Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Сентября 2013 в 05:55, шпаргалка
The capital city of England and the United Kingdom lies on the River Thames, which winds through the city. Its many bridges are a famous sight. The oldest is London Bridge, originally made of wood but rebuilt in stone in 1217. The most distinctive is Tower Bridge, which was designated to blend in with the nearby Tower of London.
Роль Конгресса
в политической жизни США
Congress of the USA
The role of the Congress in the political activity of the USA is very important. It’s the highest legislative branch of the country. The Congress consists of 2 branches – the House pf Representatives and the Senate. The membership of the House of Representatives is 435, and the Senate is 100 (2 members from each state). The Congress regards approval of federal budget and all expenses of the operation of the government as its most important prerogative. In principle, the Congress is able to delay, change or not to allow implementing of administration’s action which requires financial expenditures. Many congressmen stand for increase of the role of the Congress in building up the foreign and domestic policy of the USA. Sessions of the Congress are convened once a year and continue, in fact, for months. As a rule, both Houses are in session simultaneously, although the Senate can be convened separately. It’s the President who convenes an extraordinary session. The main work of the Congress takes place in its numerical committees and sub-committees. After the Congress have started its common legislative activity, all bills and resolutions are sent to one or another standing committee. In the House of Representatives it’s the Speaker who decides to what committee the bill to be sent for consideration, and in the Senate – Vice-President or President pro tempore. The Senate and the House, actually, pass recommendations of the committees without essential amendments. Committees of the Congress have an role. In fact, they predetermine the future of bills and issues which they consider. As President Wilson once noted: “The Congress being in session – is exposition for public , while committees are the Congress in operation (at work)”
Исполнительная власть
Главным должностным
лицом Соединенных Штатов
Executive body (USA)
Highest official of the USA is a president, who is elected with Vice-president on 4 years term. According to amendment ratified in 1951 the President is entitled to be elected just on 2 terms. As well as a right of succession of the presidential office, the Vice-president performs only head of Senate’s functions and has a right to vote in the Senate only in the event of a tie vote. The President has a significant power, but it’s limited. As a highest official forming social policy The President often refers bills to the Congress. The President has a power of veto on each bill passed by the Congress.
This veto can be reversed only by votes of two-thirds of the Senate and House of representatives. As a leader of the party the President, who has a free access to mass media, is able to influence on public opinion concerning the laws and problems which he attaches great importance to. The President is authorized to appoint a federal judges when vacancies occur including justices of Supreme Court. All such appointments must be approved in the Senate.In authority of executive the President has a wide power to installment (issue) of rules and instructions determining activities of numerous departments and offices of federal government. He is also commander-in-chief of armed forces. The president appoints heads and high officials of the executive bodies, but most of federal (civil) servants are selected through non political system of civil service. The main offices of executive are headed by ministers (who are called as secretary), appointed by the President who forms his Cabinet. Each appointment must be approved by voting of the Senate. At present the number of these key departments is 13. Among them: State Department, Treasury Department, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, Department of the Inferior, Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Department of Labor, Department of Health and Welfare, Department of Housing and Urban development, Department of Transportation, Department of power industry and Department of Education. By the constitution the President is a highest official responsible for relations between foreign countries. The President appoints ambassadors and other officials who need to be approved in the Senate and jointly with Secretary of State formulates and directs foreign policy of the USA. The President often represents his country abroad in consultation with heads of another country and through his subordinates also takes a negotiation about consulting an agreement with foreign countries, which enacts after ratification by votes of two-thirds in Senate. The President has also right to conclude less formal ''executive agreement'' with foreign countries which don’t need to be ratified (aren’t subject to ratify) in Senate.
Правительство США
Исполнительная власть в США включает президента, вице-президента и кабинет министров, ответственных за исполнение и проведение законов.
‘Inauguration Day”
– день официального
По традиции
кабинет президента состоит из
10-12 членов – глав (секретарей) правительственных
департаментов: гос. секретарь,
лица кабинета назначаются
Политическая власть гос. секретаря считалась второй после президента на заре американской демократии. Однако, в последнее время его положение в табели о рангах высших государственных чиновников значительно понизилось и уступает теперь не только вице-президенту, но и временному президенту Сената. В обязанности гос. секретаря входит обеспечение мира и проведение экономических и политических переговоров.
USA Government
Executive branch in the USA includes the President, Vice-president and Cabinet of secretaries responsible for executing and administering the laws.
''Inaugurating Day'' – the day of the beginning of presidential terms (official entry to the office of President of the USA). This procedure takes less then half a minute.
Every 4 years at noon on January 20 person elected the President staying in front of his Cabinet, Supreme Court, Congress and other welcome guests on landing place (platform) of Capitol’s eastern stairs put his hands on the Bible, then raises his right hand and repeats after Chief Justice the brief text of oath: «I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the USA and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the USA».
By tradition the President’s Cabinet consists of 10-12 members – head (secretary) of government departments: Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of Defense, Attorney General, Secretary of the Inferior, Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of Labor, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, Secretary of Housing and Urban development.
Cabinet officials are appointees of the President and with approval of Senate and serve during his term. When the President’s term expires it’s customary for the Cabinet to resign so that the new President can appoint new members of his cabinet.
The political power of the Secretary of State was considered as second only to that of the President from the beginning of American democracy. But his position in list of rank of highest officials was significantly reduced and now is inferior not only to Vice-president but even to temporary President of the Senate. The secretary of State has the duties of maintaining peace and taking a economic and political negotiation.
Президент и вице-президент
являются единственными
Конституция США предусматривает четырехлетний срок пребывания президента у власти. Конгресс установил день голосования на президентских выборах – первый вторник после первого понедельника в ноябре каждый четвертый год.
К этим выборам
организации республиканской и
демократической партий в
Каждый штат избирает
число выборщиков, равное числу
членов Палаты представителей
от каждого штата, которое
В Конгрессе – 435 членов Палаты представителей и 100 сенаторов. В 1964 году округу Колумбия впервые было разрешено избрать трех выборщиков, тем самым, число членов коллегии выборщиков было доведено до 538 человек.
По данной традиции, а в некоторых случаях по закону штата, избранные выборщики отдают свои голоса кандидату своей партии, что дает ему все голоса выборщиков штата, хотя, согласно конституции, они не обязаны этого делать.
Выборщики собираются в первый понедельник после второй среды в декабре в здании законодательного собрания своего штата. Запечатанные списки с результатами голосования выборщиков от штатов направляются в Конгресс.
President and Vice-President are the only officials of the USA government who are elected not directly by American voters, but by an electoral group of States, which forms an electoral college. To become President a candidate must receive a majority (270 from 538) of electoral college’s votes. The President and Vice-President must be voted for as a team.
Under the Constitution of the USA the President is in office for 4 years. The Congress fixed the date of the American presidential election – every four years on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
The Republican and the Democratic Party organizations in each of 50 States and district Columbia, which includes Washington, prepare the list of electors.
Each State elects (is allotted) the same number of electors as it has members in House of Representatives in proportion to State’s population.
The Congress consists of 435 members of the House of Representatives and 100 senators. In 1964 the district Columbia has been firstly allowed to elect 3 electors, hence the electoral college has reached the number of 538 members.
Under the tradition and sometimes the State law electors vote for their party’s candidate. Thus he picks up all his State’s electoral votes. Under the Constitution they are not obliged to do it.
Electors convene on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December at their State legislature building. Closed lists with the results of electors vote are sent to Congress.
«Импичмент» - это привлечение
к ответственности президента
или другого
Согласно конституции США, федеральные должностные лица отрешаются от должности, если по обвинению в порядке импичмента они будут признаны виновными « в измене, взяточничестве или других тяжких преступлениях и проступках».