Медицинская терминология. Способы медицинского перевода текстов

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 29 Мая 2013 в 12:22, курсовая работа

Описание работы

Звание Упорядочить этом в шаблоне был позволит позиционировать качества характера семантических признаков английском лингвистических терминов. Плотное заполнение части шаблона, отражающие реализации важнейших это и лексических единиц с широким многозначности, свидетельствовали о них наибольший вес в семантический язык пространстве. Здесь лингвистические термины слились с общей лексики, поэтому для них выделения конкретизация требуется. Количество суммы реализации в шаблоне уменьшилась в направлении депрессии степень многозначности лексических единиц, и в направлении уменьшить эту скорость.

Содержание работы


ГЛАВА 1. Английской медицинской терминологии: лексические и грамматические, этимологические и функции аспекты 3

1.1. Специфика терминологической номинации 3
1.2. Этимологический аспект медицинской терминологии 7
1.3. Классификация медицинских терминов ......................... ..................... ......... .................. 10
ГЛАВА 2. Способы медицинского перевода текстов
2.1. Перевод медицинских текстов 15
2.2. Предмет перевод медицинских текстов ............................................... 16
2.3. Разнообразие лексики "медицинский" языка на примере английского казахского и русского медицинских текстов ..................................................................... 16
2.4. Анатомических терминов и международной анатомической номенклатуре ................... 17
2.5. Особенности перевод медицинских текстов .............................................. 17
2.6. Качество перевода медицинских текстов .................................................. 18

Литература 21

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nurse-technician - the medical laboratory assistant, nurse - the nurse who had finish educational institution, but yet had not receiv registration, nurse - the nurse of the top skills, midwife - the nurse ha the certificate of the obstetrix, nurse (RN) - the nurse, which after the terminal of educational institution had acquir the legal right (i.e. registration) to carry out medicalsisterly activity.

Medicines (medical agents) - Corvalolum, - Bromcamphora, LIQUID - the EXTRACT ELEUTUROKOCK FLUID,

Analgin - Analginum, - Panadolum,

GRASS MOTHERWORT - a grass of Leonurus,

BCG (Calmett-Guerin vaccine) - BTsZh (a vaccine of Kalmetta-Gerena), / HIV-vectored vaccines - BTsZh/VICh-vektornye vaccines,

Efferalgan - Eferalgan, acid (Aspirin) - ACID ACETILSALICYLIC (ASPIRINUM).

6. Parts of a body. - a femur (from a basin to a stemnode), - a femur (a basin and the top of a foot),

Bronchial tubes, bronchi - bronchi - a brow, - a temple, pituitary gland - a pituitary body,

Hair - hair,

Larynx - a larynx. - an arm, - a foot.

. Names of medical operations.

Electrocoagulation of uterine tube - an electrocoagulation of a uterine tube, occlusion of the fallopian tubes - a mechanical occlusion of uterine tubes, diathermy - homopolar a diathermy, ever had a catherization - a bipolar cauterisation, coagulation - terminal coagulation, and laser photocoagulation - evaporation by the laser and a photocoagulation, - pankoplastika,

otoplasty - an otoplasty,

trabeculoplasty - trabekuloplastika,

rhinoplasty - a rhinoplasty.

. Names of organs and tissues. - an abdominal lumen, - a brain, - heart,

the cartilaginous - cartilaginous, - osteal,

intestine - a stomach,

kidney - a nephros, - a liver, - a lung, - a stomach, tract - a digestive tube, muscle - skeletal muscles.

7. Names medical учреждений.hospital - harbour of hospital,

Hostital for harbour workers and seafarers - hospitals for workers of port and seamen,

Hospital for dockers and seafarers - hospital for dockers and seamen of Hospital - port hospitals,

Port Hospital at All-WAter Transport - port in hospital of a sailing charter of Port Hospital on Water Transport - Kerchensky port hospital on a sailing charter, farm - hospital for narcomaniacs, - an insane hospital,

retreat - an insane hospital, - hospital (an insulator, an infirmary).

8. Names of branches.

Human Anatomy - anthropotomy, of the ear, nose and throat - illnesses of an ear, a throat and a nose, Medicine - intrinsic illnesses, - a cardiology, - hygiene, - pediatrics, - an oncology, - pathological anatomy,

Physiology - pathological physiology, - psychiatry,

Toxicology - a toxicology,

Psychiatry Dentistry - an odontology,

Traumatology and Orthopedics - Traumatology and an orthopedics .


9. Specificity of terminological word combinations


As results of researches various terminological system of a science and technics, terms of a word combination testified (further CC) prevailed in them and the Word combination are one of essential nominative means of word-formation in the field of medicine are lexical units of the highest level, included units of the lowest level - words, as explained them high sense reflect potency.

Terms - word combinations, was integrated conceptually - verbal complexes, names whom реализовывают system of exact definitions, and integrity them value are deduce from the sum of value it components .

The philosophy of construction of complex names - concrete definitions of a basic component. Thank them to complex multicomponent structure the optimal nomination of express concept which are based on necessary quantity of the conforming signs are carry out.

Because the compound names was integrated verbal bunches who acted in terminology as the name, realize system of exact definitions, it are possible to survey CC as an equivalent of the brief term. Equivalence to a word it are possible to prove them to that such CC as brief terms, left in scientific and technical speech in a ready kind, was not farm in a new fashion each time, and

was conserve in a store of terms of this area . Excreted some factors, render terms on fastness the differently structural with a word combination:

) by the all means of communication of a word combination with denotatively  - a significantly complex, represented a fixed fragment of the medium in composition of concrete field of knowledge and preceded a terminological nomination;

) constant order of the components, which change led to change of value and determinologization of nominees;

) functioning of the HARDWARE in express texts, was more its fastening as conceptually - verbal complexes in assets of users

) diffusion of such complexes from sphere of functioning on sphere are more their than bracing and fastening.

It are necessary to notice that, unlike terms words, to the HARDWARE was not subject almost to influence of a homonymy and much less turn on the synonym , possibility of no rigid classification and ordering on fixed models are inherent in them:

For speech spokesmen of the concepts, f into one a hierarchical series, the sequence of development of a sign are characteristic. This sequence consisted that accessory species character, reflected in sense of really language unit, immediately confined only an accessory sign. For example, in terminological combining the sign who are pitch by value компонентаtile, immediately characterized only preliminarily species character of drained, and are more narrow through it - a patrimonial sign of peat - sand tile drained peat.



The attributive: noun + noun

trigger zone - a triggernost of a region, related - a neuron of communication, cancerous tumor (pop), adenoma - without a cancer tumor (bottoms), adenoma development of an organ (pop), aplasia - without an organ gen (bottoms), an aplasia, 's phenomenon - Reynaud a phenomenon, factor - risk factor, patient - risk of the patient, sperm production - stimulation of effecting of a semen,

sticking to a surface - attachments to a surface, state - a stable state.

noun + pretext + noun,

destructive to bone marrow - destructive influence on a marrow,

destructive to nerve tissue - destructive influence on the excitatory tissue,

covering of brain and spinal chord - a coating of a brain and a spinal cord, to the kidneys - destructive influence on nephroses,

blood in the urine - a blood in urine, cell formation-related - blood cells, formation b,

sticking to a surface - attachments to a surface,

heart and blood vessel-related - communication of heart and pots, and lung-related - communication of heart and lungs, to an organ in the chest area - concern an organ in the field of a breast.

Adj. + noun,

vitamin deficiency avitaminosis,

vague illness - acritical illnesses, heartbeat - irregular palpitation,

with low blood pressure - with low arterial pressure,

holding your breath - a breath holding, unknown cause - an unknown parentage,

inactive part of drug - an inactive part of narcotics,

heart monitor - the cardiac monitor,

hair standing on end - Hair on end,

intestinal blockage - intestinal interlocking,

noun+ noun,

Medusa's head - a head of a jellyfish,

Addison's disease - Illness of Addison,

Leber's amaurosis - Amavroz Lebera, Merzbacher disease - the Sclerosis of white matter Pelitseusa-Mertsbakhera,

Tay-Sachs disease - Illness Thea-Saks,

en:Angelman's syndrome - Angelmana a syndrome,

Peutz-Jeghers syndrome - Periorifitsialny a lentiginosis,

Alexander's disease - Illness of Alexander, disease - Alzheimer's disease,

the Adam's apple - an Adam's pome,

Participle I + cущ,

breaking out - to escape, tube - a respiratory tube, of the skin - thickenings of a skin, of head and neck - twisting of a head and a neck, to go to the toilet - necessity to descend in a toilet, sensation - Warn sensations,

listening with a stethoscope - listening by means of a stethoscope,

swelling and fever treatment - an edema and treatments of a fever,- anterogradinous,

moving forward - advance,

not producing milk - not a producing of milk.

Name of proper + name of nominal,

Medusa's head - a head of a jellyfish, 's disease - Addison's Illness, 's amaurosis – Amavroz of Lebera, Merzbacher disease - the Sclerosis of white matter of Pelitseusa of Mertsbakher, Sachs disease - Illness Thea-Saks: Angelman's syndrome – Angelman’s a syndrome, Jeghers syndrome - Periorifitsialny a lentiginosis, 's disease - Illness of Alexander, disease - Alzheimer's disease,

the Adam's apple - an Adam's pome,

native+ borrowed, the normal place - in a normal place, Adam's apple - an Adam's pome,

Term + neutral word,

back passage (pop) - an anus

back passage-related - an anus connected,

bacterial skin infection - bacteriemic infection contaminations of a skin,

bad periods - the bad seasons, delirious - to be in delirium, a tough outer covering - Below hard a choronomic coating, the ribs - between ribs, duct X-ray - cholic ducts of roentgens,

birth control - control over birthrate,

destruction of red blood cells - destruction of red bloody little bodies,

metaphors, metonimy) - the Snakeskin,

cleft lip - a labium leporium,

cleft palate - a wolf mouth,

chicken breast - a chicken breast, walk - a duck gait, heart - a cor bovinum.

Medusa's head - a head of a jellyfish,

the face of the Sphinx - the person of a sphinx, Olympic forehead - the Olympic forehead, the Adam's apple - an Adam's pome, of red blood cells - destruction of red bloody little bodies,

CHAPTER 2. The Ways of Medical Texts Translation


    1. Translation of medical texts - or medical translation, are a translation with one tongue on another of specialised medical publications and texts of the private character which content are immediately connected with health of the person. The special position of the yield category of specialised translations are define by importance of any transfer information, to increased requirements to accuracy of translation and keeping of confidentiality of private data, and also strongly pronounced heterogeneity of us terminology.
    1. Subject of translation of medical texts


Medical texts of any level was subject to translation into other tongue: Epikriza, reports of diagnostic researches or the ma operations, reports of results of laboratory tests, function researches, the information for patients and-or doctors, leaves loose leaves to medicines (to the instruction on application), references on treatment, and also the publication about activity of medical institutions and scientific articles on various partitions of medicine.

All 38 basic partitions of medicine (the first order, for example "surgery", «gynecology and obstetrics», "pediatrics", "urology" and so forth) was.

The quantity of subsections and the more so concrete specialised directions did not give in to exact inventory.

    1. A diversity of lexicon of "medical" tongue on an example of English Kazakh and Russian medical texts


As "medical" tongue are not simply a component, and expanded paravariation of the basic tongue and concerning translations of such texts reacted, besides rules of the general language reading and writing, also padding, b with specificity of medical terminology and traditional forms (notations, expressions), t over in the concrete country.

The special diversity of lexicon "medical" German and "medical" Russian tongues - both rich and juicy in the "everyday" variant, imbibe in itself nomenclature terminology (in popular speech «medical Latin»), English notations and Anglicism’s, and also all forms of the reductions us in all categories differed.

Besides it, the Russified and signed variants of notations, for example, the anatomical terms borrow from other tongues had strongly t roots. So, for a notation of the same anatomical structure could be us to 12-15(!) expressions.

Anyway would be inaccurate to consider that medical texts represented the "routine" lexicon, alternate inserts of "Latin".

    1. Anatomical terms and International anatomical nomenclature


Now there was more than 8 thousands anatomical concepts (areas of a body, organs and are more their than parts) for which notation physicians of the whole world used express terms of the International anatomical nomenclature (Nomina Anatomica).

The history of building of general-purpose anatomical terminology proceeded the roots during an epoch of antiquity. Result of historical development were collateral existence of various nomenclature notations of the same concept. Concerning anthropotomy reacted as the newest International anatomical terminology (Terminologia Anatomica, 1998), and the Basel anatomical nomenclature (BNA, 1895), the Yensky anatomical nomenclature (JNA, 1935) and the Parisian anatomical nomenclature (PNA, 1955).

Primary use of a modern variant of any term did not exclude thus more aged names continually me in various sources.

Latin tongue are put in a basis of each of these nomenclatures with use about 600 basic concepts Latin (mostly) and Greek (about third of all concepts) parentages. Declination and word-formation submitted to rules of the "dead" Latin tongue historically develop base of building and development of the anatomical nomenclature. However, considered invariable «medical Latin» also had g under influence of a wide spread occurrence of Anglicism in the scientific world. So, for example, there are a tendency of changing of a writing «ое» and «ае» in nomenclature names on idle time «е» (Oesophagus - Esophagus). Means of formation of nomenclature terms, a rule was more their than declination and reductions was describe in detail in the works devote to the International anatomical nomenclature and are more its to application.

    1. Features of translation of medical texts


Besides active use impure and not always the one valued anatomical nomenclature, medical texts differed also an extraordinary diversity of subjects and avalanche appearance of new methods, technologies and devices, names which was yield "on the move".

The translator of medical texts should be orient so legibly in a subject confidently to tap ambiguous terms and expressions (without forge about existence «false friends of the translator») and correctly to define them treatment. One of aspects of use of medical terminology are, besides skills of work with the International anatomical nomenclature, also loose possession of topographical reference points, planes and the axes, apply at the description of morphology.

Result of attempts of the translators specialize on translation of medical texts to unite to isolated systems of notations both anatomical structures, and various procedures and technical elements building of self-made dictionaries of a special-purpose designation are. Applied variants of such dictionaries, a foetus of perennial self-denying work, done not put before itself a problem of an excavation in an aetiology of concepts and assumed fixed level of linguistic preparation, and without that demand for successful translational activity. Each translator work with medical texts, should be orient loosely in the units us in laboratory medicine of the different countries, and, in case of requirement, effect recalculation of the conforming indexes in more popular system of units (more often in SI). The special demands to accuracy of medical translation assumed as an indispensable condition maintenance of a feed-back of the translator with the customer and the author of the initial text. Only immediate contact gave the chance specifications of sense of obscure or ambiguous definitions, and also revealings of possible typing errors and was more their than correcting.

    1. Translation quality of medical texts

In every respect competent and exact translation of medical texts only small experts could provide the quality:

· qualify (ha the thorough naturally scientific preparation, us in the activity scientific approach ha perennial experience in the yield sphere),

· own algorithm of search of infrequent terms,

· understand medical subjects,

· possess irreproachable language literacy and

· engaged in constant self-preparation.

For maintenance of high quality of medical translations it are necessary to possess all necessary auxiliaries (absence in the market of specialised dictionaries of sufficient volume forced to frame own dictionaries!) and nitidously to know both living languages (more than the academic preparation). To list above it are necessary to add the serious attitude to each order and absolute confidentiality.

The true professionals in this area, correspond to all specify demands, could offer superfine and exact translation of medical texts in full conformity to the content and style of the specialised information with dilating of services of phylum of translation of sizes of laboratory indexes in SI, acclimatization of the text for the low-prepar readers and т. item.




The terminological system displayed in structure of the components enter into it composition, fixed communications and attitudes who objective existed in a circle of the name concepts and the phenomena, and presence of terms word combinations in terminological lexical-semantic system are the spokesman of accuracy, unambiguity, a tendency to system of a semantically-paradigmatic regularity in building of terms.

The perspective direction of the further researches are define by complex studying of branch terms and the exhaustive analysis the cognitive of word-formation mechanisms.

In the modern world terminology played an important role in professional communications of people, a source of reception and transfer of the scientific information, and also the instrument of mastering by a specialty. Terminology are a part of the scientific apparatus, gave the chance to learn patterns of exploratory process, to define canals of interaction with other elements of fixed area of a science.

Carried out, on a stuff of English-speaking medical terminology research are a working out one of private problems of dependences between cognitive structures of consciousness and semantics of the term, between a pattern of the world of the native speaker of English (expert physician) and structure of the specialized dictionary.

Logically understandable correlation of medical terminology of terms, are more their interaction and interrelation allowed to survey English TMT terminology as an integrated terminological field.

Specific feature of English-speaking medical terminology overwhelming unambiguity are more than their lexical composition. Together the slight quantity of the general scientific terms function in investigate terminology, resulted an inter-branch homonymy.

In the genetically attitude terms of classical genesis gravitated to a monosomy, and specific English terms - to polysemantysm .

Use of yield units in informal professional dialogue are an agent emotionally - the psychologic discharge necessary for medical workers which owing to specificity of the work (Emotionally gen of situations, deficiency of time, weight of responsibility etc.) often was exposed to a stressful load.

Among word-formation models of English medical terms the traditional place are shunt compositions that are a consequence of influence of system of the Greek tongue. The terms composites frame on the basis of elements of the Greek and Latin parentage, had international character and reflected, both specificity of survey terminological system, and communication of traumatology with the "next" branches of medicine.

Use of semantic of one valued terminology element in formation short, but high-informative medical terms provided them (terms) a fast remembering and promoted mild decoding of the conforming terms. Are more Greek - Latin formations compounded the settle international core of highly specialized medical terms.

The examples le above fallen into to such bunches:

parts of a body,



names of organs,

names of branches,

names was more medical than establishments,

medical operations,


They was known for a long time already wide sociability. Transfer of these terms are a problem because scientific terms in English, was equivalent to the conforming terms Russian, are not us more often, or are absolutely unfamiliar for no specialists. Therefore it are important to know about these cases to choose adequate terms it agreed to a genre of the texts translate.

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