Лексико грамматические особенности перевода публицистического текста

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 04 Октября 2013 в 16:41, реферат

Описание работы

Functional styles are not a standard set of styles or various norms of circuits. They are rules of correct speech, which were allocated during centuries, a system of interrelated language means which serve a definite aim in communication and falls into some varieties. Publicistic style is concern to bookish style, which corresponds to public speeches.

Содержание работы

CHAPTER 1………………………………………………………....…………………..…4
1.1. Functional styles of the English language……………………………………….…4
1.2. Publicistic style………………………………………………………………….….7
1.3. Classification of publicistic style………………………………………..…………9
1.4. Grammatical peculiarities of publicistic texts…………………………………….12
1.5. Lexical peculiarities of publicistic texts…………………………………………..14
CHAPTER 2………………………………………………………………………………16
2.1. Lexical-grammatical peculiarities of publicistic style on the examples of oratorical speeches………………………………………………………………………………...…16
2.2. Lexical-grammatical peculiarities of publicistic style on the examples of articles headlines………………………………………………………………………………..…17

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  • Barbarisms

Barbarisms are words of foreign origin which have not entirely been assimilated into the English language. They bear the appearance of a borrowing and are felt as something alien to the native tongue. The great majority of the borrowed words now form a part of the rank and a file of the English vocabulary. There are some words which retain their foreign appearance to greater or lesser degree. These words, which are called barbarisms, are also considered to be on the outskirts of the literary language. Most of them have corresponding English synonyms. Barbarisms are not made conspicuous in the text unless they bear a special load of stylistic information.[1]

  • Foreign words

Foreign words do not belong to the English vocabulary. In printed works foreign words and phrases are generally italicized to indicate their alien nature or their stylistic value. There are foreign words which fulfill a terminological function. Many foreign words and phrases have little by little entered the class of words named barbarisms and many of these barbarisms have gradually lost their foreign peculiarities, become more or less naturalized and have merged with the native English stock of words.[20]

In publicistic style also are widely used jargonizes and other lexical elements of colloquial style. Certainly others types can appear in publicistic style, but set forth above are more characteristic to it.

One of lexical peculiarities can be an allocation of such receptions as:

  • Repetition. (A regularly repeated line or group of lines.)
  • Dramatic pause.(An intentional pause in delivery in order to build suspense or magnify the importance of a point.)
  • Hyperbole. (Exaggeration used for emphasis or dramatic effect.)

In area of phraseology publicistic style is  distinguished by wide use of “ready formulas” or clichés. Here we can find:

  • Numerous introduction revolutions, which indicate a source of the information (it is reported, it is claimed, our correspondent reports from, according to well-informed sources)
  • Steady combinations with blurred figurativeness (to set the tone, to throw light, to lay the corner-stone, to give the lie)
  • Lot of political stamps like: government reshuffle, vested interests, an unnamed Power, generation gap, a foregone conclusion, etc. [18]

The lexical features of the publicistic texts are rather interesting, as they contain features of different styles, for example both scientific and colloquial. It allows the publicistic texts to be or slightly strict in lexicon or on the contrary emotion, depending on what purpose of text is.












2.1 Lexical-grammatical peculiarities of publicistic style on the examples of oratorical speeches


Any features of any style are best for examining them on concrete examples.

a) “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” (Th. Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence).

Here we can see the use of the 1st person pronoun we, which is rather often used in publicistic texts.

b) “We’re talking about healing our nation. We’re not talking about politics. We’re all here to do everything in our power to save lives. I’m here to thank you for hearing that call. Actually, I shouldn’t be thanking you, I should be thanking a Higher Power for giving you the call”. (George W. Bush).

The usage of contractions as I’ll; won’t; haven’t; isn’t and others are peculiar to publicistic texts. In this example the often use of them are visible.

c) “It is high time this people had recovered from the passions of war. It is high time that counsel were taken from statesmen, not demagogues. It is high time the people of the North and South understood each other and adopted means to inspire confidence in each other.” (Speech of the American Confederate general, A.P. Hill, on the ending of the Civil War in the U.S.A)

In this example we can see repetition of  words “It is high time”. The repetition is lexical feature of the publicistic texts.

d) “It is obviously, that the country is doomed. Certainly, there is no doubt who is guilty. All of us certainly know it”

The category of a modality is visible in this example. It is often can b found mostly in every publicistic text.

e) “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived and so dedicated in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this” (A. Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address).

In this example very precisely it is visible grammatical correctly and clearness of the sentences.


2.2.  Lexical-grammatical peculiarities of publicistic style on the examples of articles headlines


Especially precisely lexical and grammatical specificity of publicistic texts are shown in headings. Usually in the English publicity the verbal headings of a type are prevail: Floods Hit Scotland, William Faulkner Is Dead, Exports to Russia Are Rising. Verbality is usually kept in headings consisting of the interrogative offer: Will There Be Another Major Slump Next Year?. The specific feature of the English heading consists in an opportunity to omit a subject: Hires Teen-Agers as Scabs, Want No War Hysteria in Toronto Schools, Hits Arrests of Peace Campaigners, etc.

In the field of lexicon often use of small number of special words making some kind of “a heading slang” is characteristic for headings of the English publicity: ban, bid, claim, crack, crash, cut, dash, hit, move, pact, plea, probe, quit, quiz, rap, rush, slash etc. Distinctive feature of “heading lexicon” is not only frequency of their use, but also universal character of their semantics. World “pact” in heading can mean not only “pact”, but also "contract", "agreement", "bargain" etc. Verb “hit” can be used in connection with any critical performance. “Bid” means both “appeal”, and “invitation”, and “attempt to reach a definite purpose”:

- National Gallery Launches Bid to Buy the Titian

- Bid to Stop New Police Powers

In headings are especially widely used jargonizes and other lexical elements of colloquial style: Report Raps Lack of Law Reform, Hits GOPers Housing Stand, Dief Lends JFK a Helping Hand, etc. Even if in article any situation is described in more constrained style, the heading frequently have more colloquial character. Compare beginning of a note in the English newspaper: “A leading Chinese diplomat has been accused of responsibility for violence against foreign embassies” with its heading: China Blames Diplomat for Embassy Rows.




























Having analyzed peculiarities of the publicistic text I have come to conclusions, that they play a huge role in formation of the text and its perception. Grammatically and lexically correctly constructed publicistic text bears huge semantic loading, which can be spoiled, apparently, by insignificant mistake.

It is necessary to note, that the features are characteristic to both sub-styles of publicistic style: oral and written. But nevertheless they have distinctions, which cannot be ignored.

The grammatic peculiarities of the publicistic texts play a huge role. It is very important, that the sentences would be grammatically correct, as it is a pledge of success of speech or article. Usage of pronouns or contractions should be correct or the sense of the text will be lost differently.

Lexical peculiarities of the publicistic texts are rather interesting, as they unite as well as certain severity and emotionality. A task of the publicistic text to influence public, that’s why lexical elements should be coordinated with the text. Special words, phraseologies, etc should be in a measure or publicistic text will cease to be publicistic.

Having studied the publicistic text and its features I can tell, that it is not something unique or exceptional. But it is very exact and enables precisely state the ideas, to influence on opinion of the listeners or readers.













Тема даної курсової роботи – лексико-граматичні особливості  публіцистичного тексту. Важливість цієї теми очевидна, адже в наш час дуже важливо уміти правильно говорити і писати на публічні теми. А саме публіцистичний стиль використовується в усіх ораторських виступах та газетних статтях. Тема досить актуальна, тому що знати і правильно використовувати лексичні та граматичні особливості публіцистичних текстів – прямий шлях до успіху.

Ціль роботи – знайти, визначити і показати головні  особливості публіцистичних текстів. Предметом курсової роботи є публіцистичний стиль, його класифікація та його місце серед інших стилів.  Об’єктом роботи є особливості публіцистичних текстів, лексичні та граматичні, котрі виділяють цей стиль серед інших. Методи дослідження, які використовувались під час роботи над курсовою – традиційні.

Курсова робота складається  з двох розділів. Перший розділ носить теоретичний характер, а другий більш  практичний. Теоретичний розділ складається  з п’яти частин. Перша частина  містить короткий огляд англійських стилів мовлення. У другому розповідається конкретно про публіцистичний стиль. Третя частина містить класифікацію публіцистичного стилю, та опис кожного під-стилю.  У четвертій частині йде мова про граматичні особливості публіцистичного тексту а у п’ятій про лексичні. У другій частині розглянуто особливості публіцистичних текстів на прикладах ораторських виступів та заголовків статей.

Протягом роботи над  курсовою роботою було переглянуто  багато різноманітних джерел. Використовувались  бібліотеки та інтернет. Також, було переглянуто багато авторефератів, що пов’язані з даною темою. Як правило, автори розглядають стилі мовлення в цілому, зупиняючись на публіцистичному стилі лише частково.

Проаналізувавши лексичні та граматичні особливості публіцистичних текстів прийшла до висновків, що вони грають велику роль у формуванні текста та його сприйняття. Граматично та лексично правильно побудований публіцистичний текст несе величезній смисловий зміст, який може бути зіпсований навіть незначною помилкою. Не вірно буде говорити, що лексично-граматичні особливості публіцистичного стилю  є чимось унікальним або виключними. Але вони конкретні та дають змогу дуже точно виражати ідеї, впливати на думки слухача або читача, змінювати думу широкої аудиторії.



























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  18. http://www.lingresource.com/c/document_library/get_file?p_l_id=10101&folderId=11164&name=DLFE-135.doc(М.П.Брандес, В. И. Провоторов. Предпереводческий анализ текстa)
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  20. http://www.durov.com/study/STYLISTICS-826.doc. (стаття по стилістиці)

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