Стилістичні фігури кількості в творі Джонатана Свіфта «Мандри Гуллівера»

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Октября 2013 в 15:59, курсовая работа

Описание работы

Стилістична семасіологія як розділ стилістики розглядає значення мовних одиниць на різноманітних рівнях. Будь-який елемент мови певного рівня має своє значення, але далеко не кожне значення мовного елементу може мати стилістичну ознаку. Предметом стилістики є неосновні значення мовних одиниць, а їх додаткові значення, які виникають в двох випадках:
у випадку незвичної денотативної віднесеності носіїв значення – слів, словосполучень, текстів;
у випадку незвичної сполучуваності чи комбінації значень, які виражаються даними одиницями.

Содержание работы

Розділ І. Загальна характеристика стилістичних фігур кількості………………………………………………………………………...5
1. Гіпербола ……………………………………………………….…….6
2. Стилістичні прийоми применшення – мейозис та літота……………………………………………………………………..8
3. Жанр і метод написання роману Джонатана Свіфта «Мандри Гуллівера»……………………………………………………………....11
Розділ ІІ. Функціонування фігур кількості в творі Джонатана Свіфта «Мандри Гуллівера»………………………………………………………......14
1. Функції гіперболи в романі………………………………………....14
2. 2. Функції мейозису та літоти в романі……………………………..…19
Список використаної літератури…………………………………..…24

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Додаток № 2

Приклади применшення в романі Джонатана Свіфта «Мандри Гуллівера»

  1. The declivity was so small, that I walked near a mile before I got to the shore, which I conjectured was about eight o’clock in the evening. [11; 11]
  2. I then advanced forward near half a mile, but could not discover any sign of houses or inhabitants; at least I was in so weak a condition, that I did not observe them. [11; 11]
  3. He appeared to be of a middle age, and taller than any of the other three who attended him, whereof one was a page that held up his train, and seemed to be somewhat longer than me middle finger. [14; 11]
  4. There were shoulders, legs, and loins, shaped like those of mutton, and very well dressed, but smaller then the wings of a lark. [15; 11]
  5. I ate them by two or three mouthful, and took three loaves at a time, about the bigness of musket bullets. [15; 11]
  6. I drank it off at a draught, which I might well do, for it did not hold half a pint, and tasted like a small wine of Burgundy, out much more delicious. [15; 11]
  7. Over against this temple, on t’other side of the great highway, at twenty foot distance, there was a turret at least five foot high. [19; 11]
  8. Each of the former afforded me two or three good mouthfuls and I emptied the liquor of ten vessels, which was contained in earthen vials, into one vehicle, drinking it off at a draught. [22; 11]
  9. He is taller by almost the breadth of my nail than any of his court, which alone is enough to strike an awe into the beholders. [22; 11]
  10. His Majesty, who is a most magnanimous prince, was less daunted than I could expect. [30; 11]
  11. When bending my eyes downwards as much as I could, I perceived it to be a human creature not six inches high, with a bow and arrow in his hands, and a quiver at his back. [12; 11]
  12. Beginning him that the former might be kept from the fire, for it would kindly with the smallest spark, and blow up his imperial palace into the air. [33; 11]
  13. It was my good fortune that no ill accident happened in these entertainments. [35; 11]
  14. Where it was opposed by none, except Skyresh Bolgolam, who was pleased, without any provocation, to be my moral enemy. [37; 11]
  15. The wall which encompassed it is two foot and half high, and at least eleven inches broad, so that a coach and horses may be driven very safely round it. [40; 11]
  16. That his Majesty’s Imperial heels are lower at least by a drurr than any of his court. [43; 11]
  17. The meaner families who have children at these nurseries, are obliged, besides their annual pension, which is as low as possible, to return to the steward of the nursery a small monthly share of their getting. [59; 11]
  18. Here I walked on for some time, but could see little on either side, it being now near harvest, and the corn rising at least forty foot. [86; 11]
  19. It was an hour walking to the end of this field, which was fenced in with a hedge of at least one hundred and twenty foot high. [86; 11]
  20. I reflected what a mortification it must prove to me to appear as inconsiderable in this nation as one single Lilliputian would be among us. [87; 11]
  21. The mistress sent her maid for a small dram cap, which held about three gallons, and field it with drink. [91; 11]
  22. For the cat took not the least notice of my when my master placed me within three yards of her. [92; 11]
  23. I had less apprehension concerning the dogs. [96; 11]
  24. I hid myself between two leaves of sorrel and there discharged the necessities of nature. [96; 11]
  25. She was very good- natured, and not above forty foot high, being little for her age. [97; 11]
  26. Asked him in his own language how he did, and told him he was welcome, just as my little nurse had instructed me. [98; 11]
  27. For my own part, I may truly affirm that I was less concerned than my nurse. [99; 11]
  28. We made easy journeys of not above seven or eight score miles a day: for Glumdalclitch, on purpose to spare me, complained she was tired with the trotting of the horse. [102; 11]
  29. I lay down on the grass, which was very short and soft. [13; 11]
  30. We had not sailed above three days, when a great storm arising. [166; 11]
  31. Upon the tenth day we were chased by two pirates, who soon overtook us; for my sloop was so deep loaden, that she sailed very slow, neither were we in a condition to defend ourselves. [166; 11]
  32. I arrived at the fleet in less than half an hour. [46; 11]
  33. The Blefuscudians, who had not the least imagination of what I intended, were at first confounded with astonishment. [47; 11]
  34. I found they had already applied ladders to the walls of the apartment, and were well provided with buckets, but the water was at some distance. [51; 11]
  35. These buckets were about the size of a large thimble, and the poor people supplied me with them as fast as they could; but the flame was so violent that they did little good. [51; 11]


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