The concept of a construction company

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Мая 2013 в 14:15, доклад

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Construction companies are building businesses engaged in the construction, reconstruction, repair of buildings and structures, installation of equipment. In the Russian Federation, construction companies have different organizational and legal forms, trusts, combines (association), construction management, construction management, mobile mechanized column. Construction companies can act as general contractor or subcontractor. The central body of management of capital construction is the Russian Federation State Committee for Architecture and Building (State Building Code).
Finance the construction company is a process of movement of money resources between different economic entities on the establishment of funds and the receipt of revenue, which provides funding for all phases of the organization.

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The concept of a construction company (the company).

The financial condition of the enterprise (organization).

Planning for capacity development of enterprise (organization).

Assessment of the economic potential of the enterprise (organization).


Construction companies are building businesses engaged in the construction, reconstruction, repair of buildings and structures, installation of equipment. In the Russian Federation, construction companies have different organizational and legal forms, trusts, combines (association), construction management, construction management, mobile mechanized column. Construction companies can act as general contractor or subcontractor. The central body of management of capital construction is the Russian Federation State Committee for Architecture and Building (State Building Code).

Finance the construction company is a process of movement of money resources between different economic entities on the establishment of funds and the receipt of revenue, which provides funding for all phases of the organization.

In the current economic conditions, activities of each entity is the subject of attention of wide circle of participants of market relations (institutions and individuals) interested in the results of its operations. Based on available to them the report and account information such persons seek to assess the financial position of the company. The main tool for this is financial analysis, whose main purpose is to obtain a small number of key parameters, which give objective and accurate picture of the financial condition of the company, with which you can objectively assess the internal and external relationships of the analyzed object: to characterize its solvency, efficiency and profitability of the prospects development and then on its results to make informed decisions.

Financial analysis provides an estimate: property state enterprises, the degree of business risk, including the ability to meet obligations to third parties; capital adequacy ratio for current operations and long-term investments, the need for additional sources of financing, the ability to build-up of capital borrowing rationality, reasonableness policy distribution and use of profits, etc.

The financial condition of construction companies are interested in how external customers of the analysis (creditors, suppliers, and other actual and potential business partners) and internal customers (owners of the funds of shareholders). Depending on the consumers of the analysis is determined by its content. External consumers have largely balance sheet data, internal - pose more problems and extensive use of full information to determine the effect on the financial condition of many aspects and factors of production and economic activity.

The data contained in the balance sheet, allow to assess the volume and dynamics of property in the possession of a construction company, as well as provide working capital as an asset (mobile) and noncurrent (immobilized) funds.


The system of indicators of the financial state enterprises

Financial activities - is the working language of business, and virtually impossible to analyze the operation or business outcomes other than through financial performance. Effort to address specific questions and get expert assessment of the financial position, business leaders are beginning to resort to financial analysis, balance sheet value of the abstract or report on financial results is very small when considered in isolation from each other. Therefore, for an objective evaluation of financial situation you must go to certain value relations major factors - the financial value or rate.

Financial ratios characterize the proportions between the various statements. The advantages are the ease of financial ratios and calculations of elimination of the effects of inflation.

It is believed that the level of actual financial ratios worse than a basis for comparison, it points to the most painful place in the enterprise, requiring further analysis. True, additional analysis can not prove a negative assessment by the specificity of the specific conditions and characteristics of business policy of the company. Financial ratios do not capture the differences in accounting methods do not reflect the quality of components. Finally, they are static. Need to understand the constraints that impose their use, and treat them as a tool for analysis.


Indicators for assessing the property

"The amount of economic resources at the disposal of enterprises" - a measure of the generalized cost of asset valuation who have been reported on the balance sheet.

"The proportion of the active part of fixed assets." According to regulatory documents under the active part of fixed assets mean machinery, equipment and vehicles. The growth of this indicator is assessed positively.

Assessment of liquidity and solvency

"The value of working capital" - is characterized by the part of the equity business, which is the source of coverage of current assets. The value of working capital is numerically equal to excess of current assets over current liabilities.

"Maneuverability of operating capital" - is characterized by the portion of working capital, which is in the form of cash. To ensure normal functioning of business, this figure varies from 0 to 1.

"Current Ratio" (general) - gives an overall assessment of the liquidity of assets, indicating how many rubles current assets of the business accounts for one ruble current liabilities, it is considered as successfully.

"Quick Ratio" in the sense analogous to "coverage ratio", but ruled out a rate of inventory. In Western literature, he tentatively accepted a lower, but it is conditional.

"Absolute liquidity ratio '(pay) - shows how much short-term debt obligations can be repaid immediately. In international practice, it is believed that it should be a value greater than or equal to 0.2 - 0.25.

"The share of working capital reserves to cover" - characterized by the portion of the cost of inventory, which is covered by its own working capital, it is recommended lower limit of 50%.

"The coverage ratio of reserves" - calculated as the ratio of quantities of "normal" sources to cover the stock and the amount of reserves. If the index value <1, the current financial situation precarious.


Assessment of financial stability

One of the major characteristics of the financial condition of the company - the stability of its activities in light of the long term.

"Concentration ratio of equity capital" - is characterized by the share owners of the company in the total amount of funds advanced in its work. The higher the coefficient, the more financially stable company.

"Financial dependency ratio" - is the inverse of the concentration ratio of equity capital. The growth of this indicator over time indicates the proportion of borrowed funds.

"Factor mobility equity" - shows how much of equity used to finance current operations, that is embedded in current assets.

"Factor structure of the long-term investment" - ratio shows what proportion of fixed assets and other current assets financed out of foreign investors.

"The coefficient of long-term borrowing" - is characterized by capital structure. The higher the dynamics, the more the company depends on foreign investors.

"The ratio of own funds and borrowings" - it gives an overall assessment of enterprise financial stability. The growth rate indicates a greater dependence on outside investors.

I must say that common regulatory criteria for the considered indicators do not exist. They depend on many factors: the industry sector, the principles of lending, the current structure of the sources of funds, etc.

Therefore, the admissibility of the values ​​of these indicators better be groups of related businesses. The only rule that "works": the enterprise's owners (investors and others who made contributions to the charter capital) prefer smart growth in the dynamics of loans, and lenders prefer companies with high share of equity, with greater financial autonomy.


Assessment of business activity

"Capital productivity" - a general indicator of the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets.

"Productivity" - to develop products in the value of an average measurement per worker. The measure of labor efficiency in the production process.


Planning for capacity development company

The most important task of strategic planning in a market - to provide an enterprise (company) opportunities to achieve the necessary advantage over other competitors by their most effective means. Those enterprises and companies who plan and maintain a high potential of development, as the experience of foreign countries are steadily strong, profitable and respected in the international business community. To establish a firm could own long-term competitive development cycle, it should grow faster than potential increases its major competitors.

A potential of the enterprise is understood as a stream or set of factors that characterize his strength, power, opportunities, tools, resources, capabilities, resources and more productive reserves, which can be used in economic activity. The potential of any company has the greatest impact not only on the results of all its activities, but also the limits of economic growth and structural development of the entire organization.

However, certain restrictive limits on the targeted development of systems or individuals, as shown in his works RL Ackoff, can be pushed a little further change in desire or technical capabilities that are outside the necessary improvements. Limited resources put a limit only if the will to do something, which requires more than is available, these resources, namely, their and there in sufficient quantity, and there are no suitable substitutes. Limited resource ceases to be, if it decreases or if you learn how to use it more efficiently. From this it follows that must first develop the people themselves - the main potential of any system. The more developed a person or system, the less they are limited resources, the higher their total capacity.

Limiting the growth potential of the enterprise (firms) are usually laid, but the main limitation of their long-term economic development contained within them. To put it differently, the principal, the limits of growth exogenous, or external, are outside the system, and the main limits of development - endogenous, or internal, inherent in itself.

The choice of direction or strategy of building an enterprise depends largely on the composition, structure and quality of available economic resources, the competitiveness of the works performed and services, current market position and future goals, for example, to become a leader, to gain a foothold among the competitors, avoid bankruptcy, etc. n.

In today's market relations, all economic resources that are the foundation of building any business or organization, as is customary, be divided into two broad categories - physical and human, and four main types of land, labor, capital and entrepreneurial skills.

Labor, or labor, typically a combination of mental and physical abilities required for the production of material goods. In general, any work or a way to work can be characterized by the number of able-bodied workers, their level of training and qualification, employment impact of staff and many other economic indicators. In the specific conditions of production, every arbitrary effort can be determined by the size of costs and benefits, labor-intensive products, labor intensity, its productivity, labor costs, wage labor, etc.

Capital or investment funds, determines the entire stock of accumulated material resources: manufacturing equipment, industrial equipment and instruments, the volume of raw materials used in the manufacture of the goods and perform services. Money in a market economy do not apply to capital, since by themselves they do not manufacture products, while providing many of them holders of great wealth.

Entrepreneurial or creative person's ability to manifest in the ability to open his own business (business), to develop new scientific, technical, commercial, or other innovative projects, as well as in the rational use of labor, land, capital and other economic resources. Human capacity for entrepreneurial activities in real life even more limited than other economic resources in nature. It is because of the rarity of big business and creative way for people to use public have to pay significantly higher compared to other productive resources. However, in most cases, the manifestation of entrepreneurial abilities quite justified receipt of gross income which they produce their creative initiative, innovation, organizational activity, management actions, etc. At the same time business, as evidenced by international experience of market relations, are associated with certain risks. At the conclusion of KR McConnell, in a capitalist or market system, profit entrepreneur is not guaranteed.

The reward for expended resources, time, effort and ability may be tempting income (profit), or incidental damages (losses) and in the end - bankruptcy. Entrepreneur risking not only their time, effort and goodwill, but also embedded assets - their own and all other shareholders.

The particular types of resources that contribute to the unification into a single system of separate factors of production and increase the efficiency of their use, many economists have attributed such profound economic categories as the organization of production and working hours. In a economic sense, according to A. Marshall, there are only two production factors: nature and people. Capital and organization are the result of human origin carried by nature and driven by its ability to foresee the future and willingness to take care of maintaining established product. Given these properties and the forces of nature and human potential increase in wealth, knowledge and organization of these ends as a result of causes.

Consequently, from every point of view man is the center of production problems, as well as the problems of consumption and the consequent problems of planning scientific, technical and socio-economic development of the enterprise.

In general, the planning of the development potential of the company includes the following steps:

1) to assess the structure, dynamics and efficiency of production resources and capabilities of the company, its shares, or positioned in the market;

2) determining the competitiveness of major products, the enterprise as a whole and its total capacity;

3) an analysis of existing production reserves and loss of economic resources in the enterprise;

4) the selection of the strategy and tactics development potential of the enterprise;

5) development planning capacity of the company chosen, taking into account long-term goals and limitations of available resources;

6) Implementation of planned activities related to ensuring economic growth and development potential of the company.

Thus, the increased development potential is reduced essentially to an analysis of its structure, assessment and planning of a large set of factors influence the competitiveness of the enterprise and its place in an active market.

Consider in this regard, the main types of component parts or building companies.

The aggregate potential of any organization form separate terms: labor, economic, organizational, scientific and technical, productive, entrepreneurial and financial capacity.

Basis for the development of labor potential employees is to improve the inherent nature of human abilities in the workplace is continually evolving human potential. In many enterprises operate their system of advanced professional qualifications of staff, spent considerable funds on maintaining health, ensuring a safe work environment, creativity, etc.

Development and implementation of labor rights in building a very large extent depend on the existing economic relations existing government policy in the country, as well as national wealth, and many other factors. For countries with high living standards characteristic of a policy aimed at improving the quality of human resources. Methods of implementation of such policies, although they have national peculiarities, generally have common features: the selection and promotion of talented people, improved education, the differentiation of wages according to his results.

However, Russia has no state policy to further development of science, culture, education, art and other fields, providing a high level of human capital development, employment potential of people.

The economic potential of any enterprise is a part of its resources - human, material, financial and other available to the organization for the production of the planned works and services.

State economic potential of the enterprise is characterized by the following factors and indicators:

- The amount and quality of inputs, the number of industrial personnel, the composition of fixed assets, the value of current assets and inventories, the availability of financial resources and intangible assets, patents, licenses, technology, information;

- The ability of plant personnel for professional careers in all areas of production and at all levels of government;

- The financial condition of the enterprise, the current level of payment capacity and liquidity, foreign and domestic debt, the degree of solvency;

- The state of scientific, artistic, rationalization and innovation, the ability to upgrade and change the existing production technology;

- Information providing marketing, design, and financial performance, quality of information used, its degree of validity and reliability.

Consideration of labor and economic components include a comprehensive description of the key socio-economic, scientific, technical, financial, investment and other factors or indicators that can assess the overall, or aggregate, the potential of each company.

The degree or level of development potential of the enterprise can be represented by the relation of various characteristics of its comparative status with the appropriate reference (standard) or performance standards. As a basis for comparison can be taken or the world's highest standards of national, sectoral or regional standards, as well as corporate or on-farm regulations.

The system of such standards could be the basis for planning and development management capabilities of our businesses.

In foreign practice, a whole system of different indicators, with which a comparative assessment of the development potential of various firms, companies and the national economy as a whole.

Under the indicator means a series of important characteristics of an object or system, enabling a formalized form to describe the state of their main parameters, choose the best options for the system at different times and identify the best ways of its future development.

Development planning potential of the company according to the following main indicators or complex factors:

- The dynamics of the national economy or economic indicator;

- Capacity of the enterprise or industry;

- The dynamics of the internal market;

- The financial state of the firm;

- Human capital or labor capacity;

- The prestige of the firm, industry or country;

- Availability of productive resources;

- Focus on the external market;

- Innovation or creativity;

- Social stability.

Each of these complex factors of production indicators consist of two or three dozen individual indicators. Therefore, when planning the development potential of the company there is a very difficult task of selecting the most important indicators to evaluate each of these factors.

You must also have a threshold rate of development potential of the company, for whom it becomes uncompetitive in the domestic market. Planning and development management capacity of the enterprise will promote continuing its growth through more rational use of productive resources, primarily professional and intellectual abilities of staff, including economists and managers.

You must also have a threshold rate of development potential of the company, for whom it becomes uncompetitive in the domestic market. Planning and development management capacity of the enterprise will promote continuing its growth through more rational use of productive resources, primarily professional and intellectual abilities of staff, including economists menedzherov.Na domestic enterprises planning the development of technical capacity is usually performed in the following areas:

- Development of competitive products;

- Introduction of advanced technology;

- Improving the organization of production;

- Automation of manufacturing processes;

- Creation of new business units;

- The restructuring of existing production;

- Reduce the consumption of production resources;

- Improvement of enterprise management;

- Increase the professionalism of staff;

- Increase the production capacity of the enterprise;

- Optimization of the working conditions of employees;

- Standardization and unification of the product.

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