Профильное образование

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 29 Апреля 2013 в 18:38, курсовая работа

Описание работы

Цель исследования: анализ основных положений в концепции профильного обучения и их реализации в учебно-воспитательном процессе. Задачи исследования:
Рассмотреть основные положения профильного иноязычного обучения
Сравнить зарубежный и отечественный опыт профильного обучения
Рассмотреть формы организации профильного обучения
Проанализировать опыт внедрения концепции профильного обучения в классах социально-гуманитарного профиля

Содержание работы

Глава 1. Основные положения концепции профильного обучения ИЯ
Проблемы и цели профильного обучения ИЯ……………………………5
Зарубежный опыт профильного обучения…………………………..….10
Отечественный опыт профильного обучения ……………………….....12
1.4. Структура и содержание общеобразовательного и профильного курсов……………………………………………………………………………..14
Выводы по 1 главе……………………………………………………………...18
Глава 2. Реализация концепции профильного обучения ИЯ
2.1. Возможные формы организации профильного обучения………… ……19
2.2. Основные приёмы и технологии профильного обучения………………21
2.3. Возможности учебно-методического обеспечения разноуровневого обучения на старшей ступени обучения в настоящее время………………..25
2.4. Опыт внедрения профильного обучения в классах социально-гуманитарного профиля……………………………………………………..…27
Выводы по 2 главе………………………………………………………..…….32
Список используемой литературы……………………………………….……34

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 Приложение 1


Text : Environmental Disasters

Dennis Bruce lives near the Niagara Falls. The Falls of Niagara  are  a  tourist  attraction  and  the  Braces  could  make  a  lot  of  money running a motel. But the problem is that Dennis is seriously ill. Some years  ago  the  Bruces  lived  near  Love  Canal.  This  proved  to  be disastrous for little Dennis.

Love Canal is one mile from the Niagara River.  It  was built in late  1890s  by  William  Love.  The  canal  was  abandoned  before  any traffic went on it. In 1940s a chemical company started to dump waste into the canal. When the canal was filled nearly to capacity, a clay cap was  placed  over  the  contaminated  area  and  construction  started. Inexpensive  houses  were  built  for  lower-income  families.  Cheap accommodation  was  readily  accepted  by  the poor.  Soon  Love  Canal was full of life. But people didn't feel well in Love Canal. Toxic waste dumps  were  hurting  wildlife,  and  worse,  they  were  hurting  many adults and children.

Trouble  was  first  spotted  when  children  were  burned  by chemicals oozing through the ground. Children and animals received chemical  burns  from  playing  with  dirt  in  the  school  yard  and  then-backyards. Many lawns wouldn't grow and where plants would grow, people  would  get  sick  after  eating  vegetables  and  fruit  grown  in gardens on their property.

Love Canal residents developed mysterious illnesses. High rates of  birth  defects  as  well  as  certain  diseases  of  the  liver  and  kidneys have been identified in the area since that time.

After  several  years  of  complaints  dangerous  chemicals  were detected in  the basements  and  in the  indoor  air  of  homes,  in  soil,  in sewer lines and in creeks.

Later many homes were torn down and the area was declared a disaster area. Presently, however, New York State is proclaiming the site  clean  and  is  building  new  homes  at  reduced  prices  in  order  to repopulate the area. One thing is for certain, former residents now are very conscious of where they buy a home.



abandon [ә'b¹ndәn] v 1) покидать, оставлять


2) консервировать 


accommodation [ә,kΛmә'dei∫(ә)n] п приют, пристанище

canal [kә'n¹l] n канал

capacity [kә'p¹siti] n 1) емкость, вместимость,


2) номинальная  мощность

chemical ['kemikl] adj химический

chemicals ['kemik(ә)lz] n pi химикалии

conscious ['kɔn∫әs] adj сознающий, понимающий;

осознанный, здравый;

трезво  оценивающий 

(ситуацию, шансы)

contaminate [kәn't¹mineit] v загрязнять, заражать


химическими веществами)

creek [kri:k] n ручей, небольшая река

disease [di'ziz] n болезнь

dump [dΛmp] n 1) груда хлама; куча мусора

2) свалка, отвал

dump v 1) сваливать (в кучу)

2) выбрасывать,  вываливать,


environment [in'vaiәr(ә)nmәnt] n окружающая среда

environmentalist n борец за защиту

окружающей  среды

identify [ai'dentifai] v идентифицировать,

опознавать, определять

ooze [u:z] v медленно течь, сочиться

pollute [pә'lu:t] v загрязнять (окружающую


pollution [рә'lu:∫(ә)n] n загрязнение (окружающей




1. Fill in the blanks using the necessary words

1) This __________ to be disastrous for little Dennis.

2)  In 1940s a chemical company started to ________ ________ into the canal.

3) When the canal was filled nearly to ________ _________ cap was placed over the _________ area and construction started.

4) Houses were built for __________ families.

5) Cheap ________ was _________ accepted by the poor.

6) Toxic waste dumps are ________ adults and children.

7) Trouble  was  first  _________  when  children  were  burned  by chemicals _______ through the ground.

8) Toxic waste dumps have hurt ________.

9) Children received chemical burns from playing in their _________.

10) People would get sick after eating vegetables and fruit grown on their _________.

11) Love Canal _________ developed _________ illnesses.

12)  Later  many  homes  were  ________  ________  and  the  area  was declared a ________ area.

13) Presently, however, New York State is _____ the site _______.

14) New homes are being built in the area at ________ prices in order to _________the area.

15)  One  thing  is  for  certain,  ___________  residents  now  are  very ______________where they buy a home.


2. Active or passive? Write the correct form of the verbs in   brackets

1) Love Canal (to be) one mile from the Niagara River.

2) William Love (to build) the canal in late 1890s.

3) The canal (to abandon) before any traffic (to go) on it.

4)  In  1940s  a  chemical  company  (to  start)  to  dump  waste  into  the canal.

5) When the canal (to fill) nearly to capacity, a clay cap (to place) over the contaminated area and construction (to start).

6) Inexpensive houses (to build) for lower-income families.

7) Cheap accommodation (to accept, readily) by the poor.

8) But people (not to feel well) in Love Canal.

9) Mysterious illnesses (to identify) in the area.

10) Former residents now are very conscious of where they (to buy) a home.


3. Look through the text and say what information is missing

1) The falls of Niagara are a ________ ________.

2) Love Canal is _______ ________ ________the Niagara River.

3) When the canal was filled nearly to capacity, a clay cap was placed over the contaminated area and _______ ________.

4)  Toxic  waste  dumps  are  hurting  _______,  _________and __________.

5)  Trouble  was  first  spotted  when  children  were  burned  _________ _________oozing through __________ _________.

6) People would get sick after eating ________ and ________ grown in _________ on their property.

7) Love Canal residents developed mysterious illnesses. High rates of _______  _______  as  well  as  certain  diseases  of  the  ________  and ________ have been identified in the area.

8)  After  several  years  of  complaints  _________  _________  were detected  in  the  ______  and  in  the  _________  of  homes,  in __________, in ______ ________ and in _________.

9)  Later  many  homes  were  torn  down  and  the  area  was  declared  a _________ _________.

10) Presently,  however,  New  York  State  is  proclaiming  the  site __________ and is building new homes at reduced prices in order to ________ ________ __________.


4. True or false? Correct the statements if they are false

1) The Bruces live near the Niagara Falls.

2) The Bruces make a lot of money.

3) Love Canal is one kilometer from the Niagara Falls.

4) Love Canal was built in late 1880s.

5) The canal was abandoned and no traffic went on it.

6) Waste started to be dumped into the canal in 1940s.

7) Construction  started  after  a  clay  cap  had  been  placed  over  the contaminated area.

8) Lower-income families readily accepted cheap housing.

9) Children were hurt playing outdoors.

10) People commonly got sick after eating fruit and vegetables grown on their property.


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