Моделювання зовнишьоэкономичной дияльности

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 26 Ноября 2013 в 00:24, реферат

Описание работы

Внешнеэкономическая деятельность– это один из видов экономической деятельности, включающий в себя организационные, производственные, хозяйственные и коммерческие функции организаций или предприятий, особенностью которых является то, что они ориентированы не на внутренний, а на внешний рынок. Внешнеэкономическая деятельность может вестись на уровне производственных объединений – организаций, фирм, предприятий. При этом они обладают свободой выбора рынка, на котором они будут работать, и иностранного партнера, а также ассортимента продукции, которая будет им поставляться.

Содержание работы

1.ОБЗОР РЫНКА КОФЕ В УКРАИНЕ……………………………………..………8
7.РАСЧЕТ ЭФФЕКТА И ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ ВНЕШНЕЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОЙ ОПЕРАЦИИ……………………………………………………………………….…46ВЫВОД …………….. ……………………………………………………………...47
СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ…………………………………………………….……..48

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11.6. Настоящий Контракт  составлен при полном понимании  Сторонами его предмета.














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_________________________     ______________________________



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Foreign economic contract number _________



                                                                                               "_____" ____________ 20___.


_____________________________________________________________________________________, __________________________, The Ukraine, in the face of _______________________________________________, acting under the _______________, hereinafter referred to as "Supplier", on the one hand and          

_____________________________________________________________________________________, City __________________________, ______________, in the face of _________________________________________, acting under the _______________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer" on the other hand, have entered into this contract as follows:



1.1. Under this contract, Contractor shall transfer the goods - ________________________________ to the Buyer, and Buyer shall accept and pay it to the conditions specified in this contract.

1.2. Name, range, price, number of delivered goods, listed in the annex to this contract - specifications for the goods which upon signature by the authorized representatives of the parties is an integral part of this Contract.



2.1. The total cost of the goods, which comes under this Contract is: __________________ (_______________________________________________) U.S. dollars (name of currency). Stoimoimost unit price listed in the Specifications of this contract.

2.2. The price of goods set in U.S. dollars (name of currency) and includes the cost of loading the goods from the supplier, the cost of all customs formalities in the supplier's country and the cost of certification of goods. Price changes in the course of the contract agreed upon by the parties. The price includes the cost of packing, labeling.


3. Terms of delivery

3.1. The supplier is obliged to deliver and Buyer to accept goods on __________ "_____________________________________________________________________" (Incoterms 2000) for _____ (___________________) calendar days of ___________________________________________________________.

3.2. Provider together with the goods sends the following original documents:

3.2.1. invoice (invoice);

3.2.2. international road waybill (CMR) (when the automotive supply a commodity transport document referred to another mode of transport);

3.2.3. __________________________;

3.2.4. __________________________;

3.2.5. __________________________.

3.3. Within 24 hours after the clearance of export goods to the supplier is obliged to submit by fax a copy of the following documents:

3.3.1. ____________________________;

3.3.2. ____________________________;

3.3.3. ____________________________;

3.3.4. _____________________________.

3.4. Under this contract, delivery is agreed by the parties of the goods, the number of members is determined by the specifications.



4.1. Payment for the goods made by the Buyer within ____ (_________________________) calendar days after the bank account ________________________________________ provider specified in 4.3. this contract. (This paragraph applies if a single delivery).


4.2. Payment for each lot is agreed by the parties by the Buyer within ______ (___________________________) calendar days from the date of ________________________________________, on the basis of the account of the Supplier, by transferring funds to the Purchaser on account of the Supplier specified in 4.3. this contract. (This paragraph applies when revolving shipments).


4.3. Payment for the goods supplied under this contract made by the Buyer in U.S. dollars, the currency code 840 USD, according to the following details:

current account number _____________________

in __________________________________

which is located at:


MFI ______________, _______________ EDRPOU

Account in the establishment:


S.W.I.F.T. - _________________________

Correspondent bank account:



S.W.I.F.T. - ___________________________

4.4. All bank charges in the country of the supplier is the Supplier, in the buyer - Buyer.




5.1. Final acceptance of the product by the number and the quality of product acceptance by the Purchaser on ______________________________________ (the place for acceptance of the goods is indicated according to the selected basic conditions of supply in accordance with the rules of the INCOTERMS).

5.2. Acceptance of the goods produced by the number of transport and accompanying documents (invoices, specifications, packing lists) Supplier. In the absence of such documents or some of the Purchaser shall be entitled to take the goods delivered, however, in this case, acceptance of the goods to be carried out with the participation of the competent authority of the Buyer, at the end of which is drawn on the actual presence of the goods with the obligatory indication of the documents are missing.

5.3. In case of shortage of goods, call an authorized representative of the Supplier is required. Claim report on the shortage of goods is made, subject to paragraph 10.1 of this Contract.




6.1. Quality of the goods must meet the standards and specifications in force in Ukraine and the CIS.

6.2. This product comes with a remaining shelf life of at least _____ of the total shelf life, provided for the consignment, otherwise Purchaser reserves the right to withdraw from the said party of the goods or demand reduction of the price of goods.

6.3. Acceptance of the goods for the quality produced in strict compliance with the standards, specifications and other regulations binding on the parties, as well as supporting documents certifying the quality of the delivered goods (certificate of conformity, certificate of quality, etc.). In the absence of such documents or some of the Purchaser shall be entitled to take the goods delivered, however, in this case, acceptance of the goods to be carried out with the participation of the competent authority of the Buyer, at the end of which is drawn on the actual quality of the product with mandatory indication of the documents are missing.

6.4. In case of non-conformity in quality, call an authorized representative of the Supplier is required. Claim report on the quality of a product is made, subject to paragraph 10.1 of this Contract.



7.1. The goods should be delivered in undamaged packaging. Packaging - _____________________________.

7.2. Product packaging must meet the requirements set by state standards and technical regulations in force in Ukraine and to ensure the complete safety of the goods from any damage during transportation.

7.3. Supplier shall not be liable for damage or loss of goods, packaging, which occurred as a result of placement in the vehicle or transportation in violation of rules and regulations.

7.4. On product packaging must be attached packaging labels, which should contain the following information:

7.4.1. Name Supplier

7.4.2. the Supplier,

7.4.3. name of the product;

7.4.4. composition of the goods,

7.4.5. expiration date,

7.4.6. net weight,

7.4.7. gross weight.


8.1. Upon the occurrence of force majeure, that is, the circumstances that have arisen and are independent of the will of the Parties and the Party objectively could not have foreseen and prevented, if these circumstances prevent the proper execution of its commitments under this Agreement, the term of the Party of its obligations under this contract extended for the duration of the force majeure, but not more than _____ months.

8.2. The circumstances of force majeure include war and other military operations, earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters, official state authorities and local self-regulatory - legal acts and other similar circumstances that prevent the proper performance of the obligations under this agreement.

8.3. Party which is unable to properly perform its obligations under this contract due to force majeure, shall notify the other Party of the occurrence of such circumstances and on the expected duration of their action for ____ days from the date of their occurrence (with a proof of the existence of such circumstances : a document issued by the Chamber of Commerce or other competent authority of the country in which the registered party to a contract). Otherwise, non-executable Party loses to invoke force majeure as the basis of default of its obligations under this agreement.

8.4. If force majeure or their consequences are more than _______ months, either party may raise the issue of termination of this contract.



9.1. All disputes arising out of or in connection with this contract may be resolved through negotiations between the parties.

9.2. Any dispute arising in connection with this contract shall be referred for review and its final resolution of the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine. The parties agree that the process of review and resolution of disputes shall apply Rules of the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine. The governing law of this contract and any legal relations related to the substantive and procedural law of Ukraine. Place of meeting, the Commercial Court of Kiev.



10.1 Claims by the quality and quantity of the Goods delivered shall be declared

Buyer to the Seller no later than ______ (__________________________) calendar days from the date of ____________________________________________.

To prove the validity of such claims Buyer provides Seller a claim report, drawn up with the participation of independent competent organizations (Chamber of Commerce of Ukraine or the Chamber of Commerce of ___________________ (the buyer's country), or SGS, or Bureau Veritas or other), in the presence of the authorized representative of the Supplier (a call which is optional) contains the following information: Contract number, the number of shipping documents, certificate of quality, being claimed. Before its settlement buyer has no right to make or use the party goods for which the claim are relevant.

10.2. Supplier examine the claims of the Buyer in respect of the quantity and quality of goods only in case that the buyer provide freight forwarding and customs seals affixed to the vehicle (container) in which the supplier has shipped the consignment to the Buyer.

10.3. Supplier has the right to place, through their representatives to verify the nature of the complaint. Term review of the complaint ________ (____________________) calendar days from the date ________________________________________.

10.4. In the event that the claim of short delivery of the goods to the supplier the cost reduces the cost of the goods not delivered the next batch of goods. In the case of satisfaction of claims of low-quality of delivered goods, the supplier reduces the cost of defective goods and for this amount reduces the cost of the next batch of goods. (This paragraph applies when revolving shipments).


10.5. In the event of non-performance or improper performance of obligations under this contract, the guilty party must pay the other party damages caused by such default and pay a penalty in the amount of __________% of the outstanding obligation for each day of delay in its implementation. Accrual of interest shall be made within the period of delay in the performance, regardless of its duration.     



11.1. By this contract apply INCOTERMS as amended _________, the UN Convention "On Contracts for the International Sale of Goods."

11.2. With the signing of this contract, all prior negotiations, correspondence, agreements on the subject, concluded earlier in oral or written form, become ineffective.

11.3. None of the parties has the right to transfer its rights and obligations hereunder to any third party without the written consent of the other party.

11.4. This contract shall enter into force upon signature by both parties and is valid for _____ (__________) years. If at least one of the parties is not satisfied how - or obligation under this Agreement, the term of this Agreement shall be extended until the proper implementation of this commitment.

11.5. The present contract is a four-page, two copies of equal legal force, one copy for each party in the Russian language and English.

11.6. This Contract is made in full awareness of the part of his subject.










Postal and Banking PARTIES











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_________________________     ______________________________



__________________/________________/   ____________________/_________________/


м.п.        м.п.




Осуществление ВЭД связано с  необходимостью принятия рискованных  решений, т.е. таких, которые не гарантируют  полное выполнение целей ВЭД Под  рисками в ВЭД понимают

Риск - это угроза потерь ресурсов, дополнительных расходов, недоотры-ния  прибыли субъектами ВЭД

Риск - это непредсказуемость внешнеэкономической  операции

Риск - это неполная ведомость эффективность  операций, которые планируются и  роводятся в процессе осуществления  ВЭД

В мировой практике учета рисков в ВЭД имеет очень важное значение, поскольку почти 40% коммерческих операций заканчиваются неудачей из-за недостаточного учета и управления рисками

Общие причины возникновения рисков:

1 Постоянный нестабильность экономических  процессов в странах мирового  сообщества

2 Недостаточная осведомленность  о экономики стран-партнеров

3 Отсутствие четких целей деятельности  субъекта ВЭД

При выходе на зарубежный рынок предприниматели сталкиваются с определенными рисками, которые присутствуют на протяжении всей деятельности предприятия (фирмы). Под риском понимается возможная опасность потерь, вытекающая из специфики тех или иных явлений природы и видов деятельности человеческого общества. Риск – это историческая и экономическая категория. Как историческая категория, риск представляет собой осознанную человеком возможную опасность. Она свидетельствует о том, что риск исторически связан со всем ходом общественного развития. Развитие общества прошло три эпохи: - дикость; - варварство; - цивилизация. Каждая из которых, в свою очередь, состоит из трех ступеней: - низшая; - средняя; - высшая.

По мере развития цивилизации появляются товарно-денежные отношения, и риск становится экономической категорией. Как экономическая категория  риск представляет собой событие, которое  может произойти или не произойти. В случае совершения такого события  возможны три экономических результата: - отрицательный (проигрыш, ущерб, убыток); - нулевой; - положительный (выигрыш, выгода, прибыль). Риском можно управлять, то есть использовать различные меры, позволяющие в определенной степени  прогнозировать

Риски могут быть следующими:

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