Жоғары оқу орындарында психологиялық қызметті ұйымдастыру

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 26 Февраля 2014 в 04:25, автореферат

Описание работы

Студенттер үшін психологиялық дайындау іс-әрекетінің мәнділігі, оңды ықпалы тек психология пәндерін оқуға, білуге деген студенттердің ерекше қатынасының орнығуына байланысты болатыны даусыз. Психологиялық білімді жоғары дәрежеде меңгеру, психологиялық даярлықты жетілдіру тек оның студенттер үшін мәнді болуына тәуелді деп білеміз.
Жоғары оқу орнында психологиялық дайындаудың тиімді іске асырылғандығы студенттердің оқу және кәсіби іс-әрекеттерді меңгеруі, қарым-қатынастары арқылы көрінеді. Жоғарыда баяндалғандай, қазіргі кезде студенттерді мақсат-бағдарлы психологиялық дайындау психология пәндерін оқыту арқылы іске асырылады.

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     Теоретическое значение диссертационного исследования определяется тем, что в нем уточнен понятийный аппарат, связанный с работой ПС вуза; разработаны теоретические и организационные основы (цель, задачи, принципы, условия, результат деятельности, критерии, методы, средства, структура, система взаимодействия), а также разработана структурно-функциональная модель психологической службы вуза, в основе которой лежит идея психологического сопровождения личностно-профессионального развития студентов на всех этапах вузовского обучения.

     Практическая значимость исследования. Содержащиеся в исследовании теоретические положения и выводы могут быть использованы при создании психологической службы в учреждении высшего профессионального образования и значительно повысить ее эффективность, а также служить основой для совершенствования деятельности ПС в вузе.
















































an abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Master of Education Sciences in the specialty

6M010300-Pedagogy and Psychology


Absatova Gulshat Kadyrbergenovna


The organization of psychological services in higher education


     The relevance of the study. Socio-economic and political changes taking place in contemporary Russian society, have caused significant changes in all spheres of human activity, including in the field of higher education. This means that modern higher vocational education is designed to provide psycho-educational environment conducive to the development of personality, able to realize their possibilities, socially stable and mobile at the same time, successfully adapting to the changes in the professional field.

     In addressing these challenges can play a leading role psychological service of the university, the main purpose of which is psychological support personal and professional development of students on the principles of humanization of education and student-developmental approach.

The purpose of the study is to develop a theoretical and institutional framework, as well as the creation and justification of structural-functional model of the psychological service of the university, providing psychological support personal development of students at all grade levels.

The object of study: Students of higher education.

Subject of study: Psychological Service of the university.     

Research objectives:

1. Explore the essence, the current status and the different conditions of the psychological service of the university.

2. Determine the place and role of the SS in the educational process of the university.

3. To develop and validate the theoretical and methodological and organizational framework, principles, means and forms of psychological models of service, depending on the conditions of the educational environment of the university, as well as the performance criteria of the COPs of the university.

4. Develop and test a program of psychological support personal and professional development of students, implemented under the structural-functional model of psychological services and to show its effectiveness.

     Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study were as follows: the basic methodological principles of psychology - a systematic, unity of consciousness and activity, determinism development (KA-Abulkhanova Slavskaya, BG Ananiev, LI Antsiferova, Leontiev, B . Lomov, A. Petrovsky, S. Rubinstein, etc.), the idea of ​​humanization of education and student-centered approach (AG Asmolov EV Bondarevskaya, BB Cossio, V. B. Serikov, VA Petrovsky, EN Shijanov, IS Yakimanskaya, etc.) psychological concepts of personality development, including in the process of vocational education students (KA-Abulkhanova Slavskaya, BG Ananiev Bodalev AA, AA Derkach, IA Winter, Kon, N. Kuzmin, VT Lisowski, A. Petrovsky, AA Rean, Slastenin VA, VI Slobodchikov, D. Feldstein, V. Yakunin, etc.), the theory of professional growth (EF Zeer, EA Klimov, AK Markova, D. super, JP Povarenkov, NS Pryazhnikov, etc.), the concept of psychological support (MR Bityanova, NE . M. Zabrodin, EF Zeer, EI Kazakova, etc.), as well as studies on the problems of psychological services in education, including in higher professional reflecting the experience of its organization and functioning (N.M.Namazbaeva, AA Bodalev, IV Dubrovin, YM Zabrodin BFLomov, RV Ovtcharova, NM . Pesach, etc.)

     The scientific novelty of the research:

- Identified and systematized the basic contradictions and difficulties impeding the development of psychological services in the higher education system;

- Identifies and describes the most typical organizational and informative models of psychological service of the university;

- Theoretical foundations of psychological services, namely, the specified goals and objectives, principles, first defined conditions (organizational, social and psychological), and developed performance measures PS institution;

- Articulated organizational framework for the PS institution (structure, interaction with other subjects of the educational process, providing documentation of activities);

- Established and substantiated model of MS University, aimed at personal and professional development of students in the high school training;

- Developed and tested a program of psychological support personal and professional development of students, implemented in the framework of the activities of the university counseling service.

     The provisions for the defense:

1. Psychological Service of the university is a necessary component of modern higher education and must be oriented in their activities, especially in the personal-professional development of students - the future professionals ready to work effectively in a market environment.

2. For effective implementation of the objectives and tasks of the psychological service of the university, requires certain institutional (regulatory, legal and documentary support of the activities of the SS, the availability of adequate material and technical and professional resources to create an effective, according to the specific organizational structure of the university PS, integration of MS in educational environment of the university) and the socio-psychological conditions (matching the content of the COPs topical subjects of the educational needs of the space, matching the expectations of participants in the educational process of professional capabilities of employees of psychological services; readiness of educational process for constructive interaction and cooperation with the SS college, high level of professionalism of psychological services etc.).

3. Psychological support, acting within the framework of psychological service of the university, must be based on scientifically based model of MS, as well as program support.

4. The model of the psychological service of the university is considered by us as a system, which includes a number of components (target, methodological, organizational, informative, efficient) to reflect the goal of the COPs of the university.

5. The presence of psychological services at the university, and the implementation of its activities within the framework of evidence-based psychological support programs improve psychological readiness of students for future careers.

The theoretical value of the dissertation research determined that it clarified the conceptual apparatus associated with the work of the SS university, developed the theoretical and organizational framework (goals, objectives, principles, conditions, results of operations, criteria, methods, tools, structure, system interaction), and also developed a structural-functional model of psychological services of the university, which is based on the idea of psychological support personal and professional development of students in all stages of university education.

The practical significance of the study. Contained in the study of theoretical concepts and findings can be used in the creation of psychological services in an institution of higher education and greatly enhance its effectiveness, as well as serve as a basis for improvement of the SS in high school.








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