Тесты по "Лексикологии"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 07 Ноября 2012 в 16:07, тест

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Тесты по английскому языку.

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    1. sound



  1. Find the euphemism for the word ‘pregnant’


    1. In a family way
    2. under the influence 


    1. Nick  


    1. jug 


    1. deuce




  1. Complete the simile 'as fat as..'


    1. pig 


    1. dove 


    1. sheep 


    1. fox 


    1. lion



  1. Complete the comparison 'to smoke like a'


    1. chimney 


    1. log 


    1. pegion  


    1. duck


    1. pig



  1. Give a homophone to'hear'


    1. here 


    1. hire  


    1. herd 


    1. hare 


    1. hymn



  1. Words coined and used only for the particular occasion
    1. nonce


    1. synonym
    2. affix


    1. root


    1. prephix



  1. Define the word-building of the word «cock-a doodle-do»:


    1. sound imitation


    1. composition


    1. shortening


    1. affixation


    1. conversion



  1. What are the two main approaches to the study of language material:


    1. descriptive and historic


    1. composition and narrowing


    1. metaphor and metonymy


    1. shortening and sound into change


    1. no correct answer



  1. Etimology studies
    1. The origin of the words


    1. The meanig of the words
    2. Phonetical structure


    1. Stylistic devices
    2. no correct answer



  1. Historical lexicology studies:


    1. Evolution of any vocabulary , origin and development


    1. Vocabulary of a given language


    1. The properties of words


    1. Method of sientific research


    1. Morphological and semantic studies



    1. The style of language of every day life which answers the needs of communication
    1. Colloquial
    1. High-flown
    2. Poetical
    3. Rhetorical
    4. technical



  1. Define the type of abbreviation VIP:


    1. Acronym
    2. Blending


    1. Clipping


    1. Shortening


    1. Backformation


151.         Phraseology studies

    1. free word-combinations and phraseological units
    2. graphical abbreviations
    3. synonyms and antonyms
    4. lexical homonyms
    5. synonyms

Shortening is

    1. a significant subtraction of a word
    2. a common element of words
    3. a derived word
    4. the smallest meaningful unit
    5. blending


         153.        Which of the given words stand for the American variant of the word  flat

    1. apartment
    2. mansion
    3. but
    4. room
    5. cabin


154.        What is the meaning of the underlined parts of words monolingual,  monosyllable, monologue

      1. one
      2. many
      3. all
      4. every
      5. each


155.            Which of the following words are international

      1. coffee, mango, sputnik, radio
      2. farm, video, friend, man
      3. bungalow, blitz, masterpiece, money
      4. radio, wonder-child, country, pen
      5. escalator, cat, park, television


156.            Which of the following words is the British variant of the American   fall

      1. autumn
      2. spring
      3. winter
      4. summer
      5. season


157.            The word TV is a case of

      1. abbreviation
      2. clipping
      3. blending
      4. back-formation
      5. sound interchange


158.             Has been in the following sentence “She had to be satisfied with the role of a has been” is the result of

      1. conversion
      2. word-composition
      3. word derivation
      4. polysemy
      5. affixation


159.             What is motivation

      1. the connection between the structural pattern of the word and its meaning
      2. the connection between the structural pattern of the word and its sound-form
      3. the connection between the structural pattern of the word and its referent
      4. the connection between the structural pattern of the word and its graphical form
      5. the connection between the meaning of the word and referent


160.              What are antonyms

      1. words different in sound and graphic form and characterized by semantic polarity of denotational meaning
      2. words different in their sound-form, but identical or similar in some of their meanings
      3. words identical in their sound-form or in graphic form or in both, but different in meaning
      4. words differing in their morphemic structure but coinciding in their sound-form
      5. words with identical sound and different in their graphic forms


161.              Which of the following words are homonyms proper

      1. bank (n) – bank (n)
      2. sea (n) – see (v)
      3. wind (n) – wind (v)
      4. tear (n) – tear (v)
      5. knight(n) – night (n)


162.               A list of words in which the entry words are arranged in alphabetical order starting with their final letters are

      1. reverse dictionaries
      2. pronouncing dictionaries
      3. usage dictionaries
      4. dictionaries of word frequency
      5. dictionaries of slang


163.            Which of the following lines contains only form words

      1. from, oh!, am
      2. dog-like, through, to help
      3. lonesome, handful, are
      4. terror, a computer, out of
      5. went, come on, and


164.            Which of the following homonyms are partial

      1. match (n) – match (v)
      2. found (v) – found (v)
      3. bank (n) – bank (n)
      4. ball (n) – ball (n)
      5. jam (n) – jam (n)


165.             Conversives are

      1. antonyms
      2. synonyms
      3. homophones
      4. hybrids
      5. etymological doublets


167.             Complete the idiom “to be like as…” using one of the following words

      1. peas
      2. bears
      3. twins
      4. nuts
      5. cucumbers


168.             Now or never is

      1. phraseological unit
      2. saying
      3. proverb
      4. hyperbole
      5. jargon


169.            Which of the following suffixes are of Greek origin

      1. -ist, - ism, - ite
      2. -dom, -hood, -ly
      3. -able, -ible, -ant, -ous
      4. -age, -ful, -ence
      5. -anti, -dom, -ful


170.            The difference between the British and American English is noticeable in the field of

    1. in all fields of the language system
    2. phonetics
    3. grammar
    4. vocabulary
    5. rhythm and intonation of speech


171.             pot cheers is a word from

      1. New York city dialect
      2. Eastern New England dialect
      3. Inland Northern dialect
      4. Standard American
      5. Standard English


172.            Semantically morphemes are classified as

      1. root and affixational morphemes
      2. free morphemes
      3. semi-free morphemes
      4. bound morphemes
      5. semi-bound morphemes


173.            Lexicography deals with

    1. the theory and practice of compiling dictionaries
    2. the word-making process in English
    3. classification of loan words
    4. variants of the English language
    5. the etymological background of the English word stock


174.            The type of word-building used in the following words ping-pong, riff-raff, chit-chat is

      1. compounding
      2. shortening
      3. conversion
      4. blending
      5. back-formation


175. “Skin-deep” and “true-blue” are…

    1. Compound words
    2. Derived words
    3. Compound derivatives
    4. Root words
    5. All answers are correct


        1. “Just” and “unjust” are…
    1. Derivational antonyms
    2. Absolute antonyms
    3. Relative antonyms              
    4. Never used as antonyms
    5. Partially assimilated antonyms


        1. The British variant of the word “конфета” is…
    1. a sweet 
    2. a candy 
    3. a cake
    4. a chocolate
    5. all answers are correct


        1. In the phrase “I see thee in my dreams” thee is …
    1. an archaism
    2. a neologism
    3. a barbarism
    4. a verb
    5. a noun


    1. WC is …
    1. Euphemism
    2. Synonym
    3. Antonym
    4. Homonym
    5. All answers are correct




180.             External meaning

      1. morphological structure
      2. Inner structure
      3. Synonym
      4. idiom
      5. semantic structure


181.             The stem of root or morpheme words contains

      1. one free morpheme
      2. not less than two morphemes of which at least one is bound
      3. not less than two free morphemes
      4. not less than two free morphemes and one bound morpheme
      5. a group of words



182.             Prefixes mis-, mal-, pseudo- are

      1. perjorative
      2. negative
      3. privative
      4. locative
      5. prefixes of time and order



183.            The underlined words in the following sentences: “How often do you milk the cows?”, “Restaurants in all large cities have ups and downs.” “He began to nose about like an old bloodhound.” are cases of

      1. conversion
      2. allusion
      3. cliché
      4. metaphor
      5. euphemism


184. Which part of lexicology studies the evolution of vocabulary

  1. historical lexicology
  2. general lexicology
  3. special lexicology
  4. descriptive lexicology
  5. specialized lexicology


185. Which of the following words are compounds

  1. seashore
  2. management
  3. marketing
  4. ungentlemanly
  5. doc

186. The main problems in lexicography are connected with

  1. all the problems mentioned above
  2. selection of lexical units and arrangements and setting of the entries
  3. selection and arrangement of meaning and definition of the last
  4. illustrative examples and choice of adequate equivalents
  5. selection and arrangement of word-derivations within a word family


187. Seeds of evil is

  1. metaphor
  2. metonymy
  3. simile
  4. litotes
  5. epithet


189. Eye- wash

    1. neutral compound
    2. derived compound
    3. root word
    4. there is no right answer
    5. contracted compound


190. Set expression “tooth and nail” functions like a (an)

  1. adverb
  2. noun
  3. verb
  4. adjective
  5. preposition


191. Lexical valency is the aptness of a word

  1. to appear in various word combinations
  2. to  lose its meanings
  3. to appear in various grammatical structures
  4. to acquire new meanings
  5. to generalize its meaning


192. Which of the following phraseological units is a phraseological fusion

  1. red tape
  2. take a fancy
  3. wash one’s dirty linen in public
  4. show one’s teeth
  5. to come into fusion

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