Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 17 Января 2013 в 19:22, дипломная работа
Данная выпускная квалификационная работа представляет собой исследование по проблемам гендерной лингвистики – специальному разделу языкознания, который рассматривает влияние гендерного фактора на речь.
Некоторое время назад наука гендерология, занимающаяся изучением влиянием фактора гендера человека (его социокультурного пола) на различные аспекты его жизни, обратила свое внимание и на лингвистику. Вопросы гендерных различий, до сих пор в основном интересовавшие психологов и социологов, оказались в поле деятельности ученых-филологов.
Глава I. Гендерные различия в речи: их природа и сущность………………7
История гендерных исследований в лингвистике…………………………8
Влияние гендерного фактора на лексико-грамматические особенности речи.11
1.2.1. Употребление прилагательных и наречий……………………………...15
1.2.2. Употребление модальных ограничителей……………………………...18
1.2.3. Употребление метафор………………………………………………....23
1.2.4. Употребление цветообозначений………………………………………25
1.2.5. Употребление риторических вопросов и прямой речи ………………....27
Выводы ……………………………………………………………………………….34
Глава II. Особенности женского речевого функционирования в связных высказываниях (монологе и диалоге)…………………………………………...36
2.1. Текст как тематико-смысловое единство и объект
гендерного анализа ……………………………………………………….36
2.2. Женская речь в монологическом и диалогическом тексте……...38
2.2.1. Монологический текст…………………………………………....38
2.2.2. Диалогический текст………………………………………………49
Выводы ………………………………………………………………………………60
Глава III. Организация обучения речевому этикету в учебном процессе……………………………………………..…………………………………61
3.1. Факультатив как одна из форм внеклассной работы…………………...61
3.2. Методические рекомендации по обучению школьников
речевому этикету…………………………………………………………...69
3.3. Разработка введения лексических единиц речевого этикета
с последующим их употреблением в учебном процессе…………………...72
Список используемой литературы…………………………………………..90
Что касается эмоционального компонента словесных формул вежливости, то именно в комплименте доброжелательность в интонации, мимике, жестах проявляется чаще, чем в других ситуациях. Очевидно, что стремление подыскать слова похвалы или одобрения стимулирует и активизирует умение высказывать их в соответствующей эмоциональной тональности.
Успешность овладения этикетными фразами зависит от системы, направленной на формирование у школьников умений употреблять разнообразные формулы речевого этикета, «развертывать» их за счет обращений и мотивировок и сопровождать невербальными средствами. В отборе речевого материала для обучения адекватному речевому этикетному поведению необходимо учитывать особенности ситуации общения и реальные потребности учащихся.
целесообразно проводить в
Для воспроизведения фраз этикета важно найти такие способы обучения, которые побуждали бы детей к многократному проговариванию разных вариантов формул и выражений одобрения, сложившихся в английском речевом этикете, при этом многократность повторения не должна вызывать потерю или снижение интереса.
Активизация речевого материала в повседневной жизни осуществляется в процессе продуктивных видов деятельности. Следует побуждать их говорить вежливые слова также при встречах с родителями, сотрудниками, подсказывать поводы для комплимента.
Овладение ситуацией выражения положительных эмоций помогает налаживать доброжелательные взаимоотношения между детьми, а разработанные методы позволяют компенсировать недостатки социально-речевой среды, дают школьникам возможность многократно воспринимать и воспроизводить в речи разнообразные способы выражения своих положительных эмоций.
Формулы речевого этикета
Как известно, цель обучения говорению в школе есть развитие у учащихся способности в соответствии с их реальными потребностями и интересами осуществлять устное речевое общение в разнообразных ситуациях.
Любой учитель английского языка стремится не только научить ученика говорить на языке, но и работает над обогащением речи учащихся. Оценочно-эмоциональные выражения украшают речь и помогают высказать мысль в интересной форме. Далее предлагаются формулы, которые используются для активизации учащихся на уроках развития навыков говорения.
3.3. Разработка введения лексических единиц речевого этикета с последующим их употреблением в учебном процессе
Part I. Words and gender
Now we look at the problems of using words in a way that is not offensi gender. In English, a lot of words are marked as masculine or feminine by suflB other words have 'female' or 'male' associations and should be used carefully.
A Suffixes marking gender
-er(-or)/-ess: traditionally used to mark male (m) and female (f), e.g. actress (f) / waitress (f) / waiter (m).
These two words are still often used in both forms, but forms such as authoress, murderess and manageress are considered old-fashioned. If you want to be neu use the -er/-or suffix for male or female.
Schoolmistress/master sound old-fashioned, use teacher instead; air hostess also of date, use flight attendant (neutral) or stewardess.
В -man, -woman and -person
Traditional social roles often meant that -man was used even for roles performed b Now many people prefer a neutral form for both sexes, if there is one available.
neutral |
traditional male |
traditional female |
chair(person) |
chairman |
chairwoman |
spokesperson |
spokesman |
spokeswoman |
police officer |
policeman |
policewoman |
— |
postman |
postwoman |
— |
fisherman |
— |
bartender |
barman |
barmaid |
businessperson |
businessman |
businesswoman |
firefighter |
fireman |
— |
flight attendant |
steward |
stewardess / air hostess |
head (teacher) |
headmaster |
headmistress |
С 'Social' marking of words
Some words, particularly the names of jobs, are socially marked as belonging to one go even though the words are neutral in form, e.g. in English, nurse was considered so 'fen that if a man was a nurse, he was often referred to as a male nurse. Just consider your own reaction to these words, and whether most people would tend ь think of a man or a woman upon hearing them.
barber hairdresser burglar secretary farmer
Look at this rather sexist advertisement for an airline. Change the wording to make it more neutral.
Now! Eagle Airlines offers even more to the businessman who needs comfort.
Let us fly you to your destination in First-class comfort, looked after by the best-trained air hostesses in the world. Any businessman knows that he must arrive fresh and ready for work no matter how long the journey. With Eagle Diplomat-Class you can do just that. And, what's more, your wife can travel with you on all intercontinental flights for only 25°/o of the normal fare! Your secretary can book you on any flights 24 hours a day on 0557-465769. All she has to do is lift the phone.
Here are some more names of jobs and occupations. Are they marked for gender either in Ac form of the word itself, or 'socially' marked as typically male or female? How are they «instated into your language, by neutral or by gender-marked words?
1. conductor 4 typist 7 general 10 milkman
2. shepherd 5 station master 8 detective 11 tailor
3. cheerleader 6 dressmaker 9 monk
These words include some that many people consider sexist. Put the words into appropriate pairs with their neutral alternatives.
cabin attendant man-hours unmanned air hostess unstaffed
human beings single woman mankind person-hours
Change gender-marked words into neutral ones.
1 We shall have to elect a new chairman next month.
2 Several firemen and policemen were hurt in the riots.
3 A spokesman for the store said the manageress had decided to resign.
4 I wonder what time the postman comes every day.
5 I can't see a barman anywhere. Shall I press this bell and see if someone comes?
6 Her brother's a male nurse, and she's an authoress.
Make this letter more neutral
The Manager
Frinstowe Engineering, Ltd
Dear Sir,
I am a spinster aged 22 and am seeking employment. I saw your advertisement for part-time workers in The Globe last week. However, your 24-hour answering service seemed to be unmanned when I tried it. Could you please send me application forms by post? Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Sally Hewings.
Note: bachelor and spinster can both have negative or undesirable associations. Use unmarried or single (man/woman) instead. Likewise, instead of fiance(e), you can use partner, especially for someone you live with as a couple but are not married to. Many women nowadays prefer the title Ms /mǝz/, rather than Miss or Mrs.
Part II. Words and expressions relating to "liking"
I quite liked Tom when we first met. However, although lots of my friends said they found him attractive, I didn't fancy him at all. He invited me out and I must admit that I was more tempted by his sports car than by him at first. However, I really enjoyed spending time with him. He fascinated me with his stories of his travels around the world and something mysterious about his past also attracted me. Moreover, we were both very keen on sailing. Soon I realised I had fallen in love with him. His sense of humour really appealed to me and I was also captivated by his gift for poetry. Now, three years later I absolutely adore him and I cannot understand why I didn't fall for him the moment we first set eyes on each other. He is a very caring person, fond of animals and small children. He is always affectionate and loving towards me and passionate about the causes he believes in and the people he cares for. I hope we shall always worship each other as much and be as devoted to our life together as we are now.
Words and expressions relating to "desiring"
Desire is used either as a formal verb to express a sexual wish for someone or else it is quite a formal word for wish.
He desired her the moment he saw her.
I have a strong desire to see the Himalayas before I die. Looking forward to means thinking about something in the future with pleasant anticipation. The opposite of look forward to is dread.
I am looking forward to going to Fiji but I'm dreading the flight. Note: 'to' is a preposition here and not part of the infinitive and is followed by a noun or an -ing form. Long for means to wish for something very much.
As soon as I get back from one holiday, I'm longing for the next. Yearn for is a more poetic way of saying long for.
He will never stop yearning for his country although he knows he can never return.
Words and expressions relating to "disliking".
Loathe, detest, hate, cannot stand and cannot bear are all stronger ways of saying dislike and they are all followed by a noun or an -ing form.
I loathe / detest / hate / cannot stand/ cannot bear bad-mannered people. Repel, revolt and disgust are all strong words used to describe the effect which something detested has on the person affected. His actions disgust me. I was revolted by the way he spoke. His behaviour repels me.
Ways of addressing loved ones
dearest sweetheart darling love dear pet Pet is used mainly to children. Note that the last three words in the list are not confined to use with people who are really loved. It is not uncommon for a London bus conductor, for example, to address any girl or woman as 'love'. (His Glasgow equivalent calls his female passengers 'hen'.) It's best for you, however, to keep such words for people you have a close relationship with!
1. Complete the following table.
verb noun adjective adverb
- passion
- affection
2. Complete the following sentences.
3. Reword the sentences without changing the meaning.
Use the word in
Example: I very much enjoy his novels, (love) / love his novels.
4. In each pair of sentences which person probably feels more strongly?
5. Complete the sentences or answer the questions
in any way that is
true for you.
1) What kind of food do you like? I like and I adore but I can't
Part III. A. Accepting a Compliment
Are you good at accepting a compliment — or do you become embarrassed? Accepting a compliment is sometimes more difficult than paying one!
Work in pairs, paying and accepting compliments in turn. You may use your own ideas or the ideas below.
For example:
I really like your dress Marie.
Oh, thank you. I bought it at that new shop that's just opened.
Marie waspleased and added extra information — the dress was new. But sometimes we want to play down' the compliment.
For example:
I really like your dress Marie
Oh, thank you. I've had it for years.
Ideas for compliments
Match these 10 ideas with the following ways of playing down' a compliment:
a. Oh, it took no time at all.
b. My boyfriend gave it to me.
с I've just changed my hairdresser.
d. It's from Marks & Spencers.
e. I'm not too keen on the colour myself.
f. I spent a year in the States.
g. I hope it's not too vulgar!
h. It took us a long time to find it.
i. I was taught very well.
j. But it uses too much petrol.
B. Saying no Tactfully
If someone asks you to do something, you can say no'in a direct way or you can suggest doing something else. In order to practise the phrases used to say no, students should work in pairs. Each situation has the ideas for a dialogue where В says no' to what A is suggesting. Read only your own part, and use the phrases from the list.
1. Let's go out for dinner.
{You love going out to a hamburger bar, ordering eveiything, then eating it in your car.)
2. Let's go to a concert.
(You want to go to a Bach concert. It will last 4 hours)
3. Let's go for a drink.
(Your idea of an evening out is to go down to the pub and spend the evening drinking.)
В. Whenever you eat out, you like to go to one of the most expensive restaurants in town. You would never dream of going near a hamburger joint'. You hate classical music and think it is only for snobs. There is a rock concert on at the ice rink tomorrow. You are only 16 and know that if your parents knew you had been out drinking, they would be very angry. Your idea of a nice weekend is to do absolutely nothing. You would be prepared to go for a walk round town to look at shops. You know that A would like your friendship to become more serious, but you have your eye on someone else. In fact, you are hoping to go out with this other person tomorrow.
C. Being Sympathetic
How do we react when we have some bad news? It depends on the news. Some things are more important than others, and we react to something serious in a different way from something less serious, however unfortunate.
Have you heard that 300 people were killed when a planecrashed this morning? —Oh, how terrible! and
I didn't get the job after all. —Oh, what a pity!
If you reacted to the first situation with What (a pity, people would think that you were a strange person indeed!
Work in pairs with these sentences. One person give the news: the other react in an appropriate way using a phrase from the list.
1. My girlfriend sprained ankle first day holiday,