Тесты по "Лексикологии"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 07 Ноября 2012 в 16:07, тест

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Тесты по английскому языку.

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    1. the bonnet of the car
    2. the Pentagon
    3. to kick the bucket
    4. at all
    5. tick-tack


394.            A term is

    1. a peculiar type of word or word combination expressing a definite connection
    2. a preposition
    3. a proverb
    4. a conjunction
    5. slang


395.            To lose one’s life is a (an)

    1. euphemism
    2. familiar quotation
    3. proverb
    4. idiom
    5. set expression


396.            Vinogradov’s classification of phraseological units is based on

    1. the criterion of motivation
    2. the criterion of  function
    3. the criterion of idiomaticity
    4. the criterion of fixed element
    5. the theory of word equivalents


397.                 The encyclopedic dictionaries are

    1. thick-books that give information about the extra-linguistic word
    2. unilingual books that give definition of terms
    3. dictionaries containing the origin of words
  1. word-books containing  vocabulary terms in one language and their

equivalents on another language

  1. Multilingual dictionaries


398.                What is the similarity between a set-expression and a word

    1. both words and set-expressions possess semantic unity
    2. both words and set-expressions possess figurative meaning
    3. they have no similarity at all
    4. they both are grammatical variable
    5. they are completely similar


399.                What does the native element of the English vocabulary consists of

    1. Indo-European and Germanic elements
    2. Latin and Celtic elements
    3. Celtic, Germanic and Scandinavian elements
    4. Indo-European and Celtic elements
    5. Celtic and Scandinavian elements


400.                 What is a dead suffix

    1. a suffix, disclosed by etymological analysis, but having no relevance for the present state of language
    2. a non-productive suffix
    3. a Latin suffix
    4. a Greek suffix
    5. a suffix, originated from Russian


401.                 Phraseology studies

  1. free word-combinations and phraseological units
  2. graphical abbreviations
  3. synonyms and antonyms
  4. lexical homonyms
  5. synonyms


402.                 Shortening is

    1. a significant subtraction of a word
  1. a common element of words
      1. a derived word
      2. the smallest meaningful unit
      3. blending


403.                Which of the given words stand for the American variant of the word “lift”

    1. elevator
    2. mansion
    3. but
    4. room
    5. cabin


406.            Which of the following words are international

    1. coffee, mango, sputnik, radio
    2. farm, video, friend, man
    3. bungalow, blitz, masterpiece, money
    4. radio, wonder-child, country, pen
    5. escalator, cat, park, television


407.             Which of the following words is the British variant of the American   fall

    1. autumn
    2. spring
    3. winter
    4. summer
    5. season


408.             The word HIV is a case of

    1. acronym
    2. clipping
    3. blending
    4. back-formation
    5. sound interchange


409.                What are antonyms

      1. words different in sound and graphic form and characterized by semantic polarity of denotational meaning
      2. words different in their sound-form, but identical or similar in some of their meanings
      3. words identical in their sound-form or in graphic form or in both, but different in meaning
      4. words differing in their morphemic structure but coinciding in their sound-form
      5. words with identical sound and different in their graphic forms


410.                   Which of the following words are homonyms proper

      1. temple (n) – temple (n)
      2. sea (n) – see (v)
      3. wind (n) – wind (v)
      4. tear (n) – tear (v)
      5. knight(n) – night (n)


411.                   A list of words in which the entry words are arranged in alphabetical order starting with their final letters are

      1. reverse dictionaries
      2. pronouncing dictionaries
      3. usage dictionaries
      4. dictionaries of word frequency
      5. dictionaries of slang


412.                   Which of the following lines contains only form words

      1. in, oh!, am
      2. dog-like, through, to help
      3. lonesome, handful, are
      4. terror, a computer, out of
      5. went, come on, and


413.                    Which of the following homonyms are partial

      1. match (n) – match (v)
      2. found (v) – found (v)
      3. bank (n) – bank (n)
      4. ball (n) – ball (n)
      5. jam (n) – jam (n)


414.                      Conversives are

      1. antonyms
      2. synonyms
      3. homophones
      4. hybrids
      5. etymological doublets


415.             The difference between the British and American English is noticeable in the field of

    1. in all fields of the language system
    2. phonetics
    3. grammar
    4. vocabulary
    5. rhythm and intonation of speech


416.          accoding to the position affixes are classified as

    1. Prefixes and suffixes
    2. semi-free morphemes
    3. bound morphemes
    4. semi-bound morphemes


417.           Lexicography deals with

    1. the theory and practice of compiling dictionaries
    2. the word-making process in English
    3. classification of loan words
    4. variants of the English language
    5. the etymological background of the English word stock


418.            The type of word-building used in the following words sunflower, boyfriend, skateboard is

    1. compounding
    2. shortening
    3. conversion
    4. blending
    5. back-formation


419.Who suggested IC’s?

    1. L.Bllomfield
    2. Zyhova I.
    3. Antrushina
    4. Smith
    5. S.Johnson



    1. Supplementary meaning
    2. Main meaning
    3. Denotational meaning
    4. The general meaning
    5. The best meaning


421.Lexical meaning

  1. The material meaning
  2. Grammatical meaning
  3. Supplementary meaning
  4. Shade of meaning
  5. All answers are correct


422.Diversities of meanings

    1. Polysemy
    2. Monosemy
    3. Etimology
    4. Semasiology
    5. All answers are correct


423.Semantic extension

    1. Widening
    2. Narrowing
    3. Generalization
    4. Amelioration
    5. All answers are correct


424.Saucers (for eyes)

    1. Slang
    2. Terms
    3. Metonymy
    4. Poetic diction
    5. All answers are correct


425.Thou - they

    1. Archaic
    2. Terms
    3. Slang
    4. Neologisms
    5. Euphemisms


426.Loan – word

    1. Borrowing
    2. Euphemism
    3. Slang
    4. Poetic diction
    5. Native


427.Feminine, paternal, maternal are

    1. Latin
    2. French
    3. German
    4. Native
    5. All answers are correct


428.Words which consist of a root and an affix are …

    1. Derived
    2. Compound
    3. Blending
    4. Acronym
    5. All answers are correct


429.Define neutral derived compound

    1. Lady killer
    2. Boyfriend
    3. Butterfly
    4. Snowdrop
    5. Schoolmate


430.Define neutral derived compound

    1. Painkiller
    2. Butterfly
    3. Necklace
    4. Earthquake
    5. Football


431.Define neutral derived compound

    1. Babysitter
    2. Butterfly
    3. Necklace
    4. Earthquake
    5. Football


432.Define neutral derived compound

    1. Stoop – shouldered
    2. Butterfly
    3. Necklace
    4. Earthquake
    5. Football


433.Define morphological compound

    1. Handicraft
    2. Dragon fly
    3. Necklace
    4. Earthquake
    5. Football


434.Define syntactic compounds

    1. Sister – in – law
    2. Dragon fly
    3. Highway
    4. Hotdog
    5. Green grocer


435.Find a loan word not completely assimilated with the English language phonetically:

    1. Police
    2. River
    3. Flower
    4. Wall
    5. Husband


436.Find a loan word not completely assimilated with the English language grammatically:

    1. datum
    2. Figure
    3. Army
    4. Cage
    5. River


437.Fine a Russian loan- word

    1. Kremlin
    2. Sister
    3. Minute
    4. Club
    5. Brother


438.Find a Japanese loan – word

    1. Geisha
    2. Judge
    3. Chairman
    4. Student
    5. Husband


439.Fine a word borrowed from the language of American Indians

    1. Squaw
    2. Maid
    3. Girl
    4. Madam
    5. Chess


440.Find the word with the grammatical meaning of plurality (noun):

    1. All his answers were correct
    2. He answers well
    3. If you are sure, don’t answer this question
    4. Your answer is wrong
    5. All correct answers


441.Find the word which is colloquial in style:

    1. Dad
    2. Parent
    3. Father
    4. Ancestor
    5. Mother

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