Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 12 Марта 2014 в 20:04, диссертация
Негізгі бөлімде білім беру жүйесіндегі жаңа технологиялардың алатын орны, мектепте оқушылардың ауызекі сөйлесу әрекеттерін белсендіру мен қарқынды дамытудың, сапалы әрі тиімді жолы ретінде коммуникативті оқыту технологиясын ағылшын тілі сабағында қолдану жолдары ғылыми-теориялық тұрғыдан баяндалған. Екінші бөлімде тәжірбиелік жұмыстардың әдістемесі мен материалдары талқыланған.Коммуникативті оқыту технологиясын енгізе отырып оқушылардың тілге қызығушылығын арттыру тәсілдері айтылған. Эксперимент жұмыстарының нәтижелері берілген. Қорытындыда жалпы жұмыстың мазмұны педагогикалық, әдістемелік теориялар мен дидактикалық қағидаларды басшылыққа ала отырып жасалғандығы көрсетілген.
The research work deals with the theoretical bases of communicative teaching technology. The volumes of communication process and their requirements are considered from the scientific viewpoint. The second part touches upon the communicative methods of teaching the pupils’ spoken language, the methods of teaching foreign languages and analysis of training course maintenance. Some researches consider that the activities on the development of speech are not held properly and the pupils have not practiced the types of the spoken language in the proper way.
The object of the research: The development of spoken language skills on the basis of using communicative teaching technology.
The subject of the research: To practice the pupils’ oral speech at the English classes and to use the communicative methods of teaching for the proper development of this process.
The aim of the research: The teaching of English which is a compulsory subject in the secondary schools requires the development of the person who is able to speak and write in English and understand this language. In order to achieve this aim it is necessary to renovate the qualification and the skills, to systematize the training, methods of teaching the English language based on the new technologies. One must develop the pupils’ spoken language in the process of communication in English.
The objectives of the research: To analyze the development of spoken language based on the methodical literature; To reveal the peculiarities of development technology in the process of learning spoken language skills on the basis of new technologies; To prove the efficiency of methods in the development of pupils’ speech based on the experiment results.
The methods of the research: The methods of description, analysis, observation, experimental method and etc.
The scientific novelty of the research: -The methodical principles which are considered to be important for the development of pupils’ spoken language skills have been classified on the basis of the information and communicative technology in the process of teaching English in the secondary schools. Their importance has been proved during the pedagogical experiments;
- Having determined the necessary language minimum from the internal structure of the English language system, there have been revealed the ways and the peculiarities for the development of proper skills of speaking, writing, discussing, interviewing based on the information and communicative technology;
- Taking into account the methodical and theoretical bases, the teaching of the English language by means of information and communicative technology was recognized to be the factor that had a great influence on the development of a person. The interactive teaching methods play a great role among them;
- The peculiarities of organizing the teaching process on the basis of information and communicative technology in the secondary schools were determined by the systematization of the English classes and the development of pedagogical and psychological terms.
The basic theses submitted for the defense: The most efficient methods and ways of teaching by means of information and communicative technology are studied in the close interconnection for the development of pupils’ speaking skills on the basis of communicative teaching technology, their differences and eligibility are researched;
- The present-day methods that enable to teach English efficiently and in a qualitative way are studied;
- The planned organization of teaching by means of the system of innovation technologies is given concrete expression in the research;
- The relationship and interaction of teaching methods by the system of information technology are shown in the research in detail.
- The researched modern methods are used in the experiment.
The theoretical significance of the research: The teaching of English in the secondary schools by means of using information and communicative technology depends on the special structure and maintenance of the methodical basis. The didactical principles and theoretical conclusions are considered to be a part of innovative teaching of the English language.
The practical value of the research: The results of experiments on the teaching English in the secondary schools based on the communicative teaching technology prove the advantages of using information technology, computer and Multimedia systems in the process of development of pupils’ spoken language skills. The results of the research can be used at the English classes at schools.
The discussion and the approbation of the research: The work was discussed thoroughly at the meeting of the department of Romance and Germanic languages of Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda state university and at the scientific conference “The scientific and innovative creation of students: the experience of researches and priority trends” in April, 2012. The article “The role of communicative teaching technology at the English classes” will be published as well.
The structure of the research: The work consists of introduction, main part, conclusion and a list of literature.