Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Сентября 2013 в 05:55, шпаргалка
The capital city of England and the United Kingdom lies on the River Thames, which winds through the city. Its many bridges are a famous sight. The oldest is London Bridge, originally made of wood but rebuilt in stone in 1217. The most distinctive is Tower Bridge, which was designated to blend in with the nearby Tower of London.
В связи с существованием
Превращение барристера в судью является одной из старейших форм британской карьеры (продвижения по службе). Барристер, который зарабатывает примерно 100.000 фунтов стерлингов в год вынужден довольствоваться лишь 35.000 в качестве судьи Высокого суда, но он оставляет высоко-конкурентный и ненадежный бизнес ради абсолютно надежного; и таким образом становится частью древнейшей системы правосудия. Человек, который провел свою жизнь, специализируясь на подаче челобитных (судебных исков), принятии на себя дел по защите убийц или мошенников и вступающим в постоянные споры с завидной однобокостью суждений, неожиданным образом трансформируется в личность, от которой требуется наисовершенная взвешенность взглядов и использование таинственной способности (беспристрастного) суждения. Скорый на словцо адвокат неожиданным образом превращается в спокойного беспристрастного сторонника правосудия.
назначает судей посредством
централизованной и
1 Судьи
As a result of magistrate’s existence England has much less professional judges then other countries majority. When Lord Gardiner demanded in 1965 to conduct survey it has appeared that there were only 8 judges per 1million population. In contrast there were 34 judges per million population in USA. Outside the Anglo-Saxon legal system number of judges were 200 per million. English judges are the representatives of small, all-sufficient profession, for during last centuries they have been taken an honor of “His Majesty Law”.
Except for County Court judges (which can be represented from number of solicitors), all of them should be appointed from barristers in spite of the solicitors continuous protests. Thus the privilege of the court structure is supported by independent existence of London Inns of Court and other old privileges given to the Bar.
Turning the barrister into judge is one of the oldest kinds of British promotion. Barrister, who earns about 100.000 pounds sterling annually, will have to earn only 35.000 as judge of High Court becoming a part of the most ancient system of justice. He changes highly competitive and not reliable business to absolutely reliable. A person, who has been leading all his professional life specializing in representing of suits, taking the cases of defense killers (assassins), fraudsters on and taking everlasting disputes of narrow judgment suddenly transforms into a person of impartial judgment.
Lord Chancellor appoints judges through the centralized and self conducted system, consulting with older judges and looking through the card index of barristers and their recommendations. After 15 years of conducting legal profession, barrister can successfully appeal for getting a patent “to put on silk gown”/ “taking the silk” (i.e. to become the Queen's counsel) and become one of 400 of them.