Branding in Kazakhstan

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 05 Мая 2013 в 21:06, доклад

Описание работы

The brand is the highly competitive goods which have become synergetic result of the most effective integration of branding and strategic marketing at the enterprise. Branding is management and the activity organization on creation of a unique product (brand) and its support. Kazakhstan is one of the new countries for which the brand plays a fundamental and important role. Use of potential of a brand means that such countries as Kazakhstan, can compete in the global market even if it has no huge influence and doesn't possess significant economic, military or political force. Thus ensuring national security of Kazakhstan, strengthening of the sovereignty and preservation of territorial integrity, political and economic development of the state depend on efficiency of formation of country branding.

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Ministry of Education and Science of RK












Theme: “Branding in Kazakhstan”








Sandibaeva A.N,

1 year student, Finance, 131






Almaty 2013


What is the brand as a whole:

The brand is the highly competitive goods which have become synergetic result of the most effective integration of branding and strategic marketing at the enterprise. Branding is management and the activity organization on creation of a unique product (brand) and its support.

Kazakhstan is one of the new countries for which the brand plays a fundamental and important role. Use of potential of a brand means that such countries as Kazakhstan, can compete in the global market even if it has no huge influence and doesn't possess significant economic, military or political force. Thus ensuring national security of Kazakhstan, strengthening of the sovereignty and preservation of territorial integrity, political and economic development of the state depend on efficiency of formation of country branding.

Work on creation of a brand of Kazakhstan began with the moment of finding of independence when before the country there was a number of major problems. It was necessary to reconstruct all economy, to enter into the world community as its equal participant. For some years, from the moment of independence finding the country changed considerably. All of us enter to the world market more deeply.

The national enterprises are not only a driving force of development of national economy, but the person and image of the country. For example each country has the that it is characterized. For example we can characterize some countries so: Japan – equipment, America – economy, England – classics, traditions, France – fashion, Finland – democracy, China – labor productivity, Russia – military power, the Republic of South Africa – diamonds, etc. Generally the countries develop that direction which they have actually in the reality, not thought up. Analyze the strength, they start positioning strenuously, someone in production, someone in policy, etc. everything is identical to goods and the companies.

Analyzing National the company of Kazakhstan that is characteristic feature in the name creation, the essential majority of names begins with "KAZ".  Naturally operating with that is the national companies in this regard it is necessary to specify in the beginning it, but except the name there is no other identity.

We don't make own equipment and if as a whole to look in Kazakhstan a little that is own except resources.  But in this sense our identity proceeds from reality, we won't be able to create to ourselves identity of the super-technological country, fashionable, technically developed, etc., our real identity is today the country rich with natural resources.  Unfortunately and it very few people know thanks to our communications with the outside world.  And development of marketing and branding stopped in connection with crisis and not justified management.

But we have all ahead as Kazakhstan is the developing country. With rates of our development, our country will move ahead in leaders of world economy, to have authority of the brands, by release of own innovative technology, etc.

Kazakhstan is in the last decade rich on various public and social events.  In the country took place and pass under the auspices of the international organizations of an event and action of the international value:  Arrival of the Pope to Kazakhstan, the accession to UEFA club, Congress of world heads, presidency to OSCE and the Astana summit, Asian games-2011.

Actions of this form and format, certainly, give image to Kazakhstan as to the player not only Euroasian, but also the world scale. Brightly shows ambition of the state and capacity of the country. On screens of TVs periodically there are information on the Republic of Kazakhstan, as about the country from "unknown" and "far" Central Asia, but creating significant events in certain aspects of political detail of the world community.

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