Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 19 Ноября 2011 в 23:23, курсовая работа
This is a common truth that the U.S. is the leading economic power.
U.S. is an influential leader of the world economy. U.S. is one of the largest in territory and population of the world. The level of development of productive forces, the size of its economy the U.S. far ahead of any of the other developed countries. Progress in the development of economic processes in the U.S. is one of the main generators of progressive shifts in the economy of the world. The situation in the U.S. is the "barometer" for the world economy directly affects the movement cycle and the changing economic situation in other countries, affects the structure of international economic exchange.
Chapter I. Economic development as a factor of external trade………………4
1.1. Industrial sector…………………………………………………………..4
1.2. Agricultural sector………………………………………………………...8
1.3. Services sector
Chapter II. Foreign trade activity(exports and imports of U.S.)……………..12
Chapter III. The system of state regulation of foreign trade in the U.S……...16
3.1. Regulation of import……………………………………………………16
3.2. Regulation of export…………………………………………………….18
Appendixes ………………………………………………
3.2. Regulation of export
Foreign trade is an essential
component of American economic systems, whose role in the economic development
of the United States by the end of the twentieth century has increased
markedly. This is primarily due to the processes of economic globalization
and the deepening of international division of labor based on the acceleration
of scientific - technical progress. Foreign trade of commodity markets
and U.S. economy connects with other national economies, creating favorable
conditions for economic growth, which allows the U.S. to successfully
execute its economic potential, especially in the field of innovation
and high technology. Foreign trade contributes to meeting the growing
needs of American society in a variety of goods, is an effective tool
in support of foreign policy and geopolitical plans of the country.
Implementing these core functions helps the mechanism of state regulation
of foreign trade in the U.S., to address these challenges focus American
foreign trade policy.
Foreign trade plays an important role in the economic development of
the United States, to create the most efficient and effective economic
system and strengthening of economic and political position of the United
States in the world. The value of foreign trade is gradually increasing.
The structure of both exports and imports of U.S. increasingly took
the industrial production of high degree of processing, particularly
high-tech goods for which demand all over the world relatively stable
expands and has the best prospects for future growth. Accordingly, the
priority being given to U.S. trade relations with countries that have
embarked on the path to modernity that have achieved success in organizing
the mass production of competitive manufactured goods and applying the
latest technologies.
Arsenal of state regulation of import in the U.S. is very diverse, with
its principal place of it now occupy non-tariff barriers. Having to
trade liberalization, the U.S., however, build their trade policies
are pragmatic, not hesitating to resort to protectionist tools, when
it seems advantageous.
In the area of export policy, the emphasis is on providing comprehensive
assistance to U.S. companies in their activities in foreign markets,
eliminate trade barriers created in the way of U.S. exports of other
nations, which seek to protect their producers.
The priority of national interests - is, ultimately, the main thing
that determines the choice of American leadership means, methods and
areas of trade policy in certain specific circumstances.
Информация о работе США в международной торговле – USA in the World Trade