Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Мая 2013 в 07:24, курсовая работа
Цель данной работы – определение лексических средств формирования оценок определенных фрагментов картины мира.
Для достижения поставленной цели предстояло решить ряд частных задач:
сопоставить и проанализировать трактовки понятия «языковая картина мира», предлагаемые разными исследователями.
изучить и проанализировать средства выражения языковой картины мира адресата.
провести анализ лексических средств выражения языковой картины адресата на примере статей, взятых из прессы Великобритании.
Глава 1. Концептуальные основы картины мира
1.1 Понятие языковой картины мира 6
1.2 Аксиологическая картина мира как составляющая языковой картины мира 15
1.3 Современный этап изучения языковой картины мира в лингвистике 17
Выводы по главе 1 22
Глава 2. Лексические средства выражения языковой картины адресата
2.1 Когнитивный подход к метафоре
2.2 Анализ газетных статей
Список использованной литературы
Has gone from cool to cold – has the meaning of getting unsatisfied, getting angry or change someone’s mind.
Here the author emphasize that Barrack Obama doesn’t like some things which make him angry and upset or change his mind from good to bad things , even prevent some of his actions.
Feel it in their guts – not care a straw, not to take something seriously.
The author tries to show that people sometimes are indifferent to some things that are really important and can influence on their lives.
Listen through their stomachs –listen to somebody or something not attentively, without paying attention on some important things.
Has lost that gut connection – it means to lose someone’s interest or connection with some things or just to lose someone’s inclination.
No memorable lines or (= uplifting visions) – has the meaning of absence of strong points. The author wanted to show that the speech of this person was not expressive and nobody will memorize it for a long time.
This article by Thomas L. Friedman is very expressive and really catches reader’s attention. The variety of phraseological units makes this article bright and brings a piece of irony. The author tried to show the struggle between candidates for future authority in America before presidential elections and pointed out their strong and weak points.
Observing other types of article, for example, sport news, it is obvious that coloring exists here too. But especially in sports articles the phraseological units are very difficult to understand and guess, because the authors use a lot of terms that refer to sport professionalisms. The article of Pete Thamel and Thayer Evans, devoted to the football match and their title game.
Had driven a stake deep in the hearts of – to provoke happiness, to make somebody believe in something.
Put the over – under –
Rolling up the average – means to cross limit borders. But here Pete Thamel speaks about game scores that can be more than limits that are put on it. It is possible to cross the borders in this case
“….Florida finished third in scoring offence, rolling up an average of 45.2 points…”
The next phraseological unit has a very interesting construction and sounds odd.
A game with a bruised knee - has the meaning of a very interesting, exciting game and a game with good results.
The way of representing phraseological units here is impressive. A good game is compared to bruises that players get during game. The imagery sometimes makes very expressive phraseological units that are easy to read and catch.
“….it will most likely have to deal with tailback DeMarco Murray, who left Saturday’s game with a bruised knee….”
So, according to the content of the articles that we have observed it is clear that there are no articles without the use of expressive coloring. Practice shows us the presence of idioms, phraseological units in each of them. The variety of these units helps to create the image of some events in unusual, vivid and bright figure.
Most of the phraseological units that were used in the mentioned articles have the function of presenting someone’s actions in a bright way, using special language that is more interesting to read for nowadays readers.
It is very important to point out that the authors used most phrase units of action, state, feelings, quality in order to pay attention on the act of doer, because nowadays people who are interested in news all over the world chose information containing actions, but not description of some objects. Because reading of such kind materials make readers boring.
This position can be proved by the choice of newspaper articles in this research. The articles are political and the news of sport were chosen because it contains events in which the whole country is interested.
Phraseological units in these articles show that there are a lot of ways coloring and making expressive texts that may have not interesting information, but according richness of the language makes it interesting. And even such type of articles as political and sport can be very interesting.
11 plan was to hijack ten planes, says mastermindKatherine Butler
ORINAL plan for the September 11 attacks involved up to 10 planes and targets on the American west coast, the al-Qa`ida mastermind of the atrocities, has told interrogators.Sheikh Mohammed who was seized in Pakistan in March and is being held by the CIA at a secret location, said he first broached the hijack plot with Osama bi Laden in 1996.records obtained by the Associated Press show the plan was to hijack five commercial jets on both US coasts but that was considered impractical by bin Laden.early version of the plot also envisaged blowing up 12 western aircraft simultaneously over Asia in a second wave of attacks which would be done by groups allied to al-Qa`ida in South-East Asia. Mohammed`s statements also indicate Al-Qa`ida is planning fresh attacks on western targets.the confessions, investigators had assumed the ringleader of the 19 men who committed the 11 September attacks was the Egyptian, Mohammed Atta. But two of the hijackers on the Pentagon were more pivotal to the plot, the interrogation records suggest.said Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi were among the four original operatives bin Laden assigned to him. Yemenis Walid Muhammed bin Attash and Abu Bara al-Yemeni were the others named.`s statements claim he communicated with the ringleaders in internet chat rooms while they lived in the US preparing for the atrocities., hijackers were to be picked from different countries on the al-Qa`ida recruiting list, Mohammed`s answers reveal. But as the plan advanced, bin Laden decreed the hijackers would be composed of a large group of young Saudis.
В статье Катрин Бутлер, опубликованной в газете «The independent» за 24 сентября 2003 года «Организатор заявляет, план 11 сентября состоял в том, чтобы угнать 10 самолетов» говорится о том, что первоначальный план атаки 11 сентября включал в себя угон десяти самолетов, которые должны были уничтожить десять объектов. Об этом заявил следователям руководитель Алькаиды. Впервые этот план был предложен Осамом Бин Ладонном в 1996 году Калиду Шейк Магамеду, который в данное время находится в секретном месте. По записи допроса выяснилось, что план, состоящий в угоне пяти самолетов Бен Ладен посчитал непрактичным.
Далее в статье указывается, что в ранней версии плана предусматривалась одновременная атака группой союзников Алькаиды в Юго-Восточной Азии. В статье указывается, что Алькаида планирует новые атаки на западные мишени. До признания следователи предполагали, что главарь девятнадцати человек, который совершил атаку 11 сентября, был египтянином Могамед Атта. Как предполагает запись допроса, два из предполагаемых участников плана разбились в Пентагоне. Могамед назвал еще нескольких первоначально предполагаемых участников. Могамед заявил, что он общался с лидером атаки по Интернету, пока они жили в США, готовясь для зверства.
Статья сообщает, что первоначально угонщиков собирали из разных стран по списку новичков Алькаиды, но Бин Ладен считал, что угонщики должны состоять из большой группы молодых саудовцев.
Для данной
статьи характерны информативность, документальность,
достоверность событий. Эти функции
характеризуются через ряд
Заголовок статьи привлекает к себе внимание тем, что он выделен жирным курсивом, относительно крупным шрифтом, он выражает кратко основное содержание текста. В заголовке опущены артикли, связочные глаголы, местоимения, используется инфинитивная конструкция to hijack.
Waving the Nuclear Flag
The Tory election managers have their ears to the ground. They know that if they can succeed in presenting the Tory Government and the Tory Party as standing up for Britain's national independence against the United States, and label the Labour Party as the pro-American party beloved of Washington, with the rubber stamp of approval already given by the State Department for a Wilson Labour Government, then they can still hope to retrieve their fallen fortunes and even achieve the almost impossible task of winning a fourth time in succession. Certainly their stock is now so low, in view of the visible state of the country, that by any reasonable measure they should be doomed anyway. But Right Wing Labour policy is doing its best to save them. The mass of the labour movement w 1 be well advised to heed the warning, take nothing for grin -ed and intensify the fight for an effective alternative policy as the indispensable condition equally for electoral victory and to garner some fruits from the new Government after the electoral victory is won.
This is the context in which,(he Tory election managers have apparently decided to make the issue of British 'nuclear arms independence' against the United States monopoly their key loss for the election. On the face of it, tin's attempt to brandish before the electorate the fantastic ficton of the British so-called 'independent nuclear deterrent', just after it has been shot to pieces by recent events, might appear an exercise in lunacy worthy of an apocryphal nuclear Colonel Blimp. Bomber Command is a dead duck in relation to a modern nuclear war, and due to be dismantled, are so far as it is kept for colonial wars. Skybolt, Blue Streak Blue Water -all have joined the snows of yesteryear. All that remains are the hypothetical front legs and hind legs of a future submarine not yet built, of which the decisive missile machinery is due to be made in America. How can this be an election winner? However, the Tory election managers are not entirely fools. If we are to believe the authoritative declaration of the main Tory organ, the Daily Telegraph, 'the General Election will be fought on the issue of Britain's independent deterrent'. To confirm the importance attached to this supposed key winning issue, on May 3 the Great White Chief himself was dragged out from his retirement to break a long silence and in an oracular utterance pronounce his blessing on the magic slogan. The Ace of Trumps has been played. It can only be beaten by a prior call of No Trumps: No H Bombs for Britain, neither British nor American. None of the three official parties is yet prepared to take this line. So the Tories hope to get away with it by invoking their old familiar maxim: When in trouble, Wave the Flag.
характерная черта данного
тексте есть ряд стандартных
метафор, допускающих
Вместе с тем в тексте есть и такие метафоры, дословный перевод которых невозможен. Например, to have one's ears to the ground. Заправилы избирательной кампании из консервативной партии прижались ухом к земле ничего не скажет нашему читателю. Необходима замена образа.
заглавие текста и его
с приемами лексических
They know that if they can succeed in presenting the Tory Government and the Tory Party as standing up for Britain's national independence ... and label the Labour Party as the pro-American Party beloved of Washington.
По-видимому, standing up for удобней всего перевести по аналогии с противопоставлением - pro-American Party существительным: антиамериканизм, чтобы таким образом с помощью замены частей речи создать стилистическую однородность предложения: Они знают, что если им удастся убедить избирателей в антиамериканизме консервативной партии и правительства... и заклеймить проамериканизм лейбористской партии, обласканной Вашингтоном ...
Дословно передаются две метафоры из области карточной игры: to play the асе of trumps пойти козырным тузом и a call of no trumps игра без козырей.
Чтобы правильно перевести перифраз the Great White Chief нужно вспомнить, как индейцы называли американских командиров. Контекст показывает, о ком в данном случае идет речь.
Наконец, the snows of yesteryear - несомненная аллюзия: вольный технический перевод рефрена знаменитой песенки французского поэта XVI века Франсуа Вийона ой sont les neiges d'anatan?
в данном тексте эта аллюзия
играет подсобную роль
Analyzing the article "Short Novel" by Calvin Janes ‘The
we observe that the author makes use of the colloquial style avoiding
professionalisms and pompous newspapers words and phrases. So, the subject
matter of the story under discussion is love of a man and a woman, which
was lost because of the ruined dreams and awkward misunderstanding between
them. Realizing all this we can for sure read between the lines the
message of the author, as if saying – reach your goals by all powers
and opportunities, stay firm on your way and be persistent in your attempts.
Indeed, how often people surrender, go back and leave their dreams when
just a step divides them from what they were looking for.
Here we can say that a little unnecessary quarrel became the point of
couples’ parting. If just one of them could concede to another…
Perhaps it could be a great history of love, who knows? The following
sentence confirms the message mentioned above: “She hoped he would
have a great career, and believed in him absolutely”. The truth is
that everything turned out vice versa, not the way she imagined.
The stylistic device – antithesis – skillfully used by the author
proves the same could be said about her: “and she expected, absolutely
unexpectedly, to be married in the spring.” We know she never did.
What concerns
the text itself, it is told in the 3rd person narrative. The narration
is not interlaced with descriptive passages and dialogues of the personages.
It is extraordinarily poor for colorful emotions and vivid actions.
Only dry, concrete and taciturn facts are present in here.
It is important to note, however, that such a dull narration, as by
mistake it would seem, can give us no new idea, but the author displays
a mastery in rendering the subtleties and contradictions of life.
Следует сказать, что на современном этапе развития лингвистики особенности концептуализации мира языком были продемонстрированы на огромном фактическом материале. Результатом развития семантики явились описания целых семантических полей, или фрагментов языковой картины мира, представленных в литературных европейских языках, а также сравнение этих полей в разных языках (труды Ю. Д. Апресяна, исследования А. Вежбицкой, В. Г. Гака, В.З. Санникова, Е. С. Яковлевой).
Однако изучение языковых моделей мира не ограничивается их описанием и типологическим сравнением, они также становятся объектом интерпретации в рамках целого комплекса наук о человеке. Картина мира какого-либо языка рассматривается в контексте мифологии, фольклора, культуры данного народа. Иногда картина мира понимается как непосредственное отражение психологии народа (труды Ф. Боаса, Э. Сепира, Б. Уорфа, Х. Хойера, исследования Н.И. Толстого, С. М. Толстой, работы С. Е. Никитиной, Т. В. Цивьян, И. Бартминского, Н. Д. Арутюновой).
направлением в изучении языковых моделей
мира является восстановление её фрагментов
в мёртвом языке или праязыке.
Это фрагменты, относящиеся к
материальной культуре народа, к отношениям
внутри рода, семьи (труды Э. Бенвениста,
О. Н. Трубачёва, Т. Н. Гамкрелидзе). Также
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Информация о работе Лексические средства формирования оценок определенных фрагментов картины мира