The roots of Western

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 23 Мая 2013 в 15:39, реферат

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The roots of Western civilization may be found in the experience and culture of the Greeks. Yet Greek civilization itself was richly nourished by older, magnificent civilizations to the south and east, especially in Mesopotamia and Egypt. In the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (Mesopotamia) and soon after in the valley of the Nile in Egypt, human beings moved from a life in agricultural villages, using tools of wood, bone, shell, and stone, into a much richer and more varied social organization that we call civilization. That is, instead of merely agricultural villages, we see the beginnings of real cities.

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The roots of Western civilization may be found in the experience and culture of the Greeks.  Yet Greek civilization itself was richly nourished by older, magnificent civilizations to the south and east, especially in Mesopotamia and Egypt.  In the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (Mesopotamia) and soon after in the valley of the Nile in Egypt, human beings moved from a life in agricultural villages, using tools of wood, bone, shell, and stone, into a much richer and more varied social organization that we call civilization. That is, instead of merely agricultural villages, we see the beginnings of real cities. 
              The Ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamian cultures over a period of time illustrated correspondence within both civilizations. Both cultures resembled through influence of similar geographical features, written records, government and architecture. The Ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamian cultures are geographically influenced by location and adaptation of survival skills. Both cities are located near rivers. People lived near these rivers because the rivers provided a lot of things that made life possible like water for farming, fishing, water for building and hygiene. “In the mind of the Egyptians, the Nile was the supreme fertilizer and re-newer of the land. Each September the Nile floods it’s valley, transforming it into a huge are of marsh or lagoon. By the end of November the water retreats, leaving behind a thin covering of fertile mud ready to be planted with crops.

Mesopotamian culture was so rich and advanced that neighboring peoples eagerly adopt it, thereby spreading it through much of the area. However, both civilizations have a common trait, which is the influence of pictures in their writing style. According to the text, "The wealth of the Mesopotamians made it possible for them to devote time to history, astronomy, urban planning, medicine, and other arts and sciences. Through their style of writing both civilization were able to communicate as well as distinguish themselves from other cultures. The importance of language and culture in both civilizations is unique yet original. " -A history of world societies fifth edition; pg. The Egyptian civilization and Mesopotamian government system (political structure) were comparable because of similar hierarchical system. In conclusion, The Ancient Egyptian civilization and Mesopotamian culture compared and contrasted each other. Cuneiform writing was always found at burial sites and murals as a way to inform people of the significance of the piece of work. The intelligence of the Mesopotamian culture inspired their community through professional traits. , Mesopotamian influences, notably architectural techniques and materials perhaps even writing, made themselves felt in Egyptian life. Both cultures have had similar forms of writing; the Mesopotamians used a pictograph system known as "Cuneiform.

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