Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Сентября 2013 в 05:55, шпаргалка
The capital city of England and the United Kingdom lies on the River Thames, which winds through the city. Its many bridges are a famous sight. The oldest is London Bridge, originally made of wood but rebuilt in stone in 1217. The most distinctive is Tower Bridge, which was designated to blend in with the nearby Tower of London.
«Право справедливости» (Law of Equity)
справедливости” в его
«Право справедливости» сложилось как дополнительный свод законов – на первых порах неписаных и лишь впоследствии оформившихся в самостоятельную систему, придававшую законам страны несколько большую подвижность и гибкость. Сказанное выше не может дать повода для какой-либо идеализации «судов справедливости». На протяжении длительного времени их существования они вызывали к себе стойкое недоверие из-за общего убеждения, что они не руководствуются неизменными правилами, не следуют строго закону, а это объективно ведет к произволу судебной власти.
что крупнейшие из известных
злоупотреблений судебной
«Право справедливости» (Law of Equity)
The “Law of Equity” in its initial meaning was the special independent of Common Law system of legal regulations, which was used by the Court of Lord Chancellor in Great Britain in cases when the dispute (question) could not be settled in the Common Courts on the basis of Common Law. The word “equity” comes from the Latin “aequitas” and means “impartiality”, “equality” before the law (in the eye of the law), in certain way -“kindness”. In the wide sense “equity” can be interpreted as yearning to honesty in relationship between people, considered not as law but ethic norm (standard), based on common sense. It can not be ignored that the presumption of Common Law unfairness underlies existence of “Law of Equity” (and Courts of Equity). Its regulations even on the early stages was becoming hard and unfitness to use in being changed historical conditions.
The “Law of Equity” was made as an additional code of laws - unwritten in the beginning and then became an independent system, which made laws of the country a little more mobile and flexible. Written above can not give occasion to idealize the “Courts of Equity”. They had been being treated with distrust for a long time, because of common belief that they did not follow invariable rules, law, and this objectively result in tyranny of judiciary.
It is known that the greatest of well-known abuses of judiciary in the USA were admitted exactly by Courts of Equity in the period of their activity in the second half of 21 century.