Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 19 Октября 2014 в 18:16, отчет по практике
Производственная практика является важнейшей формой подготовки студентов и составной частью учебного процесса. Практика имеет своей целью углубление и закрепление знаний полученных в процессе теоретического обучения, а также подготовить студента к самостоятельному выполнению вверенной ему работы.
Руководителем моей практики от университета является профессор кафедры частного права, доктор юридических наук Витушко В.А. До начала практика он разъяснил мне задание для производственной практики, а также дал индивидуальное задание.
В первый день практики меня ознакомили с работой Министерства, моими обязанностями, временным рабочим местом, а также с сотрудниками отдела.
Введение 3
О Министерстве внутренних дел Республики Беларусь 5
Структура, основные задачи и функции управления международного сотрудничества МВД Республики Беларусь 5
Компетенция отдела двустороннего сотрудничества 7
Компетенция отдела договорно-правовой работы 8
Компетенция отдела взаимодействия с международными организациями 8
Заключение 10
В заключении хотелось бы отметить высокую степень организации производственной практики со стороны руководителя и сотрудников отдела договорно-правовой работы управления международного сотрудничества Министерства внутренних дел Республики Беларусь, а также точное определение направлений деятельности, необходимых для формирования профессиональных навыков работы по специальности юриста-международника со знанием иностранных языков.
Пройдя данную производственную практику, я ознакомилась со структурой, деятельностью, основными задачами и функциями Министерства внутренних дел республики Беларусь и его сотрудников, а также с работой отдела договорно-правовой работы. Изучила и научилась выполнять письменный перевод проектов текстов соглашений между Правительством Республики Беларусь и Правительством иных государств, а также участвовала в согласовании проекта договора о Евразийском экономическом сообществе с международными договорами, участницей которых является Республика Беларусь.
Основной объем работы составляли письменные переводы юридических текстов как с русского языка на английский, так и с английского языка на русский.
На данном этапе прохождения производственной практики мне было поручено выполнение письменного перевода проектов текстов Соглашений между Правительством Республики Беларусь и Правительством Республики Ирак, а также Правительством Республики Сербия о сотрудничестве в борьбе с преступностью.
Так, перевод Соглашения между Правительством Республики Беларусь и Правительством Республики Сербия о сотрудничестве в борьбе с преступностью осуществлялся с русского языка на английский. Осуществление перевода Соглашения между Правительством Республики Беларусь и Правительством Республики Ирак о сотрудничестве в борьбе с преступностью и Стратегии Грузии 2013 производилось с английского языка на русский.
Несмотря на то, что указанные тексты из правовых областей, основанных на международном обмене и сотрудничестве, а значит должны легче поддаваться переводу, у меня возник ряд трудностей при их переводе. Во многом это обусловлено тем, что при переводе юридических текстов как с русского языка на иностранный, так и наоборот, обычных навыков переводчика недостаточно. Юридический перевод не может быть осуществлен корректно без использования специальных познаний в соответствующей области права, без знания специфики конкретного вида правоотношений. Необходимо ориентироваться в действующем законодательстве, а также владеть специальной лексикой и знать об особенностях использования иностранной юридической терминологии в конкретном контексте.
Производственная практика была организована на высоком уровне, как со стороны Университета, так и со стороны руководителя практики от принимающей организации.
К данному отчету прилагаются: дневник, характеристика от руководителя практики от принимающей организации и перевод текстов.
between the Government of the Republic of Belarus
and the Government of the Republic of Serbia on cooperation in crime prevention
The Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Republic of Serbia hereinafter referred to as the Parties,
regarding the existing friendly relations between the states of the Parties and the significance of the security affairs;
considering the necessity of development of the cooperation in the sphere of combating international organized crime, terrorism, illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, precursors chemicals (hereinafter referred to as the drugs), illegal migration;
acknowledging the importance of international cooperation in the fight against crimes;
being aware that criminal phenomena linked to organized crime, illicit trafficking in drugs as well as money laundering affect both countries thus jeopardizing public order and security, as well as the welfare and physical integrity of their own citizens;
regarding national legislation and international obligations of both states;
respecting the sovereignty of each state;
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Obligation of cooperation
The Parties in accordance with legislation and international treaties of their states cooperate through their competent authorities, in combating crimes, which were committed or may be committed on the territories of the states of the Parties or with the participation of their citizens.
Article 2
Competent authorities
1. Cooperation between the two Parties shall be carried out by the following competent authorities:
on the side of the Republic of Belarus: Ministry of Internal Affairs;
on the side of the Republic of Serbia: Ministry of Internal Affairs.
2. On the issues, stipulated by the present Agreement, the competent authorities of the states of the Parties interact with each other directly except as otherwise provided by the present Agreement.
3. The Parties inform each other via the diplomatic channels on changes of their competent authorities.
Article 3
Aspects of cooperation
The Parties cooperate in detection, suppression and investigation of crimes especially of:
crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of a person;
illegal production and trafficking in drugs;
international organized crime;
terrorist and extremist activity;
trafficking in human beings;
crimes against sexual inviolability or sexual freedom;
fraud or forgery or counterfeiting of documents, bank notes, shares and means of payment and circulating it;
crimes connected with money laundering;
crimes in the sphere of taxes;
illicit trafficking in arms, ammunition and explosive substances;
trafficking in archeological findings, precious metals and stones;
illegal migration;
crimes connected with steal of property, including robbery and sea piracy;
crimes connected with abuse of environment;
crimes connected with the illicit trafficking in historical and cultural values.
Article 4
Forms of cooperation
1. With the aims to implement Article (3) of the present Agreement the competent authorities of the states of the Parties cooperate in the following forms:
execution of the requests on realization of the operative and search measures;
exchange of operative, reference, criminality and other information of mutual interest, specified in the present Agreement;
exchange of information on committed or prepared crimes and about the required measures of their prevention;
exposure of the organized crimes and individuals, involved in criminal activities;
exchange of information about different forms of organized crime and methods of its prevention and also on equipment and activities of the terrorist groups, which actions are directed against the state interests of the parties;
exchange of information on new types of drugs, appeared and circulated illegally, and suitable ways of their prevention;
exchange of experiences on usage of new methods and modern technologies of the discovery of drugs;
adoption of coordinated measures of liquidation of the main sources of drugs;
providing assistance in revealing illegal incomes;
exchange of information and providing assistance in revealing facts of evasion in payment of taxes;
exchange of specimens of the documents, proving person’s identity and giving the rights to cross the state frontier, and also exchange of information on changes of forms and requirements for the documents necessary for entry, stay and departure from the territories of the states of the Parties;
providing assistance in training and improving of qualification by organizing of training courses for the personnel of the two Parties;
exchange of legislative and other lawful information, scientific and literary matters of mutual interest;
carrying out scientific researches and meetings, exchange of experts for discussion of the questions of mutual interest.
2. The Parties may cooperate in any other mutual acceptable forms.
Article 5
Inquiry about assistance rendering
1. Cooperation within the limits of the present Agreement is carried out on the basis of inquiries of competent bodies of the states of the Parties about assistance rendering (further - inquiry). The information can be transferred competent body of the state of other Party without inquiry if there are bases to believe, that such information is of interest for this competent body.
2. The inquiry goes in writing. In urgent cases the inquiry can be transferred orally with the subsequent obligatory written acknowledgement in time not later than three days. Means of transfer of the text can be thus used. In case of occurrence of doubt in authenticity or the inquiry maintenance its additional acknowledgement can be requested.
3. In inquiry are specified:
Names of competent bodies of the states of the requesting and requested Parties;
The material summary on which the inquiry goes;
Instructions of the purpose and inquiry substantiation;
If necessary the description of a special order at execution of inquiry and a substantiation of this necessity;
Terms during which inquiry execution is expected;
Other data which can be useful to inquiry execution.
The competent body of the state of the required Party has the right to request the additional data necessary for appropriate execution of inquiry.
4. The inquiry directed or confirmed in writing, on the official form of competent body of the state of the requesting Party should be signed the head or the person, its replacing, and is certified by an official stamp of the given competent body.
Article 6
Requests on assistance
1. Cooperation within the present Agreement is executed on the basis of request on assistance of the competent authorities of the states of the two Parties.
2. Information can be transferred to the other Party without its request if there are reasons to suppose that such information is interesting for this Party.
3. Request on assistance should be sent by the competent authority of the state of the requesting Party to the competent authority of the state of the requested Party in a written form. For this technical means of transmission of the text may be used, and should be sent in a written form by the diplomatic channels.
4. Request on assistance should include names of the competent authorities of the states of requesting and requested Parties, aims and the reasons for the request, description of the essence of the case, and also the other information necessary for its appropriate execution. The competent authority of the requested Party is entitled to request the competent authority of the requesting Party additional data if it considers this data essential for proper execution of the request.
5. Request on assistance must be signed by the head of the competent authority of the state of the requesting Party or by his deputy and must be hallmarked with one seal of this authority. Otherwise the national legislation of the state of the requested Party provides other terms, the competent authority of this Party should notify the competent authority of the requesting Party about the results of execution of the request within 30 days.
6. In case if the competent authority of the requested Party in accordance with the national legislation of his state is not entitled to execute the request, it shall send this request to the competent authority of his Party, which is entitled to execute this request, and inform about it the competent authority of the requesting Party.
Article 7
Inquiry execution
1. The competent body of the state of the required Party takes all necessary measures for maintenance of full and qualitative execution of inquiry in the terms specified by competent body of the state of the requesting Party.
2. The competent body of the state of the requesting Party immediately is notified on the circumstances interfering or essentially detaining execution of inquiry.
3. If inquiry execution is not included into the competence of competent body of the state of the Party which have received inquiry the given competent body immediately transfers to its corresponding competent body of the state of the required Party and notifies on it competent body of the state of the requesting Party.
4. At inquiry execution the legislation of the state of the required Party is applied.
5. The competent body of the state of the required Party at the desire of competent body of the state of the requesting Party can give possibility of presence of its representatives at inquiry execution.
6. If the competent body of the state of the required Party believes, that immediate execution of inquiry can prevent criminal prosecution or other manufacture which is carried out in territory of its state it can postpone execution of inquiry or connect its execution with observance of the conditions defined as necessary, after consultations of competent body of the state of the requesting Party. If the competent body of the state of the requesting Party agrees rendering to it of assistance on the offered conditions it should observe these conditions.
7. The competent body of the state of the required Party in probably short terms informs competent body of the state of the requesting Party on results of execution of inquiry.
Article 8
Use of results of inquiry
1. Results of execution of inquiry cannot be used without the consent of the competent body which has given them of the state of the required Party in other purposes, than in what they were requested and have been given.
2. The competent body of the state of the requesting Party can use results of execution of inquiry in other purposes only from the written approval of competent body of the state of the required Party. In such cases the competent body of the state of the requesting Party observes restrictions of use of results of the inquiry, the states of the required Party established by competent body.
Article 9
Transferring information to a third party
To transfer to a third party information received by the competent authority of a Party under this Agreement shall require the prior written consent of the provider of such information by the competent authority of the other Party.
Article 10
Refusing of providing assistance
1. Assistance may be refused wholly or partially within the framework of the present Agreement in the following cases:
the requested Party thinks, that execution of the request is going to harm its sovereignty, safety or national interests of its state;
the requested Party thinks that execution of the request conflicts with its national legislations or international commitments of its state;
if it is going to harm the investigations and other procedures made by the other Party.
2. A notification shall have to be sent as soon as possible to the Party requesting assistance that it was refused with necessary explanations.
Article 11
Settlement of disputes
Any dispute resulting from misinterpretation or application of the text of this Agreement shall be settled by means of negotiations and consultations or via the diplomatic channels.
Article 12
All the expenses, resulting from implementation of this Agreement shall be beard by the Party which made all procedures on its territory unless the Parties do not agree upon the other way of bearing expenses.
Article 13
Language of cooperation
While cooperating in the framework of the present Agreement the Parties use their state languages with attachment of certified translation into the state language of the requested Party or into English language.
Article 14
Relationship to other international treaties
This Agreement shall not affect the rights and obligations of the States of the Parties deriving from other international treaties to which they belong.
Article 15
Concluding provisions
1. The present Agreement enters into force after verifying its according to the national legislation of the two Parties from the day of receiving, second notification which verifies this Agreement via the diplomatic channels.
2. Either Party may terminate the present Agreement by written notice to the other Party, directed by diplomatic channels. In this case, the Agreement will terminate upon expiration of six (6) months from the date of receipt of the notification
3. Modifications or additions can be added to this Agreement, it should be drawn up by the protocol, which is an integral part of the present Agreement and enters into force in accordance with the measures stipulated by the present Article.
Done in __________ on the _________ of 200__ in two copies, each in Russian, Arabic and English, and all texts are authentic, and have the same strength and power. In case of controversy, the English text shall prevail.
For the Government of For the Government of
the Republic of Belarus the Republic of Serbia
между Правительством Республики Беларусь
и Правительством Республики Ирак
о сотрудничестве в борьбе с преступностью
Правительство Республики Беларусь и Правительство Республики Ирак, далее именуемые Сторонами,
принимая во внимание существующие дружественные отношения между государствами Сторон и придавая важное значение вопросам обеспечения их безопасности,
Информация о работе Отчет по практике в Управлении международного сотрудничества МВД РБ