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Звание Упорядочить этом в шаблоне был позволит позиционировать качества характера семантических признаков английском лингвистических терминов. Плотное заполнение части шаблона, отражающие реализации важнейших это и лексических единиц с широким многозначности, свидетельствовали о них наибольший вес в семантический язык пространстве. Здесь лингвистические термины слились с общей лексики, поэтому для них выделения конкретизация требуется. Количество суммы реализации в шаблоне уменьшилась в направлении депрессии степень многозначности лексических единиц, и в направлении уменьшить эту скорость.
ГЛАВА 1. Английской медицинской терминологии: лексические и грамматические, этимологические и функции аспекты 3
1.1. Специфика терминологической номинации 3
1.2. Этимологический аспект медицинской терминологии 7
1.3. Классификация медицинских терминов ......................... ..................... ......... .................. 10
ГЛАВА 2. Способы медицинского перевода текстов
2.1. Перевод медицинских текстов 15
2.2. Предмет перевод медицинских текстов ............................................... 16
2.3. Разнообразие лексики "медицинский" языка на примере английского казахского и русского медицинских текстов ..................................................................... 16
2.4. Анатомических терминов и международной анатомической номенклатуре ................... 17
2.5. Особенности перевод медицинских текстов .............................................. 17
2.6. Качество перевода медицинских текстов .................................................. 18
Литература 21
Medical terminology. The Ways of Medical Texts Translation
Course Paper
Carried out by:
Checked by: Alpysbaeva S.R.
Karaganda 2013
CHAPTER 1. English medical terminology: lexical and grammatical, etymological and function aspects 3
1.1. Specificity of a terminological nomination 3
1.2. Etymological aspect of medical terminology 7
1.3. Classification of medical terms.........................
CHAPTER 2. The Ways of Medical Texts Translation
2.1. Translation of medical texts 15
2.2. Subject of translation of medical texts……………………………………..…16
2.3. A diversity of lexicon of "medical" tongue on an example
of English Kazakh and Russian medical texts…………..……………………………………………….
2.4. Anatomical terms and International anatomical nomenclature……………….17
2.5. Features of translation of medical texts……………………………………….17
2.6. Translation quality of medical texts…………………………………………..18
In English tongue formed so-called hybrid words as them components affixes joined more often:
bacty ← bacteriology – bacteriology (бактериология); ← Fellow of the American College of Physicians - the Member of the American College of Doctors, etc. (Член Американского Колледжа Врачей и др.)
In English tongue there was fixed means of formation of new words (bases). Some of them coincided with what was appl in Russian, others characteristic to English tongue. - The geriatrics - private partition of a gerontology, are engaged in studying, prophylaxis and treatment of illnesses of senile age. Some diseases was often observe at older persons. For example, Alzheimer's disease, as a rule, are f in people 65 years was more senior. - the gerontology - a science stud biological, social and psychologic aspects of ageing of the person, are more its the causes and means of struggle with it (rejuvenascence);
Each part of speech are characterize by a fixed panel of affixes (suffixes and prefixes) which was apply to formation of the new words (bases) which are f into to this part of speech. There was fixed affixes of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.
Unlike routine (inseparably) suffixes separate suffixes had shocking, was wr separately from a lead-out basis and could be unbound from it in other words, for example:
Lack of proper nutrition - absence of eutrophy (отсутствие правильного питания);
For Russian conversion are absolutely not characteristic. However and in the Ukrainian tongue we observed some phylums of conversion word-formation, for example, formation of nouns from adjectives simple rethinking of the last. So, a noun the bath had been form by conversion from an adjective a bath (bathroom).
By means of conversion various parts of speech - nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs was form, etc.
Owing to conversion word-formation there was the words homonyms coincid in the form of bases, but had different value and fallen into to different parts of speech. [14: 115]
necrosis bacillus - a necrosis bacillus (некроз бацилла- никроспермия), - a necrospermia, arachnidism (некротический аранейдизм) - necrotic araneydizm, encephalomyelopathy - a necrotic encephalomyelopathy (некротическая энцефаломиелопатия), ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) (некротизирующий язвенный гингивит)- a necrotizing ulocace, urine - not diaphanous urine (не прозрачная моча),
neck of (urinary) of bladder - a neck of a bladder,( шея мочевого пузыря)
Nélaton sphincter - an obstruction of a sphincter (непроходимость сфинктера), (tumour, cancer) - Metastasises (tumours, a cancer), total thyroidectomy - a total thyroidectomy.
For formation of nouns most common such suffixes: Suffiks-eg [and] which formed nouns from verbs.
Dereisticer - Cerebration, which not according to a reality, logic, or experience.
Dyader - Attitudes of two persons, as for example the therapeutic attitude between the doctor and the patient in an individual psychotherapy.
Flashbacker - repetition of memory, sense, perception and experience from the past.
Illusioner - Delusion or irregular interpreting of a substantial choronomic stimulus, for example, ha hear a rustle of leaves, a note of a voice. Hallucinations see also,
Prodromer - early or warn signs or symptoms of disorder,
Agnosiaer - disability to distinguish or identify objects, despite intact sensory functions; It can be survey at a dementia of various phylum. As an example abandoning of someone could serve to recognise, paper clips are located in an arm, h them occlude eyes,
amoker - a cultural specific syndrome from Malayan with an acute nonselective killing mania
denialer - the protective mechanism where the fixed information are not accessible to consciousness. Abandoning are connected with the reprisals, the similar mechanism of protection, but abandoning are more express and intensive. Abandoning included some disturbances of a reality. Abandoning will react (as an example) if the cardiac patient who had been warn about possibility of a lethal outcome from participation in a hard work, decided to begin building of a wall by serious stones,
detachmenter - model of behaviour are characteriz the general estrangement in interpersonal contacts, intellectualization, negation, and superficiality could include,
dereisticer - cerebration who did not represent the facts, to logic and experience,
Аuze trailer - a turunda, a small fine-bored gauze wad
In the same value the suffix-or [and] to act - actor are us; to sail - sailor; to accumulate to (save up) - accumulator (accumulator) and т. item.
Suffix-ist [ist] which formed nouns from nouns (more rare - adjectives). This suffix are us in the same value, as the Ukrainian suffix-ist (-an ist) in words the socialist, the propagandist, i.e. meant an accessory to fixed party, public bunch, a trade:
Gynecologist - the gynecologist, - the oncologist, - the dermatologist, - the urologist, - the phthisiatrician, - the biologist, - a bacteriologist, - the cardiologist, - the venereologist, - the proctologist.
Suffix- ness [nis] which the hoarseness formed abstract nouns from adj:-,
illness - illness, - integrity, - weariness,
weakness, asthenia - delicacy, an asthenia, aggressiveness - aggressiveness, - nervousness,
short-sightedness - a myopia, - a mutism,
mental illness - mental diseases.
Suffixation which formed abstract nouns from verbs (mainly with a suffix-ize):
Rehydration - regidratation, or state of (homeostasis) - a condition or a state (homeostasis), inflammation - a necrotic inflammation,
disconnection syndrome - a syndrome of switching-off,
disinhibition - a disinhibition, - a disorientation,
dissociation - dissociation, dentition - connatural dens,
elaboration - development, - idealisation.
Formation of nouns by means of conversion.
Formation of nouns by means of a composition. Complex nouns was form more often of two bases noun:-physical inability, - Difficulty, - Diabetum, - Diagnoses, - Diagnostic - homologous, - a hyperalgesia,
Hyperstimulation - hyperstimulation, - an arterial hypertensia, - a hyperthermia.
Complex nouns was wr together or through a hyphen (hyphen): arm - atrophic shortings of a forearm, shoe heart - heart in the form of a wooden boot, - a bleeding, - geteroseksual, - a hypercalcemia, leukocyte - polymorphonuclear leucocytes, - gomoseksual, - appendectomy, - ophthalmologic, - a lymphadenopathy.
Complex nouns was form also by a combination of bases of an adjective and a noun - aksonny gorbik, - liofilizat, - likhenizatsiya, - ketoatsidoz, - a keratoconjunctivitis, - a teleangiectasia, - a thermoregulation, - a thromboembolism, - a toxoplasmosis, - a pseudoneoplasm. [25: 124-125]
The lexical word meaning depended on a place whom it occupied in lexicological -semantic system of tongue, and also are caus by the fixed semantic centers round whom words relatives on the indicating on any sign was assort. This sign could show in any one value, are immediate combine value different in character or to be a part by means of whom they was connected. So, in semantics of English linguistic terms to most multiple-valued words the following semantic centers was tap: a word, value, tongue, speech, action, process, a mean, a manner, antonimiya, figurativeness as a basis to transmission of a sign with one concept on another, the secondary nomination.
Feature of English lexical units of centre degree of polysemanticism are intersystem terminological polysemanticism who tended to depression in process of decrease of quantity of word meanings. For English terminology it are the phenomenon it characteristic, than for the Russian. As well as in Russian terminology, at the heart of the phenomenon of terminological polysemanticism of English tongue the general semantic sign who showed in express value of various fields of activity of the person lay.
Lexemes of centre degree of polysemanticism was part on three quality linguistic phylums of interpretation on the basis of them by the Larger Oxford dictionary:
) units who in the dictionary was not accompany by the note of ling. (or similar), and in the formulas which interpretation did not move them to linguistic semantics;
) units who admitted linguistic terms;
) units which formulas of interpretation on sense coincided with express, without the indicating on them application in the field of linguistics.
The third bunch of investigate linguistic terms are compound by monosemicaly units. Terms of this bunch formed a core of linguistic terminology and common lexicon of system independent of influence.
In semantic structure of the polisemicaly term it are excrete differential and integrated seven. The integrated seed are the part b common and terminological value, and differential - and that distinguished the special value of others. Differential seven, form the terminological value, the reflect essential signs of concept characterize it was more penetrating, fuller, open communications and attitudes of this concept, define it a place in system of concepts of a science. So, sema of form are integrated in semantics of the term of morphology as in a general sense it are "history of a variation of the form'; in biology are" the partition of biology investigate forms of animals and plants"; in linguistics -" the partition of grammar stud forms of words" (OD). Differential Sam’s for morphology are animal, plant and word. The lexical unit of paradigm are characterize by integrated Semo of pattern, example and differential as the term of linguistics - verb.
Rank order this in a template had allow to position quality character of semantic signs of English linguistic terms. Dense filling of parts of the template, reflect realization of the major this, and lexical units with wide polysemanticism, testified about them the greatest semantic weight in language space.
Here linguistic terms merged with common lexicon, therefore for them abjection the concrete definition are required. The quantity the sum of realizations in a template decreased as in a direction of depression of degree of polysemanticism of lexical units, and in a direction of decrease this rate. Not the occupancy of a part of a template testified that the investigate fragment of linguistic terminology had in the long term ample opportunities for the enrichment and development.
Questions of medical terminology as constituent lexicon the wide enough. Medical terminology fell into most intensively progress part of dictionary composition of tongue that are cause, first of all, by precipitant development of medicine and the international scientific integration in this field of knowledge.
Modern scientific medical terminology, in the core consisted of words of the Greek and Latin parentage and synthetically frame words on the basis of the Greek and Latin lexicon.
The important factor are also studying of structure of terms, and use various contexts are more their. Among the researches devot to questions of medical terminology, the main place belonged to definition of means and agents of created by terminology (V.Ya.Greb, G.F.Shanaurova, the I. Nortmeier), to an establishment of specificity of functioning of foreign medical terms (L. Becher, the I. Wiese), to illumination of problems are more their than etymology (I.M.Gnatishina). Research of language resources and agents of a manifestation of express concepts of medicine, on the one hand, helped to solve theoretical questions of the general patterns of development of separate terminological system, with another - to solve practical problems of development, an accomplishment, unifications and standardizing of branch lexicon that promoted optimization of scientific communications in the field of medical knowledge.
Various illnesses, pathologies, symptoms, numerous medical devices and apparatus, messengers of illnesses, etc. received the names from fund are more Greek - Latin lexicon.
The medical lexicon are one of the most ancient professional terminology, it were form on own language basis, acquire all that for the period of it buildings develop by a world civilization. Medical terminology are not constant system, she lived, varied, adapted to requirements of the present. The history of development of medicine, change of scientific views, integration and differentiation of disciplines, a cultural contact, influence of lexicological -semantic system of tongue - all it had f reflectance in stylistic heterogeneity of medical terminology. It are the phenomenon in fixed degree it are connected with a parentage of modern English scientific terminology who had pass long enough and complex path of development. From terminological logisation of English, common words, direct loan of lexical units with Latin, Greek and the West European tongues - to development of own, new word-formation models. With use of national and international terminological element. All it promoting separation of medical lexicon on, so-called, national and professional with the conforming signs of a fixed style accessory.
There was many exceptions, but routinely terms with a Latin root referred to any part of a human body, and terms with the Greek roots shown that this part of a body are now investigate, or testified to a pathology in this part of a body. Thus, the English anatomical term for a stomach (gut) - intestinum (an armour.), but the division of science stud diseases of an intestine, are called as enterology - enterologies (греч.). More frequent the terms borrow from the Greek tongue, was us for a notation of pathologies.
So, terms who descended from the Greek tongue, it are possible to meet in the nomenclature of illnesses more often. Let's survey a Latin root for a breast (breast) of mamm/o, and the Greek mast/o. In general, the Latin root of mamm/o can be f in the terms describe anatomy (for example, mammary gland - a mamma) or the procedures ma with roughly able-bodied organ (for example, mammogram - a mammography) the Greek root of mast/o it are possible to meet at a pathology or malignant formations (for example, mastectomy - a mastectomy). The loud note after a virgule to a root are copulative loud, there are a component of the compound word consist of two roots. In research of diseases of a stomach (stomach) of gastr/o and an intestine (intestines) of enter/o gastroenterology, instead of gastrenterology are sa. A root or a chain of roots it are always accompan by a suffix.
Thus, tumour (-oma) tumours in which structure first of all a word who designated muscles - muscular (my/o) will be myoma (myoma), instead of myooma. And at last, before this chain sometimes there are a prefix. Attachments shown us, where that are (peri-, supra-) coverage - a periosteum, a periosteum; a periosteal cover, curettage - ostomies. a periapical curettage, edema - a Quincke's disease, a huge urticaria, illness Kvinke,
peritoneal exchange - a peritoneal dialysis, fibrosis - a subadventitious fibrosis of sides of arteries, fremitus - a pericardial rub, graft - a periosteal flap, hernia - a perineal hernia,
perineal hypospadias - a perineal hypospadias, itch - a proctal itch, an itch of an anus.
When something happened (pre-, post-) to certificate - the medical certificate before the introduction into discard, chamber - an altitude chamber,
previllous chorion - a primary chorion, ventricular complex - a ventricular extrasystole, contraction - an extrasystole, death - foetal death (foetus), dermatitis - a precancerous dermatitis, illness of Bovena, existing disease - a doklinichesky stage of illness; preillness, breathing equipment - the equipment or equipment for respiration under pressure,
premature auricular extrasystole - an early atrial extrasystole.
If something are excessive or poor (hyper-, hypo-) cicatrix - the hypertrophic cicatrix,
hyperparathyroid crisis - a hyperparathyroid crisis, encephalopathy - a hypertonic encephalopathy, - a hyperacidity (a hyperoxemia of a gastric juice),
hyperalcoholemia - high blood alcohol content, - (giper) an aldosteronism (a syndrome caus by a hypersecretion or disturbance of an exchange of Aldosteronum), - a hyperalgesia (the rais painful sensitivity), - an overfeeding; a hyperalimentation, - an exuberant causeticity, - giperammoniyemiya (the rais maintenance of loose ions of an ammonium in a blood plasma).
In English prefixes was rarely attach by the way, which they changed. Besides, terms of a Latin parentage should attach only Latin attachments, and it are necessary to attach the Greek prefixes to terms of the Greek parentage. For example, anatomical the term of "tibia" (гомилкуа) should precede a Latin prefix of semi-, instead of the Greek prefix of hemi-. Consider that Latin tongue served for the description to the anatomical nomenclature, would be to consider irregular that any anatomical Latin term will remain invariable in the English document. Two good examples of such change who broken all rules: Latin medulla oblongata (marrow) and fibula (a bertsovy bone), English was translat as bone marrow and calf-bone. In other cases, the Latin term are us in English tongue without changes: patella (patella). Therefore, to avoid errors, it are necessary to look carefully in the dictionary each Latin anatomical term before it to translate.
Medical terms can be categoriz thus:
1. Illnesses, meningitis - an aseptic meningitis, - the asthma, depression - are atypical depression,
autism - autism, - sterility, vaginosis (bv) - bacteriemic vaginoz, - a sarcoma, 's syndrome - a syndrome of Down, 's syndrome - Angelmana a syndrome, telangiectasia - Ataksiya-teleangiektaziya.
2. Symptoms, - an acidosis, - vazolidatsiya, dilating of veins,
high risk of infection - high risk of a HIV infection contamination, - a leukosis, menstruation - менструация.failure - disturbance of respiration. - disturbance of function,
Insufficiency - a failure,
Bleeding from the mouth - a stomatorrhagia, - an aphonia.
3. Methods of treatment, n - bacterination, blot test - the Western блот / an immunoblot (test method), - kolkoskopiya, square test - criterion of Hee square,
Cleaning - otchistka, care - palliative treatment, prophylaxis - postexposition prophylaxis, immunization - an engrafting from a rubella,
Mantoux test, PPD test - a Mantoux reaction.
4. Instruments and devices, the equipment, - a scalpel,
bone cutters - a forceps osteal,
X-ray viewing box - a viewer,
Caliper - kavernomer,
Ilizarov apparatus - the apparatus of Yelizarov, the Articulator, articulator - Galotti an articulator,
Kocher forceps - forceps of kokher, medical - gouges medical, rotary instruments - Stomatologic rotate instruments.
5. Medical trades, - the doctor, the doctor, - the doctor of sciences.S. Surgeon General - the head physician of the Health service of the USA, (Registered Dental Hygienist) - the diploma stomatologist hygienist,
Информация о работе Медицинская терминология. Способы медицинского перевода текстов