Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 04 Июня 2013 в 03:14, дипломная работа
Метою представленої дипломної роботи є розробка пропозицій, щодо удосконалення системи мотивації персоналу на ПП «Картес». Виходячи з мети дипломної роботи поставлено такі завдання:
- дослідити мотивацію персоналу в системі функцій менеджменту;
- проаналізувати механізм мотивації персоналу підприємства - суб`єкта зовнішньоекономічної діяльності;
- розглянути методологічні підходи до формування ефективного мотиваційного механізму;
- посадового окладу;
- доплат;
- премій.
Також на ПП «Картес» поряд з матеріальною мотивацією, заслуговує на увагу й моральна мотивація до праці. Система нематеріальної мотивації праці повинна ефективно вирішувати одне загальне, найважливіше і найскладніше завдання – забезпечити суспільне визнання кожної особистості, повагу до кожного без винятку працівника.
Отже, на ПП «Картес» для посилення мотивації було запропоновано кваліметричну систему мотивації, модель удосконалення засобів мотивації персоналу. Підвищення самостійності працівників у виконанні виробничих функцій повинно поєднуватися із відповідальністю за виконувану роботу. Активна участь в прийнятті управлінських рішень повинна поєднуватися з результатами праці.
In a management motivation is a process of stimulation of workers to realization of effective activity, directed on achievement of aims of enterprise. Motivation is needed for effective implementation of the accepted decisions and planned tasks. Motivation – it that which a man has «inwardly». If a man is explained, its satisfaction from work necessarily will result in a beautiful result.
Motivation, both one of functions of management, has as theoretical and direct practical value. From that, how understands but whether other man the labour activity and what reasons it follows, its attitude depends toward work.
The modern methods of motivation to labour are divided into rich in content and judicial. Each of semantic theories of motivation has certain features, certain advantages and failings. And that is why, the best to understand the conduct of workers and influence on it properly, it is needed to know them managers all.
The «vulnerable mestome» of semantic theories is that they little attention spares the individual features of people and their influence on motivation of labour. «Supporters of semantic theories, — the American specialists mark –– go out from presentation about linear determinaciyu of settings and conduct: elements of production situation are settings — production conduct. Divergence is only in that, what factor advantage gives oneself up: to payment of labour, interpersonality relations or maintenance of labour. Individual differences are ignored thus: a man is examined as an automat which simply reacts on influence of production environment».
Unlike the semantic theories of motivation, which are based on that the conduct of people is determined by necessities and factors related to them, judicial theories examine motivation in some other plan. They do not deny influence of necessities on the conduct of people, consider however, that the last is determined and formed not only under act of necessities. In accordance with the judicial theories of motivation a conduct of man is also the function of its perception and expectations. These theories analyse, as a man distributes effort for achievement of certain goals and as chooses the concrete type of conduct.
The simplified conception of judicial theories of motivation consists in that a worker, realizing a task and fees are possible for their implementation, correlates this information with the necessities, possibilities, by a willingness to make necessary efforts and chooses on your own the certain type of conduct. After it he aims to attain certain on quantitative and high-quality indexes goals.
With passing to the market relations essence of stimuli, which influence on motivation of labour, and its constituents - payment of labour and forming of profits, changes on principle. If at the centralized system of planning of providing of workers the unique method materially vital blessings was their distributing on the basis of the proclaimed principle of equivalence of measure of labour and measure of consumption of every member of society, at the market system these blessings are not distributed from some center, but confess in every concrete case on the basis of principle of exchange of qualification and time of the hired worker, on an ettlings and profit from participating in an income. In zv''yazku with it achievement of foreign economic activity, growth of production, increase of efficiency and labour productivity volume, an enterprise-subject depends on the inwardly brandname mechanism of motivation of labour and system of stimuli.
PP «Kartes» already is many years known as a reliable distributor and supplier of food stuffs in resort hotels, sanatoriums, prisons, child's health camps, and recently, in 2010, an agreement is celled with preschool. That touches foreign economic activity, PP «Kartes» is not engaged in it. But in the prospect of development in the near time an enterprise aspires to going into an oversea market.
On this time, an enterprise searches itself partners by the network of Internet and e-mail. Sends the suggestions and pras letters and expects an answer from foreign stran.
This enterprise offers accessible on prices, high-quality products of food, plant-grower, pastry and economic direction, which easily accustom end users.
In diploma work by us was the analysed system of motivation of PP «Kartes». An enterprise uses the financial system of motivation, namely payment of labour as major mean of stimulation of conscientious work. Individual earnings of workers of enterprise are determined them not limited to the personal labour payment, quality of labour, results of virobniche-gospodarskoy activity and maximal size. As a base is used tariff system of payment of labour.
The ettlings of workers consists of: - post salary; - additional charges; - bonuses. Also on PP «Kartes» next to financial motivation, moral motivation deserves attention to labour. The system of immaterial motivation of labour must effectively decide one general, major and most difficult task – to provide public confession of every personality, respect to each without the exception of worker.
Consequently, on PP «Kartes» for strengthening of motivation the kvalimetrichnu system of motivation, model of improvement of facilities of motivation of personnel, was offered. The increase of independence of workers in execution production functions must be combined with responsibility for executable work. Active voice in acceptance of administrative decisions must be combined with the results of labour.
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