Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Сентября 2013 в 05:55, шпаргалка
The capital city of England and the United Kingdom lies on the River Thames, which winds through the city. Its many bridges are a famous sight. The oldest is London Bridge, originally made of wood but rebuilt in stone in 1217. The most distinctive is Tower Bridge, which was designated to blend in with the nearby Tower of London.
Обычно расследование
проводится юридическим
Роль суда в этих случаях выполняет Сенат. Если речь идет о президенте или вице-президенте, председательствует главный судья Верховного Суда, во всех остальных случаях – вице-президент или временный председатель Сената. Обвиняемый имеет право на защиту. Сенат решает вопрос поименным голосованием (голосованием путем опроса). Для вынесения вердикта виновности необходимо большинство в две трети голосов.
Вердикт виновности
влечет за собой отстранение
от должности, но не лишение
права занимать такую
Impeachment- is the accusation of the president or other high- ranking officials, that can’t be dismissed in an ordinary course for violation of the law. According to the constitution of the United States all federal officials can get removed from office if they are found guilty of treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors in a course of impeachment.
Usually the investigation is taken by the Legal Committee that produces the recommendation to the House of Representatives. Once the House has voted in favor of impeachment, it then selects members to present the case before the Senate.
The impeachment decision itself is not enough to get the official dismissed, in order to do this, the Senate should pass the verdict that it finds him guilty. In this case the Senate plays the role of a court. If we are dealing with the president or vise- president, it is the Chief Justice of the United States who presides the impeachment proceedings, in all other cases the Vice President or a President pro tempore of the Senate presides. The accused has the right to be defended. The judgment of the Senate is made by roll-call-vote. The verdict of guilty results in the removal from office but not the disqualification henceforward. For the latter, a special decision is required that can be gotten by a simple majority. It happened only once through the history of the United States that the House of Representatives started an impeachment, it was against President Andrew Johnson. The decision was taken by 128 votes against 47. It is well known that the president pro tempore of the Senate at that time, who was going to become president in case of Johnson’s removal, was so sure that the President would be found guilty that he started to choose his Cabinet for the future Senate, without waiting for the final decision. But in order to find him guilty the accusation lacked one vote: there were 35 votes for and 19 – against. Due to this one vote Johnson was kept in his post.
The last impeachment trial took place in 1936 when the federal judge Ritter was dismissed, although he was not disqualified from federal service.
Республиканская и демократическая партии. Демократическая партия США основана в 1828 году — ее считают, преемницей демократическо-республиканской партии, созданной Томасом Джефферсоном. В первой половине XIX века демократическая партия объединяла плантаторов-рабовладельцев Юга и связанную с ними часть буржуазии Севера, а также значительные группы фермеров и мелкой буржуазии. Республиканская партия была образована в 1854 году как партия широкой коалиции промышленно-торговой буржуазии северо-восточных штатов и фермеров, рабочих, ремесленников, которых объединяла общая заинтересованность в ликвидации в стране политической власти рабовладельческой олигархии Южных штатов. Находясь у власти при президенте Линкольне (1809—1865 гг.), республиканцы широко использовали прогрессивные лозунги, выступая за проведение, аграрной реформы и ограничение рабства. После окончания гражданской войны 1861-1865 годов республиканская партия утратила свой прогрессивный характер. Различия между демократической и республиканской партиями стали быстро стираться. К началу XX.века обе партии превратились в политические организации крупного капитала. Более ста лет две ведущие американские буржуазные партии периодически сменяют друг друга у руля управлении.
The Republican and the Democratic Parties.
The Democratic Party of the United States was established in 1828- it is considered to be a successor of the Democratic - Republican Party which was formed by Tomas Jefferson. In the first half of the nineteenth century the Democratic Party was uniting planters- slave owners from the South with them part of the bourgeoisie from the North, and quite a number of groups of farmers with petty bourgeoisie. The Republican Party was founded in 1854 as a coalition made of the industrial-commercial bourgeoisie from the north-eastern states, farmers, workers, handicraftsmen, which were united by interest in the liquidation of the political power of the slave-owners oligarchy of the South states of the country. Being in power, during Lincoln’s reign, the Republicans were using widely the progressive slogans for the execution of the agrarian reform and servitude limits. After the Civil War in 1861-1865 the Republican lost its progressive character. The difference between the democratic and republicans started to vanish. By the beginning of the 20 century both parties turned to be political organizations of the large scale. For more than 100 years this two leading political bourgeois parties were changing each other.
Законодательная власть
власть, т.е. принятие основных
законов и поправок к
The legislative branch of the government, which is doing the enactment of the bills and amendments to the Constitution of the United States, is vested in a Congress of the United States. The Congress of the United States consists of two chambers ( or a bicameral legislature), which are a Senate and the House of Representatives. There are 435 congressmen in a House of Representatives; each state is entitled to at least one representative according to its population. The more people leave in the state, the more number of seats each state has in the House.( California is the most populated state- it means that it has the most vast number of representatives). Each state is entitled to be represented in the Senate by two senators, without regard to density of population. So, nowadays, there are 100 people in the Senate, though this number can be changed with the changing of the number of States. The bill is considered to be enacted if two chambers have voted for it. This system provides the observance of the interests of both the country itself and the separate states. The elections in the Senate are held twice a year, besides, each time one third of the senators is changed. The senators are elected by the direct voting without mediation of the electors.
Each senator is elected for 6 years and can be re- elected plenty of times. That’s why the total period of holding an office by a senator is not limited, as it is in the case with the president. The elections to a House of Representatives are held also without intermediation, they are held once in two years, but all the congressmen are re-elected here, because their term of office not 6 years as it is in the Senate but 2 years only. But congressmen also can stand for elections an unlimited number of times.
Законодательная власть 2
Законодательная власть
Палата представителей состоит
из законодателей, избираемых
на два года. Каждый член Палаты
представляет округ своего
Сенат входят законодатели, избираемые
сроком на шесть лет. От
Главной обязанностью
The legislative branch is fulfilled by the representatives, elected from each state. It is the only one branch that is allowed to make the federal laws, levy taxes and appropriate money, declare war and put into operation the international treaties. The legislative branch is vested in a Congress of the United States, that is a bicameral legislature (or consisting of the two departments) called chambers.
The House of Representatives consists of lawmakers, elected for 2 years. Each member of the House represents his own state. The number of districts in the state is defined according to the number of the population which is carefully examined every 10 years. States with the dense population have more districts, and accordingly, more representatives, than less populated states which have only, for example, one representative in the House. The House of Representatives of the United States consists of 435 representatives. The Senate consists of the lawmakers that are elected for 6 years. From each state, regardless of the number of population, two senators are elected. This way the equal representation of the small states is done in at least one chamber of the Congress. The schedule of the senate elections is built the way that every two years only one third of the senators stand for elections. Due to this after each election a good number of experienced senators are kept in the Senate. The main function of the Congress is to make the laws, including laws concerning taxes due to which the operation of the Government is financed. The law making starts with the drawing a bill. Then a select committee examines it, comments and makes amendments in the chamber where it was drawn. Then they vote for it. If the bill is approved it is led to the other chamber, where the similar procedure is held. If the chambers make different decisions on the bill, the representatives of both chambers work on it together in the Conference Committee. The groups that are trying to convince the congressmen to vote for or against the bill are called the “lobbyists”. Having gone through the both chambers of the Congress the agreed bill is going for the president’s approval. Only after he has signed it the bill is becoming a law.