therefore, it is important to find time to ponder a wide range of possible solutions that would take into account the common interests and creatively reconcile divergent interests.

4. Criteria. Insist that the result be based on some objective standard. When the interests of participants in the negotiations that any right contrasts, it can achieve a favorable result, showing a stubbornness. However, it can withstand such pressure from insisting that intransigence is not a sufficient argument, and that the agreement must reflect some fair rules and not depend on the "train" the will of each of the parties.

These standards, adopted by all the contracting parties to play the role of the foundation on which to build a mutually acceptable agreement. These standards or objective criteria, may be a common approach, common values, customs, rules, regulations, laws, expert assessments, similar examples and so forth.

These four elements of principled negotiation can be considered by you as soon as you start thinking about the negotiations and up until the agreement has been accepted, or you decide to abandon further efforts. This period can be divided into three separate steps:

- Analysis (collection of information, its interpretation, diagnosis of the situation);

- Planning (drawing up a plan of action sequences making proposals, arguments and counter-arguments);

- Discussion.




3. Deficiencies in negotiations


Partner enters into negotiations, without thinking beforehand sufficiently their necessity and purpose, complexity and potential consequences. In this case, followed by a "back door", ie it will react, not act without him will come the initiative.

The absence of the program. The partners do not have a clear plan of action within the maximum and minimum requirements. It is easier to negotiate, bearing in mind or on paper various options.

Partner prominence to their own interests so that does not leave you any benefits. This divergence of interests is often caused by selfish considerations, blocks interlocutor beats his hunt to negotiate at all.

Insufficient training of negotiations. The effectiveness of the talks is reduced when the partner does not have a clear idea of ​​their own specific proposals and arguments, detailed requirements and criteria for the evaluation of the subject of negotiations, the positions and the expected reaction of the opposing party.

Improper behavior of one of the partners of a negative impact on the atmosphere of the talks, hinders the achievement of their goals.

Partner forgotten how to listen or have never owned this art. This is a condition for the effectiveness of any negotiations. Member of the talks in response to the recovery of the Partner:

-vedet itself not businesslike, emotionally, without restraint;

-not he argues, and willfully defending his position;

-not leads new facts, does not put forward new proposals, and outlines the known position, preventing solution of the problem;

Participating negotiations is not guided by common interests, shared responsibility for the common cause, it does not emit this aspect. By analyzing the real situation revealed divergent interests of the negotiating parties, which leads to objections, counterclaims, failures, etc.

It underestimates the importance of psychological factors. For example, readiness to meet the negotiator partner. Many leaders of these capabilities are underdeveloped.








4. National characteristics negotiation

Difficulties in negotiations often are caused by differences in national cultures. To distinguish the culture in which the spoken words are perceived virtually no account of possible hidden meaning. This so-called low-culture context. These include the American and German. In other cultures, such as the Persian, French, Japanese, context value is very high. Sometimes the hidden meaning in the words capable of changing said quite the opposite.

Quite common is the view that it is easier to negotiate representatives of one race and thus more than one nationality. Meanwhile, this is not always the case. Scientists have found that the closer the nations together ethnically, the more significant is their differing views on this or that problem. But the more different nations ethnically, the more significant for their representatives to be coincidence of opinion. It should be noted that the coincidence of interests of the parties, national differences are not seen, but it's worth a conflict, they are beginning to play an important role.

It is necessary to take into account where the negotiator was born, educated, lives and works in real time. For example, a Japanese living in the United States and leading negotiations on behalf of the American company, to a certain extent can save traits of the Japanese national character, and it will affect its behavior in the negotiations. However, in general, his negotiating style is more American, since the formation of his personality was greatly influenced by the environment in which he was raised.

Americans in solving problems not only seek to discuss common approaches, and details related to the implementation of the agreements. They appreciate the openness and honesty of the people, are rapidly moving to the point, without wasting time on formalities.

The British did not pay special attention to the careful preparation of the negotiation process. Approach to any problem with a fair amount of pragmatism, flatter, that depending on the position of the partner directly in the negotiations will be to find the optimal solution.

The Arabs are trying to establish in the negotiations the atmosphere of mutual trust. When we first met necessarily vykazhut partner hospitality and courtesy. They prefer to bargaining at the negotiating table to all other forms of cooperation with business partners.

The Irish are the most difficult negotiators throughout Western Europe. Due to historical reasons, they have developed a special model of conduct against foreigners - to do so a second time did not apply.

The Spaniards are sincere, cordial, open, have a sense of humor and the ability to work in a team. Talks with Spanish entrepreneurs usually occur less rapidly than American or Korean.

The Chinese during business meetings are very attentive to two things: the collection of information relating to the subject of negotiation, and the creation of "a spirit of friendship." In fact it's just a good personal relationship negotiating partners.

Koreans appreciate personal contact, direct contact, so without them in Korea can not be solved any major problem. Strike up contact with them in writing is simply not possible.

Germans prefer to start negotiations if they are firmly confident that will come to some agreement with your partner appreciate punctuality, known for their pedantry, therefore, leading negotiations with them, you must strictly adhere to the protocol.

The French, unlike Americans, are trying to avoid formal discussions of any issues alone. They like to thoroughly examine all the aspects and implications of the proposals received, so the negotiations with them are in a much slower pace.

Swedes accuracy, punctuality, honesty and reliability in all respects. As a rule, speak several European languages. They like to plan things in advance, so the best business meetings to negotiate in advance.

The Japanese are hardworking, committed to tradition, disciplined, polite and courteous. Japanese businessmen are used to judge the partner primarily for his membership in a particular group or groups.

Starting negotiations with any representatives of the West or the East and trying to change in their favor their course, you should never resort to tricks that sometimes allow themselves to the Russians: they say that someone offers them more favorable terms of the transaction. Among respectable people it is considered blackmail and tactlessness. It is assumed that everyone is free to choose their most profitable partner, but to do it with dignity, without offending others.



















Prepare the new transaction can take plenty of time, but the decision must be made quickly and implemented immediately. By the way one of the tenets of Japanese business reads: to respond instantly, act immediately. The burden of responsibility in this case is very high - in fact in the case of failure or bankruptcy no one to blame but himself, so plan negotiations - the most important stage of their training. The plan should cover a maximum fullness you are interested in the problem. It can not be limited only to a certain date, time and place of negotiations. It generally outlines the main challenges to be addressed, and participants. Having a plan gives artists the confidence in the success of any business.

The success of the negotiations, not least dependent on the principal interlocutors to negotiate relationships in general and on their behavior in a given situation. Based on the fact that negotiations are necessary and useful for solving the problems in front of you.

Over the years of practice to establish certain rules of the negotiation, that they should not be neglected in the business, nor in diplomacy is not accepted.











List of used literature


1. Modern etiquette and business protocol. - 2nd ed. / EY Solovyov - M .: Publishing House "Os-89", 1999.

2. Basics of business planning: Textbook / SR Demyanenko - M .: Soviet sport, 2002.

3. Networking. Business etiquette: Textbook / IN Kuznetsov. - M .: UNITY-DANA, 2005.


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