Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Мая 2013 в 14:15, доклад
Construction companies are building businesses engaged in the construction, reconstruction, repair of buildings and structures, installation of equipment. In the Russian Federation, construction companies have different organizational and legal forms, trusts, combines (association), construction management, construction management, mobile mechanized column. Construction companies can act as general contractor or subcontractor. The central body of management of capital construction is the Russian Federation State Committee for Architecture and Building (State Building Code).
Finance the construction company is a process of movement of money resources between different economic entities on the establishment of funds and the receipt of revenue, which provides funding for all phases of the organization.
All of these areas may be included in the thematic plans of research, development and technological works. Case plans are usually for five years, taking into account all future internal and external planned changes in production systems for businesses or firms.
Assessment of the economic potential of the company
To date, one of the global problems of modern Russian company is to maintain competitiveness and to maintain activity in an ever changing environment. The problem with the whole range of such problems is not new to the modern enterprise. One of the main reasons for this situation is the inability to assess the economic potential at the disposal of the enterprise, and manage its development.
Successful business development - is the result of rational management based on the use of information on the opportunities of the enterprise. The capabilities of the enterprise depends on how fast would grow the business. Therefore, development of business due to the presence of the respective businesses of the economic potential. Furthermore, the activities of the entity is a complex system that formalizes and describes indicators, and aims to maintain, and often - to increase its economic potential.
The effectiveness of the company is largely due to the formation of the correct composition and structure of its economic potential.
Potential (from Lat. Potentia - strength, power) in a broad sense - money, stocks, sources that are available and can be mobilized to achieve a certain goal, the plan, solve any problem.
The effectiveness of the company is largely due to the formation of the correct composition and structure of its economic potential.
Potential (from Lat. Potentia - strength, power) in a broad sense - money, stocks, sources that are available and can be mobilized to achieve a certain goal, the plan, solve any problem.
Subject research capacity, and in particular the production potential of the company, paid much attention, especially prior to 1990 but, despite the fact that development is the production base was devoted a lot of work, but the very capacity of production was part of the top priorities of state policy, comprehensive approach to address both economic and productive capacity has not been formulated and worked out in due measure.
The same can be said about the formation and strengthening of the competitive status of the enterprise is directly related to the management and capacity development.
Until recently, the potential of the company was reduced only in the best case to study the productive capacity. Meanwhile, production capacity can not be equated with the economic potential of the combined or enterprise, as well as the functioning of the modern enterprise - only the production of goods and provision of services.
Economic potential (the country) - the total capacity of the economy, its industries, businesses, farms to industrial and economic activity, produce products, goods, services, meet the needs of the population, social needs, to ensure the development of production and consumption. Country's economic potential is determined by its natural resources, the means of production, labor, scientific and technical potential, the accumulated national wealth.
The term "capacity" reflects the total force capabilities to achieve different purposes in different areas of the business.
Strategic planning activities of any on-farm enterprises (firms) are closely linked to that of the general economic policies and development strategies throughout the state of the market system. Currently, the country's most important prerequisite for planning and production growth in domestic enterprises has been the development of free market economy, their constant and continuous improvement. So now the strategic planning for our businesses should be focused on their long-term growth, achieve higher economic growth rates in a phased improvement of various industrial and technical factors, organizational and managerial structures to ensure high quality staff and quality of life of its employees.
From the standpoint of planning any production system has a certain potential for economic development and growth. In this case, there are three main types of large economies, including the state, systems. Perfect - this type of system development, when it shall be made as needed based on advanced science and professional experience of dosage changes to ensure continuity and sustainability of economic growth. Real - suggests a partial reform of the economic system after the first signs of negative functioning. Radical - is used when the resource is almost exhausted and the current system, it must be radical reform with a change in the basic institutional structures, as is currently happening in the Russian economy. In this case, it shall be ensured regular state regulation of economy, aimed at creating new institutional structures, increasing the pace of socio-economic development and people's lives.
The purpose of planning the development of the company to create the material conditions for most effective implementation of an enterprise of the tasks that are assigned to it. Achieving this goal provides a solution to complex problems:
- Introduction of new instruments and means of labor for the production of such products;
- Introduction of mechanization and automation of production;
- Improvement of existing and new applications of advanced technologies;
- Use of new objects of labor, fuel and energy;
- Improvement of systems and controls in the production and sale of products based on modern management techniques;
- Environmental protection;
- Increasing the skill level of workers;
- Optimization of the "ground - supporting industries";
- Expansion of production through new construction, renovation, modernization, technical re;
- Improving the living standards of their employees, etc.