Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 08 Июня 2014 в 09:30, дипломная работа
Целью работы является исследование теоретических и практических основ эффективного управления персоналом на основе компетенций в условиях рыночной экономики нефтегазового комплекса.
К числу важнейших задач работы относятся изучение подхода к компетентностной оценке персонала на предприятии нефтегазовой отрасли, а также выбор оптимального варианта оценки работы персонала, который обеспечивает достижение максимального экономического эффекта.
Решение этой задачи осуществлялось на основании имеющихся фактических материалов и проведенного экономического обоснования расчетных коэффициентов и показателей.
Проведенное в работе исследование вопросов учета тех или иных показателей, для оценки эффективности деятельности персонала в рассматриваемой области, привело к необходимости четкой организации, подбору, анализу и аттестации системы управления трудовыми ресурсами.
Аннотация 4
Введение 6
1. Основные характеристики компетентностного подхода управления персоналом на предприятии нефтегазового комплекса 8
1.1 Управление персоналом как элемент системы управления организацией 8
1.2 Сущность компетентностного подхода 10
1.3 Основные тенденции в области развития персонала 14
1.4 Типологии компетенций зарубежных школ управления персоналом компании 16
2. Система управления персоналом в ООО «Газпром межрегионгаз Новосибирск» на основе компетенций 23
2.1 История создания и основные направления деятельности ООО «Газпром межрегионгаз Новосибирск» 23
2.2 Анализ финансово – хозяйственной деятельности ООО «Газпром межрегионгаз Новосибирск» 33
2.2.1 Формирование аналитического баланса ООО «Газпром межрегионгаз Новосибирск» 33
2.2.2 Оценка имущественного положения и структуры капитала 35
ООО «Газпром межрегионгаз Новосибирск» 35
2.2.3 Анализ ликвидности и платежеспособности ООО «Газпром межрегионгаз Новосибирск» 38
2.2.4 Анализ финансовой устойчивости ООО «Газпром межрегионгаз Новосибирск» 44
2.2.5 Анализ деловой активности ООО «Газпром межрегионгаз Новосибирск» 48
2.2.6 Анализ прибыли и рентабельности ООО «Газпром межрегионгаз Новосибирск» 52
2.3 Анализ использования трудовых ресурсов ООО «Газпром межрегионгаз Новосибирск» 58
3 Оценка и аттестация персонала ООО «Газпром межрегионгаз Новосибирск» 62
3.1 An assessment of personnel OOO «Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Novosibirsk» 62
3.2 Аттестация персонала компании ООО «Газпром межрегионгаз Новосибирск» 70
3.3 Создание системы компетенций для управленцев высшего звена 74
Заключение 80
Список использованных источников 82
Приложение 1 87
Приложение 2………
3 Оценка и аттестация персонала ООО «Газпром межрегионгаз Новосибирск»
3.1 An assessment of personnel OOO «Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Novosibirsk»
Staff assessment is a process that involves defining and bringing to the attention of the employee information on how it performs its work. Score not only allows you to see more clearly the employee challenges and see how well it works, but it also has an impact on future work on attitudes and desire to achieve the best results. The Executive will work more efficiently if you will accept an evaluation of its work as a fair and understandable.
Evaluation system helps the company in dealing with the whole range of tasks associated with the increased impact of human resources. Information obtained as a result of the assessment can be used to form the reserve through the identification of workers with high managerial capabilities, capable of performing more complex and responsible work. In addition, the assessment of the work of the subordinate helps managers in planning career employees and tasks related to their learning and development.
To improve or build your organization a new staff performance appraisal system must comply with a number of conditions. Among the most important are the following:
-interest and support from senior management;
-availability of trained, highly skilled professionals responsible for job evaluation system;
-preparation of documents regulating the operation of the system;
timely informing staff about the objectives and content of the system effectiveness evaluation;
-establishing a clear evaluation system of performance pay system.
The most important methods of assessment of the work of subordinates are the following:
1. Тhe establishment of standards and norms
When using this method of assessment is to establish standards or regulations and in subsequent comparison of productivity of each employee. This method is commonly used in a production environment. In General, the standards should be the indicators that could be achieved with an average employee.
Working standards are designed to determine what should be the normal output per unit of time (day, week, and month). The advantage of approach working standards is that in the present case, the assessment of staff performance is based on objective indicators. In doing so, so that you can successfully use the standards for assessing productivity, they must not only be well founded, but also perceived by employees as fair.
2. Assessment on the basis of written features
In some cases, the head is required to prepare a detailed feature on the slave. This is usually done in preparing for certification, in dealing with the preparation of a reserve of the managerial positions and appointments and transfers to other offices. An important part of the evaluation, which occurs in the course of appraisal, is to write the written testimonials on worker's supervisor.
Writing such written characteristics on a subordinate, leading them to more efficient use of the capacity of subjects.
The evaluation system in the Organization ultimately seeks to strengthen labour of all categories of workers. Job evaluation allows you to install a line of productivity requirements and standards, revealing aspects of the work of the staff in need of improvement. Score your conduct is based on the assumption that there are effective and ineffective behaviours defining the success of the performance of a work. The main indicator of the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of worker behaviour is those results to which it leads.
When designing a system for evaluating performance, you must decide what criteria will be assessed. Criteria are the benchmarks, the characteristics by which you can judge how well an employee is performing its work. Criteria to assess the contribution of the worker in the attainment of the objectives of the Organization, the Organization have taken various administrative decisions. The criteria underlying the evaluation system, linked with those who will be evaluated and how you intend to use the results.
There are objective evaluation criteria: standards, standards of quality and performance that can be set for any job. However, unlike sports, where the highlight performance indicators are very simple, the setting of such standards for business is quite difficult. In practice, most often uses the following criteria when assessing the work of the staff:
- quantitative indicators is the most direct way to measure, in which employees are evaluated on the basis of the results achieved;
- quality of work is very often the quality of the work is more important than productivity;
- loss of working time – truancy, tardiness, absence of an employee in the workplace generally result in high costs for the organization;
- training, development and promotion, training, tuition, the success of education gives an opportunity to get an objective, documented and confirmed by exact evaluation of the abilities and skills of the worker;
-characteristics of the worker are assessed using a variety of assessment scales, questionnaires or tests to evaluate the personal and professional qualities that affect performance.
The essential requirements to the evaluation system is its efficiency and practicality, as well as to validity, which is defined through the evaluation of the results. The scale of assessments to evaluate the development manager for merit employees, propensity to certain types of work behavior or to achieve specific business results. Form consists of a series of scales for evaluating different aspects of the work, such as the professional knowledge, quality and quantity of work, ability to work independently, the level of skills, etc.
When you fill in the evaluation form is suggested on the basis of the proposed scale to assess the competencies of employees or their readiness for certain types of business conduct. Here is an example of a five-point scale:
The following table shows the different versions of the evaluation forms that use a scoring scale of assessment. The first Evaluation form is a form of assessment of the work of the head, the second Evaluation form. In both forms is 5-point rating scale. These forms can be used in the appraisal and the practice of evaluation centers.
Well-designed scale of assessment is a standard assessment procedure that facilitates comparison of workers; the relative ease of filling out evaluation forms.
The head of special importance are the methods for evaluating the work of subordinate that enable workers to compare with each other, not only with the standard or norm. This comparison can be performed using the methods of ranking. These methods, which are characterized by the fact that they are:
- easy to use;
- allow you to share good and bad employees;
- give sufficient information for making administrative decisions.
There are several types of ranking: direct ranking, alternating ranking, paired comparison.
Table 20 -The assessment of the personnel activity
Evaluation form |
mark | ||||
Activity planning and resource allocation |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Planning, setting goals |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Correction of these goals, if necessary |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Distribution and control of resources |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Account information available to it for timely decision-making |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
The organization should determine which categories of staff should be working a regular assessment. Depending on which category of workers is to be measured, and the content evaluation system change and the criteria and standards.
Methods of evaluation of staff performance. Assessment of the work of the subordinate to the head to solve a wide range of tasks:
- ensuring the normal operation of the units and the entire organization, production plans, objectives, services manufacturing processes;
- the task associated with more efficient use of the capacity of employee by a rating system allows you to enhance their motivation, shaping their development and stimulating the need for training and development.
To assess managers often use the following methods, which to date has proved to be effective:
Holding specialized seminars.
In some cases, to identify the management capacity of managers can be used in workshops, with the participation of managers and specialists. For it is a good opportunity to combine learning with an assessment of the capacity of their employees.
Seminar takes place, usually within a few days. It can also take place in several stages, which can divide the period of 1-2 months. Each of the stages of a specialized seminar for managers can pursue their objectives.
Students may be offered assignments they perform for the time that separates one from the other.
One of the most important goals of such seminars is to identify students with the highest potential so that you can view them as candidates for inclusion into the personnel reserve or for posts at a higher level (compared with the fact that they occupied before the seminar). For the preparation and holding of seminars usually benefit from the services of external organizations with sufficient experience of such work.
After the evaluation procedures, participants can be divided into three groups:
A – Certainly suitable for inclusion into the personnel reserve and for posts at a higher level;
B - Conditionally suitable for inclusion into the personnel reserve and for posts at a higher level, but require further training;
C - is not suitable for inclusion in the personnel reserve and to engage in higher-level positions.
Although the results of the evaluation of specialists and managers on the basis of their participation in specialized seminars have sufficiently high informative, they should be seen not in isolation but as a forecast of future success or as a clear recommendation and other performance indicators, including the results of the annual assessment of productivity.
3. Annual assessment of managers and specialists
The many organizations certification of executives and professionals, unfortunately not always allows you to successfully meet the challenges of performance management and identification of managers and specialists with the highest potential. For this purpose the procedure for assessing the work of managers and specialists should be held annually instead of every three years. The organization is immeasurably more useful if the outcome evaluation of managers and specialists will not only inform me of them as not being a, but also annual tasks that are generally considered to be no more often than once every three years.
The following tasks:
Assessment centers, widespread in recent decades in many industrialized countries, are becoming more and more popular in Russia. They are designed to help organizations selection of employees who will be able to efficiently work in managerial positions. There are three main objectives to address the evaluation centers:
1. assessment of the management capacity of the candidates (abilities, skills, personal experience, and competencies).
2. the selection of executives with the highest level of management capacity, for the formation of a personnel reserve.
3. the definition for each individual managers evaluated training program aimed at developing the abilities or to eliminate the deficiencies identified.
The success of the assessment interview is critically dependent on the level of training for managers, and their ability to solve the problems that arise during an interview.
The core content of the interview is to assess his subordinates that the results of its work and its achievements during the reporting period, then you can move on to setting new goals and plans for the future. Estimated job interview requires the head of not just listening, but the ability to listen actively. Should seek to end the interview on a positive note that the slave was leaving from the leader with a good mood. At the end you should clearly articulate specific targets to be achieved in the future. In addition, you must determine the date when the next time will be totaled.
Modern systems of evaluation of staff require the coordinated efforts of many professionals. The evaluation of the work of the staff are employees of HR and labor and wages, by virtue of their duties are responsible for matters relating to the financial incentive. However, in its hey are active in the regulations and standards. Their responsibilities include the following tasks:
- development of a system of evaluation;
- development or selection of methods and procedures that will be used to assess the performance of the staff;
- elaboration of the corresponding documentation: provisions, instructions, forms, reporting forms;
- training for managers;
- monitoring of the proper use of the methods and procedures for the evaluation of staff performance;
- collection and storage of information, a personal file of each employee of the periodic evaluation of its work;
- analysis of the results of the assessment of staff performance and the preparation of reports for senior management.
A key figure in the evaluation work of the worker is, as a rule, his immediate supervisor. The appraisal work of certified is specially created by the Certification Commission, composed of representatives of management, managers, HR Representative and the Division of labor and salary.
Without a major performance improvement with staff cannot seriously talk about reaching new heights in performance, it is not possible to win the competition. Assessment of the work of the staff is not just one of the areas in the management of staff; this is a key area that defines the main guidelines and principles of the new approach to the management of staff.
Summary review of this complex subject, I would like to again list the main provisions, which concentrated the whole point of the approach to assessing the work of the staff:
- evaluation of the results of the staff – an essential tool for improving the effectiveness of Labour Organization;
- evaluation of the results is a key area of work with the staff. This work should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of staff.
Manufacturability evaluation of would maximize the capabilities of this tool of personnel management in more fully utilizing the potential of the human resources of the organization.
- effective use of staff performance as a tool for enhancing the impact of the human resources of the organization is only possible with a high level of managerial and professional personnel services on personnel management in General and evaluation of productivity in particular;
- for the successful development of the important goals such as quality management, give employees feedback on the extent to which their productivity requirements of the Organization, development workers and improving the personnel management;
- managers and professionals involved in the assessment of the work of staff should bear in mind its impact on a wide range of psychological, organizational behaviour, such as motivation, self-esteem and self-evaluation of employees, level of responsibility, job satisfaction, discipline, level of commitment to its employees, willingness to work with the full-impact forces, etc. If the results of the assessment are limited to issues of pay, this drastically impoverishes set those incentives, opportunities and benefits to the Organization potentially included in the appraisal system. The assessment of productivity can also be used for personnel planning.
3.2 Аттестация персонала компании
ООО «Газпром межрегионгаз Новосибирск»
Аттестация - это одна из форм проверки компетентности работника, дающая администрации основание для изменения или прекращения трудового договора с работником.
Нормативно-правовая база проведения аттестации состоит из 3 разделов:
Конституция РФ является одним из основных гарантов защиты жизни и здоровья человека, равенства всех перед законом, недопущения дискриминации по полу, возрасту, национальной принадлежности.
Трудовой кодекс РФ статья 8 - Локальные нормативные акты, содержащие нормы трудового права.
Статья 9 Федерального закона «О промышленной безопасности опасных производственных объектов» №116-ФЗ возлагает на юридических лиц обязанность по подготовке и аттестации сотрудников.
Основными отраслевыми актами в области проведения аттестации являются: действующее постановление, утвержденное Комитетом по науке и технике СССР и Комитетом по труду СССР от 05.10.1973 №470, №267 «О порядке проведения аттестации руководящих, инженерно-технических работников и других специалистов предприятий и организаций промышленности, строительства, сельского хозяйства, транспорта и связи».
И Постановление Госгортехнадзора РФ от 5 июня 2003 г. N 56 «Об утверждении Правил безопасности в нефтяной и газовой промышленности». В данном постановлении установлены: требования, процедуры и условия ведения работ при проектировании, строительстве, реконструкции, эксплуатации, консервации и ликвидации производственных объектов; конструировании, изготовлении, ремонте машин, механизмов, других технических устройств; разработке технологических процессов; подготовке и аттестации работников; организации производства и труда; взаимодействию Госгортехнадзора России с организациями по обеспечению безопасных условий производства и рационального использования природных ресурсов.
Информация о работе Компетентностный подход в управлении персоналом