Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 28 Декабря 2012 в 16:18, контрольная работа
1. Pay attention to the following words. Pick out sentences with these "words
from the text and translate them into Russian:
The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Russian Empire — Польско-Литовское содружество и Российская империя;
the Queen of Poland and Duchess of Lithuania — королева Польская и княгиня Литовская;
the Grand Duchy of Lithuania — Великое княжество Литовское;
16. Agree or disagree with the following statements:
1. Neswizh was first mentioned in the chronicles in the 14 th century. 2. The time of the greatest development of the town is associated with the Radzivills' reign in it. 3. The town had several stone gates called bramas. 4. Bramas were one-stored buildings for guards. 5. Neswizh was not granted the Magdebiirg right like many other European cities. 6. At the beginning of the 18th century, Neswizh saw hard times because of the Swedish-Russian war. 7. After the war, Mikhail Radzivill started to rebuild the castle and the town. 8. Neswizh and its castle were practically closed for other people during the times of Karol Stanislaw Radzivill. 9. Neswizh is famous for the Catholic Jesuit Church which is believed to have been designed by Viniola. 10. A successor of the famous Belarusian printing pioneer Francisk Scofina, Symon Budny, worked in Neswizh in the 16 th century. 11. Nowadays Neswizh attracts many visitors not only by its ancient castle and majestic history, but also thanks to numerous and very beautiful parks. 12. It is known that the first saplings for the parks were taken from Great Britain. 13. Today Neswizh is a regional center which attracts many tourists.
17. Put in the right preposition where necessary:
1. The citizens of Neswizh refused ... take "an oath ... faithfulness ... the Swedish king. 2. Neswizh was founded ... the place ... a more ancient' settlement. 3. During the Swedish-Russian War the Radzivills were preoccupied ... big politics and didn't pay due attention ... Neswizh. 4. A descendant ... Mikhail and Franzishka Radzivill filled life ... the Neswizh castle ... a new feeling. 5. Guests sleighed ...... the sugar white hills, riding ... sledges harnessed ... bears. 6. Researchers suppose that Bernarddni was an apprentice ... Viniola, who, ... his return, worked ... Michelangelo. 7___ 1562, Symon Budny published a book ... Belarusian ... the first time. 8. The parks make the unique blue-green heritage ... Neswizh, along ... the mysterious magic mirror-like ponds. 9. People say that the first saplings ... the park were grown ... seeds brought... the gardens of the Berlin palace. 10. It takes about an hour to get... Neswizh ... Minsk.
18. Choose a word from the box to put into each gap:
1. The Radzivills' family was the greatest and most ... magnate family that lived on the lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. 2. There is a legend that says that the king ordered the town to be burned and that the ... around it to be destroyed. 3. The Radzivills ... with big politics at that time and were located in Krakow, Warsaw and Vilnius. 4. The ... suggest that it was Mikhail Radzivill who rebuilt the town and the castle. 5. The castle had one. of the richest libraries, with close to 10,000 ... in Latin, French and Polish. 6. Nowadays the Radzivills' ... consists of the palace, a church and" a number of parks. 7. The Catholic Jesuit Church is also a patrimonial ...of the Radzivills.
tomb, ramparts, were preoccupied, outstanding, historians, heritage, volumes |
19. Fill in the table:
1224 |
15th century |
1562 |
1584-1593 |
1586 |
1706 |
1726 |
20. Work in groups. Find out from your partners:
— what they know about the Radzivills'heritage;
— whatthey know about the history of Neswizh;
— why Neswizh is popular with tourists.
21. Prove that:
— the Radzivills' contribution into the development of the town was great;
— several centuries ago Neswizh could be compared in its beauty, design and other things with many European towns.
22. Comment on:
— the architecture of Neswizh;
— the highlights of-Neswizh history.
23. Imagine that:
— You have already come back from Neswizh and you meet your friend. You are very impressed'and want to tell him about Neswizh and its sights. Role-play a dialogue with your partner.
— You and your friend want to watch TV. Your friend chooses a movie but on " another channel there is a programme on Neswizh and its history. Talk your friend into watching it. Role-play a dialogue with your partner.
— Your family wants to go on holiday. You have an idea to visit Neswizh. Tell your parents that they also have to see this remarkable town. Role-play a dialogue with your partners.
— A friend from Great Britain conies to you and wants to visit some interesting places in Belarus. Tell him about Neswizh and recommend to see its sights. Role-play a dialogue with your partner.
24. Comprehension check. Choose the best alternative according to the text:
1. In 1224 Neswizh was first mentioned in the chronicles
a) as a small settlement;
b) as a trade center;
c) as a town with strong-fortifications.
2. The 15lh century can be characterized as
a) a difficult period in the history of the town;
b) the time of rapid development;
c) a war period for Neswizh.
3. The renowned Neswizh castle was built in a comparatively short time
a) in about 30 years;
b) in more than 50 years;
c) in a century.
4. Neswizh and its castle were well-protected against attach due to
a) numerous stone gates;
b) a big moat;
c) several towers in different parts of the town.
5. Neswizh bramas looked like
a) fortresses;
b) churches;
c) simple gates.
6. The castle was built with the help of
a) Italian architects;
b) Spanish architects;
c) only Belarasian builders.
7. At the end of the 16'h century Neswizh continued to grow rapidly thanks to
a) the invention of book printing;
b) numerous war campaigns of Neswizh knights;
c) the Magdeburg right.
8. Karol Stanislaw Radzivill was known as
a) a greedy and reserved person;
b) an organizer of endless festivities;
c) a monk.
9. Numerous guests coming to the Neswizh castle were
a) impressed by the wealth of its owners;
b) struck by its poor condition;
c) struck by the owners' greed.
10. Nowadays, but for the castle, one can also see
a) a big library with close to 10,000 volumes in Latin, French and Polish;
b) a large art gallery with nearly 1,000 paintings;
c) several parks belonging to the Radzivills'heritage.
11. The Catholic Jesuit Church was erected in 1584-1593 by
a) Giovanni Maria Bernardoni;
b) Viniola;
c) Michelangelo.
12. Being a remarkable sight of Neswizh, the Farny Cathedral is
a) a concert hall;
b) an art gallery;
c) a patrimonial tomb of the Radzivills.
13. SymonBudny is famous
a) as the inventor of book printing in Belarus;
b) for having printed the first book in the Belarasian language;
c) as a translator of Belarasian texts into other languages.
14. Neswizh parks were taken care of by
a) Antony Radzivill;
b) Karol Stanislaw Radzivill;
c) Maria de Kastelyan de Taleiran.
15. Nowadays Neswizh is
a) a popular tourist center;
b) a resort;
c) an industrial center of Belarus.
1. Pay attention to the following words. Pick out the sentences with these words from the text and read them:
the form of a quadrangle — в форме четырехугольника;
a rectangular building — прямоугольное здание;
traditional octahedral turrets — традиционные восьмиугольные башенки;
a pentagon — пятиугольник
2. Practise saying the following proper names:
The Castle of Neswizh |
[бэ " ka: sal av " nesvi3] |
Несвижский замок |
Grodno region |
['grodna ^ndjan] |
Гродненская область |
Nikolay Radzivill |
[nikDvlai rsdzi^vil] |
Николай Радзивилл |
Giovanni Bernardoni |
[dja'vani barnardo: ш] |
Джованни Бернардони |
Usha |
[xu: Ja] |
Уша |
Slutskie |
['fslutskia] |
Слуцкие |
Kletskie |
[fkletskia] |
Клецкие |
Vilenskie |
[Pvilenskia] |
Виленские |
Mirskie |
[fmirskia] |
Мирские |
Zamkowie |
[fzamkovia] |
Замковые |
3. Read these international words and try to guess their meaning:
Monument, tradition, medal, function, apartment, reconstruct, massive, se-:ret, centre, portrait, territory.
4. Read out the following words and memorize them:
mighty (adj) |
[pmaiti] |
мощный |
archeologist (n) |
[a:'kTrjladjist] |
археолог |
architect (n) |
[4a:kitekt] |
архитектор |
peninsula (и) |
[pa'nrnsjula] |
полуостров |
moat (n) |
[maut] |
ров |
island (n) |
[\aitend] |
остров |
boundary (n) |
[pbaundan] |
граница |
dismantle (v) |
[dis^maentl] |
разбирать |
earthen shaft/л,) |
[43:9an/aft] |
земляной вал |
entrenchment (n) |
[m'tratfmant] |
окоп |
barrack fo) |
[fbasrak] |
барак |
economic service (n) |
[eka4 nmnik " S3: vis ] |
хозяйственная служба |
bombardment (n) |
[bDrrfba: dmant] |
бомбардировка |
subsidiary service (n) |
[sab4 sidian S3: vis] |
подсобная служба |
embankment (n) |
[rrrTbasnkmant] |
насыпь |
deep pond (n) |
[di: p pond ] |
глубокий пруд |
enemy (n) |
[fenami] |
враг |
strengthening |
[pstrerjGanin ] |
укрепление |
monastery (n) |
[rrmnastri] |
монастырь |
obstacle (n) |
[f^Dbstakal] |
препятствие |
nursery (n) |
[vri3:san] |
питомник |
magnificent (adj) |
[msegvnifisant] |
великолепный |
greatness (n) |
[fgreitnas] |
величие |
property (n) |
[Ppropati] |
достояние |
heritage^ |
[fhenticrj] |
наследие |
admire (v) |
[ad'maa] |
восхищаться |
reorganization (n) |
[fri: ,э: дэпаГгегГп] |
перестройка |
restoration (n) |
[,resta4reifn] |
реставрация |
5. Read out these phrasal verbs and expressions several times till you remember them:
to draw attention — привлекать внимание;
to be affected by — быть пораженным;
to entrust to — доверить;
to erect on — возвышаться;
to surround by — окружать;
to fill with — наполнять;
to enclose with — ограждать;
to sustain many attacks from — выдерживать много атак;
to get inside through — попасть внутрь через;
to connect with — соединять;
to protect from — защищать;
to carry out — выполнять;
to include into — включать
6. Match the English words and their Russian equivalents:
1. monument 2. castle 3. unknown 4. wooden 5. decision 6. level 7. behind 8. opposite 9. traditional 10. building 11. ground floor 12. secret exits 13. external side 14. function 15. corner |
а. здание b. традиционный с. памятник d. деревянный е. позади f. угол g. первый этаж h. внешняя сторона i. неизвестно j. замок k. секретные выходы l. функция m. напротив n. решение о. уровень |
7. Combine the words with the help of the preposition of:
1. monuments 2. the right coast 3. In the corners 4. In the case 5. apart 6. the form 7. the decision 8. The shaft 9. reconstruction 10. the construction |
a. the Republic of Belarus b. the ancient history с. prince d. quadrangle e. the Castle of Neseizh f. the rectangular building g. flie new castle h. the castle i. danger j. the river |