Рефераты по иностранным языкам

Noël en Ukraine

17 Января 2013, доклад

Les gens ukrainiens aiment beaucoup les fêtes. Mais, certes, la fête la plus principale reste quand même le Nouvel An qui, pour nous, est la fête familiale.
Les gens ukrainiens aiment beaucoup les fêtes. Mais, certes, la fête la plus principale reste quand même le Nouvel An qui, pour nous, est la fête familiale. Comme partout, en Ukraine, il y a la tradition d'orner le sapin et de mettre sous celui-ci des cadeaux. Les enfants pensent que les cadeaux sont apportés par le Père Noël, c'est pourquoi ils "commandent" les cadeaux que l'on créé d'avance.

Nonverbal communication

18 Марта 2013, реферат

It's well known that good communication is the foundation of any successful relationship, be it personal or professional. It's important to recognize, though, that it's our nonverbal communication—our facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, posture, and tone of voice—that speak the loudest. The ability to understand and use nonverbal communication, or body language, is a powerful tool that can help you connect with others, express what you really mean, and build better relationships.

Nonverbal communication

21 Мая 2013, реферат

Whether it is called intuition or just good judgment, the ability to perceive and to use nonverbal cues to one’s advantage gives the business person the power and the skill to be more successful. T.S. Eliot wrote in The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, “There will be time, there will be time / To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet.” Perhaps he meant that those in business must be prepared in such a way as to make their face agree with the message that the consumer expects to receive. The communication experts agree that when two people have a face-to-face conversation only a small fraction of the total message they share is actually contained in the words they use. A portion of the message is contained in the tone of voice, accent, speed, volume, and inflection. However, approximately 93 percent of it is understood through nonverbal communication behaviors (Source needed).

Now, we tell you about OUR ideal student. Who is a good or ideal student? Are you ideal student? Or your friend? What does it mean at all: «ideal»

25 Апреля 2013, реферат

In order to be ideal he must walk through all branches of sharpening merit such as reading; understanding and practical application in practical field, travelling as tourist, keeping knowledge about information technology (IT), computer operation, gossiping with others, proper utilization of leisure time and the following fifteen qualities:
1. An ideal student should maintain the rules of health and performs his religious activities.
2. He has to be social and hard-working.
3. He should love his country.

Offers and enquiries

10 Мая 2014, курсовая работа

A simple enquiry can be made by e-mail, fax or cable. The contents of an enquiry will depend on three things: how well you know the supplier, whether the supplier is based in your country or abroad, and the type of goods or services you are enquiring about.
At the beginning of the enquiry you should tell your potential supplier what sort of organization you are and how you have learnt about the company you are contacting. It might be useful to point out that you know their associates, or that they were recommended to you by a consulate or trade association.


02 Июля 2013, реферат

Offshoring (also known as international fragmentation and vertical specialization) can be defined as the relocation of business processes to a different country in order to reduce the average cost curve of a business. Offshoring can be seen in different stages of the production process, either in production of a good or decision making. As a result of advancement in Information technology, previously non tradable services have now become tradable or are expected to do so. The business practice of offshoring focuses on the relocation of labor-intensive service industry functions to locations remote to the business center, such as India, Ireland or the Philippines.

Ökologiein Moskau

02 Апреля 2014, доклад

Die ökologische Situation in Moskau ist eng verbunden mit den natürlichen Bedingungen des Moskauer Gebietes und Klima europäischen Teil Russlands. Auf die ökologie der Stadt wirkt sich die Dominanz der westlichen und nordwestlichen Winde in der Nähe von Moskau. Die Qualität der Wasserressourcen der Stadt ist es besser, auf der Nord-Westen der Stadt, stromaufwärts des Moskwa-Flusses. Ein wichtiger Faktor zur Verbesserung des ökosystems Stadt ist die Erhaltung und Entwicklung von Grünanlagen, Parks und Bäume innerhalb der Höfe, der wesentlich betroffenen in den letzten Jahren von der Bebauung.

Organ transplantation

09 Марта 2013, реферат

Organ transplantation is the moving of an organ from one body to another or from a donorsite to another location on the patient's own body, for the purpose of replacing the recipient's damaged or absent organ. The emerging field of regenerative medicine is allowing scientists and engineers to create organs to be re-grown from the patient's own cells (stem cells, or cells extracted from the failing organs). Organs and/or tissues that are transplanted within the same person's body are called autografts. Transplants that are recently performed between two subjects of the same species are called allografts. Allografts can either be from a living or cadaveric source.

Origins and history

25 Апреля 2013, реферат

The term “ecology,” which has its root in the Greek word oikos (household or living place), came into use in the latter part of the nineteenth century in the works of zoologists and botanists to describe the study of the ways in which organisms live in their environments. Soon two branches of ecology were distinguished: autecology, the study of the individual organism’s interaction with environment, and synecology, the study of the correlations between the organisms engaged with a given unit of environment. The latter study has prevailed, however, and has become the principal connotation of ecology, since it became evident in numerous field studies that organisms, whether plant or animal, establish viable relationships with environment, not independently but collectively, through the mechanism of a system of relationships

O’zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy Majlisining davlat hokimiyati organlari tizimida tutgan o’rni.

08 Мая 2013, реферат

Parlamentning davlat organlari tizimida o’rni va mavqeyi juda muhim. “Parlament” so’zi fransuzcha “parler” so’zidan olinib, “gapirmoq”, “sozlamoq” ma’nosini anglatadi. Nimaga davlatning oliy organi “so’zlovchi” organ deb atalganini surishtirsak, biz parlamentning ahamiyatini tushunib olamiz. Qadimgi Rim, Gretsiya davlatlarida xalq vakillik organlari mavjud bo’lgani bilan parlamentning vatani Angliya sanaladi. 1215-yili hokimiyatning zo’ravonligidan charchagan aslzodalar qirol hokimiyatiga qarshi chiqishdi va “Erkinliklar Buyuk xartiyasini” e’lon qilishdi. Unga ko’ra davlatning asosoiy masalalari hududiy birliklardan yuborilgan aslzodalar vakillik organi bilan bamaslahat qabul qilinishi nazarda tutilgan. Shu davrgacha qirol o’z bilgaicha insonlar hayotiga, mol-mulkiga hukmronlik qilib kelgan edi.

Pacienta aprūpes vēsture

25 Мая 2013, реферат

Pacients atrodas veselības aprūpes iestādē, jo tika veikta plānveida labā un kreisā cirkšņa trūces plastika ar ielāpu un drenāža.
Slimības sākums ir bijis 12 gadus atpakaļ, tas bijis pakāpenisks. Provocējošie faktori varētu būt smags darbs (pēc pacienta domām). Medicīnisko palīdzību nav lūdzis, jo sāpes nav bijušas stipras. Atrodoties ilgāku laiku vertikāla stāvoklī, pacients ilgāku laiku atzīmē sāpes cirkšņu rajonā, tāpēc izlēmis veikt operāciju. Sāpes trūces apvidū bija saistītas ar staigāšanu, fizisku piepūli un straujām kustībām. Sāpes raksturo kā vieglas, bet pie lielākas fiziskas slodzes- mēreni stipras. Nekādus medikamentus pret šīm sāpēm nav lietojis. Guļus stāvoklī sāpes nav bijušas.

Parent-Child Relationship

02 Июня 2013, практическая работа

The parent-child relationship consists of a combination of behaviors, feelings, and expectations that are unique to a particular parent and a particular child. The relationship involves the full extent of a child's development.
The quality of the parent-child relationship is affected by the parent's age, experience and self-confidence; the stability of the parents' marriage; and the unique characteristics of the child compared with those of the parent.

Parliament of France

02 Мая 2013, контрольная работа

Law is a system of rules and guidelines which are enforced through social institutions to govern behavior. Laws are made by governments, specifically by their legislatures. The formation of laws themselves may be influenced by a constitution and the rights encoded therein. The law shapes politics, economics and society in countless ways and serves as a social mediator of relations between people.
A general distinction can be made between civil law jurisdictions (including Canon and Socialist law), in which the legislature or other central body codifies and consolidates their laws, and common law systems (including Islamic law), where judge-made binding precedents are accepted. Historically,religious laws played a significant role even in settling of secular matters, which is still the case in some countries, particularly Islamic.

Passive voice

15 Сентября 2013, контрольная работа

Be + Ved/3кол (=Participle2) – причастие прошедшего времени
В страдательном залоге нет времен Perfect Continuous, Future Continuous и Future Continuous in the Past.
Past Simple Popov invented the radio in 1895. (Попов изобрел радио в 1985.) – активный залог (действительный оборот) The radio was invented (by Popov) in 1985. (Радио было изобретено (Поповым) в 1985.) – пассивный (страдательный)
(отрицательная форма): not после первого вспомогательного глагола

Pattern of rhythm and rhyme in poetry

11 Ноября 2013, реферат

Meter is a reccuring pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in lines of a set length in poetry. Metre, although often equated with rhythm, is perhaps more accurately described as one method of organizing a poem’s rhythm. Unlike rhythm, metre is not a requisite of poetry; it is, rather, an abstract organization of elements of stress, duration, or number of syllables per line into a specific formal pattern. The interaction of a given metrical pattern with any other aspect of sound in a poem produces a tension, or counterpoint, that creates the rhythm of metrically based poetry

Peculiarities of american and british slang: Slang and the Dictionary

31 Мая 2015, диссертация

Slang consists of the words and expressions that have escaped from the cant, jargon and argot (and to a lesser extent from dialectal, nonstandard, and taboo speech) of specific subgroups of society so that they are known and used by an appreciable percentage of the general population, even though the words and expressions often retain some associations with the subgroups that originally used and popularized them. Thus, slang is a middle ground for words and expressions that have become too popular to be any longer considered as part of the more restricted categories, but that are not yet (and may never become) acceptable or popular enough to be considered informal or standard. (Compare the slang "hooker" and the standard "prostitute.")

Peculiarities of psycho-linguistic classification of translation

04 Декабря 2013, курсовая работа

The theme of course paper is psycho-linguistic classification of translation.
The actuality of the chosen theme is now important to know and study the classification of translation, because this classification of translation is the most common and popular in sphere of translation. And every translator must fully know it. Each high-quality and well-educated translator has skillfully and efficiently use their knowledge and apply them when he wants.
When you stop and think about it, everything in life is translation. We translate our feelings into actions. When we put anything into words, we translate our thoughts. Every physical action is a translation from one state to another. Translating from one language into another is only the most obvious form of an activity which is perhaps the most common of all human activities.

Peculiarities of the theme-rhematic structure of scientific-technical texts

28 Ноября 2012, курсовая работа

The issue of the actual division is being actively developed nowadays in various theories of linguistic pragmatics. In the theory of communicative dynamism the division into theme and rheme is assumed to be scalar: the degree of communicative dynamism in the initial theme is minimal, and communicative dynamism increases by the moment the sentence ends. The verb is attributed to the average degree of communicative dynamism, that is, it is understood as a transition between the theme and rheme.

Peculiarities organizational culture in Russia

17 Ноября 2013, реферат

The organizational culture is a set of ideas, views, the values divided by all members of one organization which sets to people reference points of their behavior and actions. Ideas, views, values can be absolutely different including in dependence because that underlies: interests of the organization as a whole or interests of its certain members. Valuable orientations are transmitted to employees through symbolical means of a spiritual and material environment of the organization - style of behavior and communication, symbolics and traditions, clothes style.

Personal investment

10 Мая 2012, реферат

As a growing debate, the question is whether great leaders are born with specific leadership traits, or if one can be taught certain skills over time. I think that life is training us to become great leaders since the day we were born. The values that are put in us by our parents, the obstacles we have to overcome to move forward, the situations that help us grow and the difficulties that make us stronger – all of that help us be become leaders.

Petrol engine

25 Марта 2014, реферат

A petrol engine (known as a gasoline engine in North America) is an internal combustion engine with spark-ignition, designed to run on petrol (gasoline) and similar volatile fuels. It was invented in 1876 in Germany by German inventor Nicolaus August Otto. In most petrol engines, the fuel and air are usually pre-mixed before compression (although some modern petrol engines now use cylinder-direct petrol injection). The pre-mixing was formerly done in a carburetor, but now it is done by electronically controlled fuel injection, except in small engines where the cost/complication of electronics does not justify the added engine efficiency. The process differs from a diesel engine in the method of mixing the fuel and air, and in using spark plugs to initiate the combustion process. In a diesel engine, only air is compressed (and therefore heated), and the fuel is injected into very hot air at the end of the compression stroke, and self-ignites.

Pflege der Katze

13 Февраля 2013, контрольная работа

Dass Fellpflege Spaß machen kann, hört und liest man oft. Was aber, wenn man selbst genau jene Katze hat, auf die diese Aussage nicht zutrifft? Nicht nur längerhaarige Katzen können angesichts einer Bürste zur Furie mutieren, auch die doch so pflegeleichten Kurzhaarkatzen machen sich häufig aus dem Staub, wenn wir die Bürste noch nicht mal aus dem Schubfach geholt haben. Fellpflege muss aber sein, weil alle Katzen ungeachtet der Haarlänge nicht nur saisonal bedingt im Fellwechsel sind, sondern das ganze Jahr über Haare verlieren.

Philippe Delerm La première gorgée de bière et autres plaisirs minuscules

02 Декабря 2012, реферат

Pas un couteau de cuisine, évidemment, ni un couteau de voyou à cran d'arrêt. Mais pas non plus un canif. Disons, un opinel n° 6, ou un laguiole. Un couteau qui aurait pu être celui d'un hypothétique et parfait grand-père. Un couteau qu'il aurait glissé dans un pantalon de velours chocolat à larges côtes. Un couteau qu'il aurait tiré de sa poche à l'heure du déjeuner, piquant les tranches de saucisson avec la pointe, pelant sa pomme lentement, le poing replié à même la lame. Un couteau qu'il aurait refermé d'un geste ample et cérémonieux, après le café bu dans un verre – et cela aurait signifié pour chacun qu'il fallait reprendre le travail.

Phonetic as a branch of linguistic

18 Ноября 2015, реферат

This course paper is dedicated to the theme “Phonetics as a branch of linguistic”. The study of phonetics and phonetics as a branch of linguistic has always been one of the most interesting, disputable and important problems of theoretical phonetics of modern English. Phonetics is a field in linguistics that specializes in studying single sounds within language. Phonetics concerns itself with how the sounds are produced, how they sound to other listeners and how the brain perceives the sounds. Like all linguistic fields, phonetics studies all languages.
The main aim of the present course paper is to give information about phonetics and its contribution in linguistic.

Phonetic features of english languages in australia

16 Ноября 2013, курсовая работа

This course work is devoted to varieties of the English language, namely its Australian version. The theme is the Australian version of the English language. In the 60 -ies of XX century. the spread of English has become very broad. Some countries initially used it as a means of inter-ethnic communication , then the language is gradually mutated and became a mother for the population. For example, British English started the American version , and then the Australian and South African . In the XX century . developed Nigerian , Indian , Singaporean options and numerous new varieties of English (New Englishes).

Phonetics and other linguistic and non – linguistic disciplines

20 Сентября 2014, творческая работа

Phonetics is one of the oldest and the most essential branches of the linguistic. It studies the spoken aspects of languages. Its subject is a scientific analysis of the entire system of oral means expressing thoughts and emotions of the speaker.

Phonetics as a branch of linguistics

30 Сентября 2013, лекция

Phonetics is an independent branch of linguistics like lexicology or grammar. These linguistic sciences study language from three different points of view. Lexicology deals with the vocabulary of language, with the origin and development of words, with their meaning and word building. Grammar defines the rules governing the modification of words and the combination of words into sentences. Phonetics studies the outer form of language; its sound matter. The phonetician investigates the phonemes and their allophones, the syllabic structure the distribution of stress, and intonation. He is interested in the sounds that are produced by the human speech-organs insofar as these sounds have a role in language. Let us refer to this limited range of sounds as the phonic medium and to individual sounds within that range as speech-sounds. We may now define phonetics as the study of the phonic medium. Phonetics is the study of the way humans make, transmit, and receive speech sounds. Phonetics occupies itself with the study of the ways in which the sounds are organized into a system of units and the variation of the units in all types and styles of spoken language.

Phonetics as a branch of linguistics

19 Октября 2013, реферат

This course paper is dedicated to the theme “Phonetics as a branch of linguistic”. The study of phonetics and phonetics as a branch of linguistic has always been one of the most interesting, disputable and important problems of theoretical phonetics of modern English. Phonetics is a field in linguistics that specializes in studying single sounds within language. Phonetics concerns itself with how the sounds are produced, how they sound to other listeners and how the brain perceives the sounds. Like all linguistic fields, phonetics studies all languages.

Phrasal verbs and their different treatment

18 Марта 2013, дипломная работа

The aims of our research work are to characterize peculiarities of types of the phrasal verbs and prove the usage of phrasal verbs in different text styles.
The aims demands achieving the following objectives:
To analyze scientific and methodological literature on the topic;
To characterize main features of phrasal verbs and their types;
To create a classification of phrasal verbs;
To analyse the use of phrasal verbs in different text styles;
To define the priority of phrasal verbs and their types in different text styles

Places of Interest in Great Britain

25 Января 2013, творческая работа

Stratford-upon-Avon is a small town with the population about 20 thousand. It is 94 miles northwest of London. Its chief points of interest are associated with the name and life of Shakespeare. In Henley Street stands a one-storeyed wooden house, where the greatest English poet and playwright was born. Now, this house belongs to the British government.
Великобритания богата всемирно известными достопримечательностями. Конечно, среди них знаменитые университетские города Оксфорд и Кембридж, место рождения Шекспира Стрэтфорд-на-Эйвоне, города Кардифф, Эдинбург, Глазго.