Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Апреля 2014 в 02:16, курсовая работа
Переклад - це складний і багатогранний вид людської діяльності. Хоча зазвичай говорять про переклад «з однієї мови на іншу», але, насправді, в цьому процесі відбувається не просто заміна однієї мови іншою. У перекладі стикаються різні культури, різні особистості, різні склади мислення, різні літератури, різні епохи, різні рівні розвитку, різні традиції та установки. Перекладом цікавляться культурологи, етнографи, психологи, історики, літературознавці, і різні боки перекладацької діяльності можуть бути об'єктом вивчення в рамках відповідних наук.
One of the urgent and important issues related to the problems of grammatical structures adequate translation is the use of the English infinitive phrases and the methods of their translation in Ukrainian.
The course paper”Infinitive Constructions and ways of their translation” (using the text from APP department) also dealth with this issue but in narrow aspect. It should be remembered that there is no direct equivalents of such specific infinitive formations as constructions of secondary predication namely the Objective Infinitive Construction, the Subjective Infinitive Construction, the Absolute Infinitive Construction etc. There are certain rules of translation these formations, but they do not always act.
In Modern English we distinguish the following predicative constructions with the infinitive: the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction, the Subjective-with-the-Infinitive Construction , the For-to-Infinitive Construction, the Absolute Infinitive and Conjunctive Infinitive Phrases. Depending on the function they perform in the sentenc, there are some peculiarities in ways of their translation. Yet, it is possible to identify some consistent patterns.
Thus, the For-to-Infinitive Construction is a construction in which the Infinitive is in predicate relation to a noun or pronoun preceded by the preposition “for”. In translating this construction into Russian a subordinate clause or an infinitive is used. While translate this infinitive construction, the preposition for is elided and the whole construction - infinitife+noun (pronoun)+for - is translated by full subordinate clause according to the function this construction perform in the sentence that are usually introduced by a conjunction що, щоб;, in addition the noun (or pronoun) of the constructionw ith a preposition for is translated by noun (or pronoun) in function of the subject clause and the infinitive - verb in personal form.
See the example
For the job to be performed, you must use the correct tool. |
Для того щоб, виконувати необхідну роботу, вам слідвикористовувати правильні інструменти. |
We translate the sentence according to the rules described above.
The For-to-Infinitive Construction with the infinitive as attribute, infinitive of result or consequence (after the words so, to, only) is translated by subordinate clause. Sometimes, depending on the model, this complex can be translated by infinitive or a noun or pronoun in the dative case with the infinitive. However, the main method is the translation by subordinate clause added withthe conjunctions що, щоб, як.
As for the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction, it is a construction in which the Infinitive is in predicate relation to a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the objective case. In the sentence this construction has the function of a Complex Object. In translating the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction into Ukrainian there is always used a additional subordinate clause added with conjunctions що, щоб, як. The subject of which corresponds to a noun in the general case (or pronoun in the object case) of the English construction, and the predicate corresponds to the infinitive of this construction.
It is necessary to note that our text has no examples of this construction.
The Subjective-with-the-Infinitive Construction traditionally called the Nominative-with-the-Infinitive Construction is a construction in which the Infinitive is in predicate relation to a noun in the common case or pronoun in the nominative case.
The peculiarity of this construction is that it does not serve as one part of the sentence. One of its component parts has the function of the subject, the other forms part of a compound verbal predicate.
Sentences with subjective predicate infinitive constructions are translated by the complex sentences. The verb in the passive voice is translatedby indefinite-personal construction (кажуть, повідомляють...), playing the role of the main clause followed by a surbodinate clause with the conjunction що.
However, the three-phase generator suppose to be dismantled every 1500 hours operation and given to a specialised worshop for inspection and overhauling. |
Однак, вважається, що генератор трифазового струму слід демонтувати через кожні 1500 рабочих годині і віддавати до спеціалізованої майстерні для контролю і ремонту. |
At first you should translate the secondary part of compound verbal predicate. The meaning the secondary part is transmitted in Ukrainian with indefinite-personal construction which is the main sentence in Ukrainian compound sentences (.Вважається, що..). Noun (or pronoun) that serves as the subject in the English sentence becomes the subject in Ukrainian clause (...генератор трифазового струму с...) and infinitive verb is translated Ukrainian by predicate clause (...слід демонтувати … віддавати до...). Surbordinate clause is attached to the main by a conjunction що.
The Absolute Construction with the Infinitive is formed by the subject of the Infinitive which in all adverbial functions is the same person or thing as denoted by the subject of the sentence.
The Absolute Construction with the Infinitive is introduced by the preposition “with”. The Infinitive is used with the particle “to”. The Absolute Construction with the Infinitive has the function of adverbial modifier of attending circumstances in the sentence.
The Infinitive Absolute Construction is infrequent and found only in literary style. That’s why it is considered to be are only three Predicative Constructions in Modern English. It should be noted that the Predicative Constructions with the Infinitive are translated into Russian by subordinate clause, but sometimes they can be translated by simple sentence.
If turn to the analysis of the text “Break-out Machine Type A 56”, we see that a great attention paid to the proof of the text belonging to the scientific and technical style. The perculiarities of this style occur at all level. Thus, the lexical level features of scientific and technical style exert through the accuracy and consistency of presentation, the predominance of words and phrases of terminological nature inherent to APP department (swivel support- шарнірна опора, hydraulic tank- гідравлічна ємкість, double ripper hook - здвоєнний крюк).
From the morphological point of view the scientific and technical style of the text exert in the predominance of nouns over verbs. It must be stressed that most of the verbs are used in the present form. This fact should be explained. The thing is that they most often express attributive meaning or statement of the fact inherented in scientific and tehnical style.
Based on the actual research material (text APP department), in this case, technical description of the Break- out Machine type A56, we analyzed the usage of the infinitive and infinitive constructions. Found that the common use of the infinitive constructions are not typical for the technical description “Break- out Machine type A56”. Only the Subjective Infinitive Constructions and For-to-Infinitive Constructions are used here. Genre features of the given text can explain that. “Break- out Machine type A56” is a technical description giving the general characteristic of the process ocured in themachine, as well as its technical description, describes the major components of the machine, general safety instructions etc. Let it be stressed that this text is marked by a common use of Infinitive and Passive Voice.
To sum it up, it should be noted that in the course work we described infinitive constructions and their means of translation, analyze sentences containing infinitive constructions ( using the text from APPdepartment and made a conclusion that the use of infinitive is not characteristic feature of this text.