Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Февраля 2013 в 20:20, автореферат
Зерттеудің көкейкестілігі. Жоғары педагогикалық білім беруді реформалау, педагогикалық кадрлардың көп деңгейлік дайындығына көшу, парасатты еңбек нарығында мамандардың бәсекеге қабілеттілігін қамтамасыз ету жағдайларында болашақ мұғалімдерді кәсіби-педагогикалық іс-әрекетке дайындау мәселесінің өзектілігі зор.
Қазақстан Республикасы тәуелсіз мемлекеттер қатарына қосылғаннан бері қоғамды ақпараттандырудан туындаған өзгерістер оның барлық салаларымен қатар мұғалімдік кәсіби – іс-әрекет деңгейіне, өндіріс пен әлеуметтік саладағы ғылымдардың жетістіктеріне және прогрессивті технологияны енгізу мерзімінің қысқартылуына қойылытатын талаптар күшеюде.
Результаты исследования были внедрены в педагогические учебные заведения, было опубликовано 37 работ по исследуемой теме.
Основные положения, выносимые на защиту:
- определение профессионально-
- концептуальная модель
подготовки будущих учителей
к профессионально-
- методическое обеспечение
Научные результаты исследования:
- представляемая работа является теоретико-экспериментальным исследованием проблемы профессионально-педагогической деятельности, которая решается в рамках системного подхода;
- обоснованы роль и
место понятия «профессионально-
- обоснованы принципы
целостности, соответствия, сохранения
и развития, позволяющие построить
концептуальную модель професси
- построена концептуальная
модель формирования
-выявлены критеии
сформированности у студентов
педагогических вузов знаний
и умений профессионально-
- разработано методическое
обеспечпение модели
Zhanbobekova Meiramgul Zeinegabulovna
Pedagogical bases of professional activity training of the primary school teacher to be under conditions of globalization
13.00.08 – Theory and methods of the professional education
The rrelevance of the scientific research. Changes occurring in independent Kazakhstan, as a consequence of informatization of society, requires a corresponding level of vocational and educational activities, new developments in industrial and social sciences as well as shortening the introduction of advanced technology. In a message of the President of Kazakhstan on 29 January 2010 states: "The quality of higher education must meet the highest international standards. Universities of the country must strive to enter the rankings of the leading universities in the world. By 2015, should be fully functioning national innovation system, and in 2020 - it should already yield results in the form of development, patents, and existing technologies introduced in the country. " In 2010, when Kazakhstan chairs the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, it was decided to accede to the Bologna Process, which aims to create a European Higher Education is one of the measures taken in this direction. This can be described as the most important historical event in the education system.
The object of the scientific research - a system of the process of the teachers to be training to professional and pedagogical activity.
The subject of the scientific research - the process of the teachers to be training to professional and pedagogical activity in the context of globalization.
The purpose of the scientific research: methodological, theoretical development of process of the teachers to be training to professional and pedagogical activity in the context of globalization and ensure the preparation of teaching materials.
The tasks of the scientific research:
1. To consider the essence of the concept of "professional and pedagogical activity" in terms of theoretical basis of the research.
2. To determine
the trend of a primary school in the context of globalization, global
3. To develop a
conceptual model of professional and educational activities for future
elementary school teachers in high school.
4. To develop methods
and tools for training future teachers in primary schools to carry out
professional and pedagogical activity.
5. To justify the
technique of preparing future teachers in primary schools to professional
and pedagogical activity.
6. To verify the
practical effectiveness of the experimental scientific justification.
Scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the scientific research:
1. On the basis of theoretical basis of the scientific research was the essence of the concept of “professional and teaching activities”.
2. Trends of development of modern primary school in the context of globalization and global education were determined.
3. The conceptual model of the formation of professional and pedagogical activity has developed; the backbone factor of this model is the idea of natural basis that ensures ability and skills. Professional and pedagogical activity can be represented as heuristics, algorithmic model, which consists of functional, meaningful and personal components.
4. The methods and tools for training of the teachers to be training to professional and pedagogical activity were methodologically sound (solidity, strength and directing to the practice learning content, adequacy of organizational forms of learning and teaching process and content of the main method, a rating system of assessment of students' progress).
5. The method of preparation of the teachers to be training to professional and pedagogical activity was developed, and implement software teaching materials.
6. The effectiveness of the scientific basis of the preparation of the teachers to be training to professional and pedagogical activity was justified by practical experiment.
The practical significance of the scientific research is to develop and implement training manuals, guidelines and educational
materials for forming the creative professional and educational activities
for future teachers. These materials can be used not only in education
departments, but also in other high schools, normal schools and colleges,
as well as institutes of excellence.
The results were incorporated into teacher training institutions,
was published 37 papers on the present theme.
The main provisions for the defense:
- to define the professional and pedagogical activity as a part of the pedagogical notional and terminological system that has multilevel and many-sided property; the professional and pedagogical activity is a form of the professional and creative activity that cause the teacher passing social and cultural experience to the children to ensure their education and development.
- the conceptual model of the professional and pedagogical activity training of the primary school teacher to be as the pedagogical system that contains functional, substantial, operational and personality components. The backbone factor of this model is the idea of natural basis that ensures ability and skills forming directed to development of the teacher personality.
- methodological ensuring of the professional and pedagogical activity, which consists of specialized courses on the fundamentals of professional-pedagogical activity students of primary education, universities, teaching courses and special topics in teaching practice, students who aim to actively personal development of future teachers with the help of heuristic and algorithmic methods.
Scientific results of the scientific research:
- presented scientific work is a theoretical and experimental study
of the problem of professional and pedagogical activity, which can be solved
through a systemic approach;
- the role and place
of the concept of " professional and pedagogical activity " in the conceptual
and terminological system of pedagogy is justified and its essence is
- the principles
of integrity, compliance, conservation and development, aimed to build
a conceptual model of vocational and educational activities for future
teachers in pedagogical universities are justified;
- the conceptual
model of professional and pedagogical activity is built, a system built
factor of which supports the idea nature conformity providing learner-oriented
development of skills and vocational teaching. Professional and pedagogical activity is heuristic-algorithmic
model, including the unity of functional, meaningful, operational and
personal components;
- the criteria of
formation of future teachers knowledge and skills of professional and
educational activities is revealed;
- the methodical
providing models for the formation of professional and educational activities
for students of Pedagogical Universities is developed, which includes
a special course on the basics of professional and pedagogical activity, special sections
of courses in didactics and methodology of disciplines aimed at enhancing
self-development of future teachers.
Жаһандану жағдайында болашақ бастауыш мектеп мұғалімін кәсіби іс - әрекетке даярлаудың педагогикалық негіздері
13.00.08 – Кәсіптік білім беру теориясы мен әдістемесі
Педагогика ғылымдарының докторы ғылыми дәрежесін алу үшін дайындалған диссертацияның
Басуға 24. 11. 2010 ж.
Шартты баспа табағы 2,4
Пішімі 64 х 84 1/16
Riso басылымы.
Таралымы 120 дана
Тапсырыс №134
050000, Алматы
Масанчи көшесі, 20/22
ТОО “Полиграфия-сервис и КО”