Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 08 Августа 2013 в 18:33, курсовая работа
Цель данного исследования: обосновать эффективность и целесообразность проведения в профильных классах факультативных курсов по английскому языку.
Для достижения цели исследования были определены следующие задачи:
- дать определение факультативу, показать, по каким принципам построена факультативная работа в средней школе, рассмотреть отличия факультативного занятия от нормативного занятия и его пользу для ученика;
-дать определение профильным классам и рассказать, какие профильные классы существуют; раскрыть вопрос организации факультативных курсов по английскому языку в профильных классах; представить план факультативного курса по английскому языку для профильного класса.
Глава I. Характеристика факультативного курса………………………………5
1.1 Понятие факультативного курса…………………………………………… 5
1.2 Принципы факультативного обучения ……………………………………..8
1.3 Классификация факультативных курсов ………………………………….12
1.4 Особенности факультативных занятий по английскому языку.
Методы, применяемые на факультативных курсах…………. ……………….13
1.5 Факультативные занятия как вид внеклассной работы …………………..18
Выводы к главе I………………………………………………………………... 22
Глава II. Профильные классы в аспекте проведения факультативных курсов по английскому языку…………………………………………………………23
2.1 Понятие профильных классов.
Модели организации профильных классов …………...……………………….23
2.2 Организация факультативных занятий в профильных классах ………….27
2.3 Факультативный курс ‘Modern Science and Technology’ для физико-математического профильного класса.…………………………………………30
Выводы к главе II ……………………………………………………………….39
Заключение ………………………………………………………………………40
Список литературы ……………………………………………………………...41
The plan of the lesson № 23
Can the blind paint?
Hello! Today we have a very interesting theme. So let`s begin! People, I`m sure you have seen a lot of blind people in the street. Have you ever thought how difficult it is for them to walk. They see nothing but darkness. But can you imagine that a blind person can draw a picture… Ok. So let`s watch the video. It`ll give you the answer to my question. I`m sure you`ll be surprised. (The teacher should write down the text of the video beforehand .They are given the text of the video)
Was it difficult for you to perceive the video? So what impression do you have? Did you like Esref Armagan`s paintings?
The text of the video:
In Turkey lives the most remarkable painter, Esref Armagan, an artist born without eyes.
Esref: "No one can call me blind. I can see more with my fingers than sighted people can see with their eyes".
Esref proves that we don`t need eyes to see.
At the University of Toronto. Perception and Cognition Psychologist Dr. John Kennedy is investigating the abilities of an astounding man, Esref, the blind painter.
Dr. Kennedy: "Esref is a blind man who has been drawing pictures since he was a child. He draws astonishing pictures. Many people would say he draws better than many sighted people. Esref lives in Turkey".
Esref Armagan has a genetic mutation that caused him to be born without eyes. This seeming defect is giving him the most remarkable power. When he paints a landscape, he cannot see. This artist changes everything science has assumed about vision. Esref has never seen light.
Esref: In the picture is the last start by imagining shapes that I have already felt. Then I form those shapes into the painting I want to create. I make the plan of the picture completely in my head before I start to draw it.
What is astounding about Esref`s paintings is the use of colour, shadow and composition and most importantly - perspective. The way he draws objects receding into the distance. And it`s not meant to be possible to paint such recognisable and well-composed images without eyes.
At Harvard Medical School`s Neurology Center. Scientists are mystified by Esref`s abilities. They want to scan his brain in order to find out how he does it. Esref is doing something that we thought was locked in the visual brain and was only possible if you had visual input. And that`s the way Esref grapples with 3-dimensional space that has the scientists particularly excited. But Esref wishes the people would pay more attention to what he paints, not how he can paint. He wants to be known as a great artist in his own right.
Esref: I want to be remembered as a person who was able to see the world with the fingertips. I want to be remembered for my art.
But for now he has agreed to help the scientists. And Dr. Kennedy has devised a most ambitious experiment. He wants to find out if Esref truly understands perspective.
Dr. Kennedy: My experiment is going to be asking Esref to draw a particular building in Florence in Italy that was the source, the origin of the discovery of perspective, how we see depth in pictures.
In 1413 Philippo Brunelleschi stood on the steps of the Duomo, the great cathedral he designed and built. He looked to cross the square at the baptistry of octagonal Roman structure. It was this building that finally unveiled to him the equation for perspective. The complex geometry makes it extremely difficult to draw even if you can see.
Dr. Kennedy: Paint an octagonal and complicated object like the baptistry and handle all its parts and draw it and get all 3 dimensions of space and get them right. If he can, this man is astounding.
Esref the blind painter has arrived in Boston. He has agreed to meet the world renowned neurology team at Harvard. They are amazed by him. They want to know how a man without eyes can paint such incredible pictures using scale and perspective. The experiment will involve putting Esref in an MRI scanner asking him to draw and observing the activity of his brain. Esref must remain as still as possible. So they can get a clear image of his brain. As he draws a picture the scientists are emitted by what they see on the monitors. Regions of his brain that should have no activity due to his blindness react in an extraordinary way. The visual parts of the brain are the ones that for normal-sighted people light up like Christmas trees. When we are looking at things those became alive and excited and incredibly dynamic whenever Esref is thinking of drawing in perspective.
What Esref`s MRI results reveal is something ground breaking. Esref`s brain shows that the vision involves more than just the information brought in through our eyes. Vision, it turns out, also involves our ability to understand space.
(Esref paints a cube and Dr. Kennedy tells him Bravo)
Dr. Kennedy: What Esref is showing us is we misunderstood vision. So we thought pictures are creatures of vision because they are dealing with distance and direction and angle and now we realise all those things are available to touch as well. And so we can have typed our pictures as well as visual pictures.
(Back in Florence) As then forges through the frozen wasteland a blind man from Turkey is going to attempt to outdo Philippo Brunelleschi, the most important architect of the Renaissance.
Dr. Kennedy: I`m gonna ask Esref to sit here where Brunelleschi was and draw this building.
Esref: John
Dr. Kennedy: Esref! How are you? I`m glad to see you. We have so much to do! There`s a really interesting building right beside us. I`m going to ask you to draw it. First we gotta find out the shape of the building. Here is the side, right. Then we come to a corner. Then it goes on an angle.
Esref is being given no prime clues about this building. He is entered in this experiment without knowing what he is going to be asked to do. What Esref must do is draw the sides of the baptistry upwards and downwards so that the lines converge on the horizon. This is what Brunelleschi did. And this is what even now most sighted people get wrong.
Dr. Kennedy: Ok, Esref, what I would like you to do is to draw the baptistry as if you were standing in front and the roof is far above your head and you`re in front of one wall of the building. Ok, go forward.
For Esref this is the moment of truth. He must draw the bottom two lines converging upward towards the top. Esref Armagan has just set his place in history. He has outdone Philippo Brunelleschi, a Renaissance master.
(Everybody around is applauding and crying bravo)
Dr. Kennedy: OK!!!
Dr. Kennedy: This is the moment that happened first since six hundred years ago and next time it happened was today.
(After the discussion) So here you see that there were a lot of new words for us in the text. Some of them can be guessed by you, but some can`t. Ok, here is the list of words and the sentences and clusters where they are used. Let`s read them together. Repeat after me, please.
The list of words, definitions, sentences and clusters.
Esref Armagan - the name of a painter who is blind - In Turkey lives the most remarkable painter, Esref Armagan.
Dr. John Kennedy - the scientist who carries out the experiment with the painter.
Perception - the ability to get information through the organs of feeling.
Cognition - the ability to learn - Perception and Cognition Psychologist Dr. John Kennedy.
Astounding - having some unusual characteristics, amazing - an astounding artist Esref Armagan.
Astonishing - amazing - astonishing pictures.
To recede - to become smaller - he draws objects receding into the distance.
Visual input - the information seen with eyes - Esref is doing something that we thought was locked in the visual brain and was only possible if you had visual input.
A genetic mutation - a change in genetic structure that can cause an illness - Esref Armagan has a genetic mutation that caused him to be born without eyes.
To assume - to state - This artist changes everything science has assumed about vision.
Perspective - in the graphic arts, such as drawing, is an approximate representation, on a flat surface (such as paper), of an image as it is seen by the eye - What is astounding about Esref`s paintings is the use of colour, shadow and composition. And most importantly - perspective. The way he draws objects receding into the distance.
To grapple with - to manage with - And that`s the way Esref grapples with 3-dimensional space that has the scientists particularly excited.
To devise - to work out - And Dr. Kennedy has devised a most ambitious experiment.
Philippo Brunelleschi - a great architect of the Middle Ages who worked in Italy
Duomo - an Italian church - In 1413 Philippo Brunelleschi stood on the steps of the Duomo, the great cathedral he designed and built.
Baptistry - a church where children are christened.
Octagonal- having 8 angles - He looked to cross the square at the baptistry of octagonal Roman structure.
To unveil - to open
Equation - a mathematical statement that asserts the equality of two expressions - It was this building that finally unveiled to him the equation for perspective.
To handle - to manage - to handle all the parts of the baptistry
Renowned - famous
Neurology - a medical specialty dealing with disorders of the nervous system - the world renowned neurology team
Scale - A proportion used in determining the dimensional relationship of a representation to that which it represents - They want to know how a man without eyes can paint such incredible pictures using scale and perspective.
MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging - reflecting the magnetic resonance - the MRI Scanner - The experiment will involve putting Esref in an MRI scanner.
To emit - to light - As he draws a picture the scientists are emitted by what they see on the monitors.
To forge – to go forward with difficulties
Wasteland - a desert -
To outdo - to do better that somebody -
We gotta - let`s - First we gotta find out the shape of the building.
Prime – preparatory.
Clues - hints, things that can tell something to somebody - Esref is being given no prime clues about this building.
Converge - to meet at one point - What Esref must do is draw the sides of the baptistry upwards and downwards so that the lines converge on the horizon.
People, here I have a camera. Or you may use your ones. Make a video presenting these words. You should read these words and definitions, and give a sentence with each new word. You can take them from the text or make on your own. Remember that the video shouldn`t be interrupted. See what I mean? Ok. Besides try to use this hat of wisdom in the video. The one who is saying should have it on. So go forward!
Good work! So let`s call it a day. And your homework will be to write your impressions from the video in the comments. The more, the better, but I think not less than 7 sentences. See you next Friday! Good bye!
Выводы по главе II
Существует 2 модели школьной профилизации: внутришкольная и сетевая. Внутришкольная профилизация – это привлечение учителей, работающих в одной школе. Сетевая профилизация - это взаимодействие специалистов из разных учебных заведений.
Профильные классы создаются для того, чтобы направить учеников на изучение интересной для них сферы знаний, для оптимизации процесса обучения. Тематика факультативных занятий происходит исходя из профилизации. Изучение профильных предметов на английском факультативе повысит мотивацию изучения языка. Знания, полученные на обычных уроках и на факультативах, будут полезны ученикам в будущей профессии. Существует большое количество профильных классов, ориентирующихся на различные отрасли науки. Для любого вида профильных классов могут быть разработаны факультативные курсы по английскому языку, которые помогут совместить изучение английского с выбранным профилем.
В результате исследования мы пришли к выводу, что возможно разработать факультативный курс, который совмещал бы изучение языка и профильных предметов. Мы обосновали целесообразность проведения факультативных курсов. Мы выяснили, что факультативный курс повышает мотивацию ученика, улучшает его языковые способности, повышает уровень знаний профильных предметов, формирует творческую личность с широким кругозором. Кроме того, факультативный курс в профильных классах может служить хорошим помощником при подготовке к ЕГЭ. Факультативные занятия проводятся для тех, кто серьезно интересуется языком и хочет подготовить себя к жизни в современном обществе.
Список литературы